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Posts posted by OldTimer

  1. Listen guys - I do not want to cheapen this thread by digressing from the real topic at hand which is the passing of - from all indications - a great man.

    But to get all upset about a tongue in cheek comment about a connection to the coaching situation at Texas to his death is a little hypocritical.  You and other anti-Ag's have no qualms about making many insensitive comments including insinuating beastialty about Aggie's ALL THE TIME as well as many many other derogatory comments about A&M and its students - so you tell me where do you draw the line.  

    Is making a wisecrack about death worse than a wisecrack about beastialty?  In my opinion no!

    That is the last I will say on this as this thread is and should be about Joe Jamail.

  2. This is nonsense. We're not happy, because no matter how far they go away, we still can't rid ourselves of the mouth breathers. 

    And they're not happy because they're fixing to have to play next year's $EC schedule without their beloved 5* QB's. I'm sure that will go over like a fart in church.

    At any rate, if we still have to listen to their crap, at least play the game. It's still one of the few hated rivalries in college sports. And this week has made me realize just how much I appreciate aggy tears.


    Interesting that you posted this on a A&M thread - the reality is that it looks us that can't get rid of ya'll


    you haven't heard? Jake Hubenek will start in bowl game. Over on the Aggie website they are calling him the next Aaron Rodgers, seriously. Aggies!! You just have to shake your head sometimes.. .lol

    I think calling Jake (or any player for that matter) anything but unproven until he plays is a stretch - but it is not like Jake has not performed on the field - while it was a JUCO he completed 65% of his passes for over 4,000 yards and had 47 TD passes and only 9 Int - not too bad.

  4. If you have a Texas coach got 7-6 and 5-7 in his first 2 years and don't think there are alumni that are trying to get him canned you do not understand the demands that the Texas alumni make to be the best program in the State of Texas year in and year out - that is the reason why I do think that Texas is one of the best coaching opportunities in the country but also one of the most demanding and can burn many coaches until they find the right one.

    So I agree where there is smoke there is very likely fire - in this case the fire is growing.

  5. Was good to see many of the other current players tweeting their support for (1) A&M and (2) Jake Hubenak.

    Several names that I thought may be adversely affected like Christian Kirk and Ricky Seals Jones made me feel a little better about the future.  Kirk's tweet was I thought a good one: "I came to A&M because I love this town and University simple as that. This teams been through adversity before, we'll be alright 

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    Noticeably missing however was Daylon Mack - still might be a wildcard.

    Also thought one tweet could be very telling - "Entitlement is such a silly beast. Welcome to 2015."




  6. What a shame it is that aggie fans are ripping Kyler Murray. Wasn't it in February 2015 they were all jumping for joy? He was going to bring that oh so elusive natty to Aggieland.

    Sumlin is in WAY over his head and probably shouldn't have gotten that job in the first place. He was successful at Houston...why? His first 2 yrs as aggie coach were successful..why?

    I hope Hubanek plays lights out in the bowl game. After that though, it's gonna be tough on him, or any other qb under Sumlin, to play always looking back over their shoulder.


    I admit that I am one of the ones that was overjoyed that Kyler picked A&M over Texas - but looking in the rearview mirror there is no doubt that the A&M program would be much better off today if Kyler has chosen to go elsewhere - and by that I do believe from what I have heard and what has been made public that Kyler has been a disruptive force in the locker room.

  7. I think I've read all posts but my apologies if repetitive.  Hearing Kyler has been hanging with Malik. 

    Would not be surprised to see him at Texas next year - but from what I am hearing again from a dad whose son is on the team - Kyler was never a team player in he locker room.

    Maybe Strong can do a better job of "coaching" him up?


  8. I think it is very likely Sumlin is the hot seat in college station next season. If things go bad enough...out the door by Dec 16

    I think he would be on the hot seat next year even if the player defections had not occurred - since they have he should be squarely on the No. 1 hotseat if he makes it into next year.  

    The outcome if this is far from being decided - more defections are a possibility and a serious drop on the recruiting trail is very likely - depending on what happens between now and February 1 - Sumlin may not coach next year at A&M.

  9. "Amidst all the turmoil surrounding his program, Texas A&M quarterback Jake Hubenak has taken to Twitter to attempt to cheer up his fan base.  The Aggies’ junior posted a picture of himself with the caption, “Gig’em” and a thumbs-up emoji on Twitter.  This, of course, occurs after the Kyler Murray 

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    , the 
    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    Hey at least it appears that one A&M QB is still in the fold.  


    I don't think Sumlin would put the wood to him like that. Allen basically got an unconditional release to anyone other than who's on A&M's schedule. The basketball coaches screw kids like that sometime but it's a bad look for future recruits in relation to football, especially big time ones.

    I would normally agree with you - but this situation has put Sumlin's job in jeopardy - he might not be in a charitable mood. 

  11. If I'm Sumlin I say the heck with both Kyle and Kyler and fly my swagcopter down to Channelview, TX and try to flip Jalen Hurts from Alabama. With how hard 'Bama is going after Shea Patterson I think Hurts could be ripe for the picking but they would need to hurry because he's an early enrollee and will probably be signing his financial aid agreement soon.

    If you make no headway with Hurts then you take the short trip from the east side to the north side and try to flip DSC from Arizona State. Remember Aggy, JF was a three star nobody really wanted and came in with a chip on his shoulder. I've said it many times before, rarely does a qb from the west coast come to the south and be successful. They're notorious for having weak arms and bad feet no matter how high they're ranked.  

    I have no issue with this plan - at this moment I agree with letting Murray leave - then deal with the consequences of that with recruiting and perhaps players leaving then hope to right the ship next year - if Sumlin can win  then we all know that "winning cures all problems" - if he cannot hit the new coach search trail and get the best possible candidate that is available. 

    This is Sumlin's mess he has to deal with it.

  12. Sumlin is trying to get Kyler to stay through the bowl game and give him a little time to make some changes with the staff.  Spav is done.  If Kyler likes the way things look, then he stays, if not he's gone.  

    If that is the case then I just lost more of my already deteriorating regard for Sumlin - if you let a player any player dictate the terms of his alliance to the program - specially when it comes to hiring or firing coaches - it is just a disaster just waiting to happen.

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