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Everything posted by VPsoccer15

  1. LETS GO PIRATES!! Robi's one heck of a ball player.
  2. 1) were losing about 13 seniors... 2) last years team was the most talented team we have ever fielded... 3)....what are you so mad about?? lol
  3. They have a coed league at Babe Zaharias. Alot of my friends play in it.
  4. Yea, you will. I dont want to get rusty so im going to play as much soccer as I can.
  5. That sounds like it would be fun. I may get some of my friends and head down there to play.
  6. HA SHARK...lol, im j/p I ment to put WB girls but I was in a hurry. sry, ha.
  7. I played on the U-19 Spindletop Select team. We didnt do to great. PLaying with guys from Kelly and WB was fun though.
  8. I remember watching my brother play baseball against LCM a few years back.... You can bunt a homerun in LCM's park.
  9. No, I was kinda insulting mormon dude... lol...... Well.... Ty, we should team up in soccer class tomorrow and own the washer boards, lol!!
  10. If you followed soccer at Vidor High School you would know who he was....
  11. Its true, our baseball team is ranked 10th in the state. You should watch the news somtimes, they mentioned it.
  12. I was at the game until we took the lead in the 4th and we didnt look to good.... If Vidor would have brought their A game Central would have been 10 run ruled.
  13. The coaches have a meeting to decide. It is announced after all the teams seasons have ended. So, after Lumberton, PNG, and Central have been eliminated from the playoffs then it will be determined.
  14. We had 3 starters that were not seniors...so, Vidors going to be in bad shape.
  15. I dont know, i didnt hear anyone say it. But, if this is another way for you trying to stir somthing up like the "cheap shot" comment then just stop it. Other then that, good game.
  16. Yea, i just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Your an awesome goalie, best in the district in my and my teams opinion.
  17. Guys.... Yeah Yeah is a GREAT player..... I've played against Waldrup AND Fernando and they are both amazing. I dont think that Waldrup is over rated, he was over shadowed by Matt Kirby until everyone found out his stats a few weeks back. In my honest opinion, I think yeah yeah and Fernando are the best two players in the district. I've been man marked before and I know I was able to produce like I normally could. Give him some credit, he did carry his team to a district championship.
  18. Yes, it was. That was a VERY close game. I think the score shows it.
  19. Yes we were. When both players from ours and yours started pushing and what not I was to tired to run and stop it. Im pretty thankful that J.J. (#10) from our team was there to stop it so we could continue the game. Silsbee, this is the best team ya'll have had in a long time, you should be proud of your season.
  20. Hmm..... Great game by both teams..... Cheap shots and what not through out thrown by us AND Silsbee.... Refs were NOT in control of the game at all. All in all we pulled it out when it counted and came away with the big W.
  21. Yep... but we dominated possession 95% of the game..... Were playing the best ball we have played this year, so, Im willing to bet the outcomes going to be a little different.
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