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Posts posted by bigned85

  1. Due to a shortage of basketballs, air pumps and Chuck Taylor's in the Beaumont area (thanks to the Co-District champs from 21-5A WEST of the Trinity River) Walmart is making every attempt to restock these essential items. As a member of the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce and Beaumont Better Business Bureau, we have literally dropped the ball again (no pun intended, well maybe just a little). Everyone knows in SETX that Beaumont and Underlying areas should have plenty of non-football accessories after week one of the playoffs. We are making every attempt to correct this travesty. Next year at Halloween we will only sell whistles and basketball costumes in preparation for the impending doom that 21-5A drops on us year in and year out. However, Nederland and the MCM area still have a few Basketball accessories but we are hearing they will be sold out around 10 o'clock tonight thanks to Dayton and KWP. Also, it's buy one get Ten free Brooms til 10pm cause after 10pm we are shipping them to the World famous Crosby Walmart. Tick tock 22 tick tock!!!

    Pretty good. Hold on a minute if you don't mind. I need to go tell my son he can sleep in this morning. I mean no sense in him suiting up, footballer06 said we already lost the game. Huh ! He said he was going to suit up anyway. Asked whos the doof bringing a broom to a Nederland / PNG game.
  2. Word of the day "findsa". Let's break it down : fi - Latin for comes up short. nd - Swahili for on the scoreboard. Sa - Aborigini for and doesn't even receive a participation medal. Put together it says: Nederland comes up short on the scoreboard and doesn't even received a participation medal. Good luck next year as we get to hear from y'all oh say February how great Neuman is and 2015 is yalls year.

    All that and you couldn't even spell Neumann right. ROFL
  3. Ok smart guy where do you spot the ball then? I never said it was a TD... Read what the caption says. The completion was ruled incomplete is what I read.

    Not trying to be a smart guy. You asked our opinion. I gave mine. To answer your question I would spot the ball back at the original line of scrimmage because its a incomplete pass , plus if the flag in the back ground is for offensive pass interference then you would tack on the penalty yards as well.
  4. I Don't know you tell me who got robbed on this call in a 28-21 football game? Picture and caption credited to A non-biased reporter. Too bad high school football doesn't have instant replay....
    Cougars wide receiver Jonathan Duran (10) catches a pass that was later ruled out of bounds during Crosby's 28-21 loss to C.E. King making them the co-district champions Nov. 7, 2014, at C.E. King High School.

    Feet are in the endzone.........buttttt the ball is CLEARLY over the white out of bounds boundry. Meaning, the ball was OUT OF BOUNDS no touchdown. The ball has to break the plain of the endzone, not the player. Nobody got robbed , good call by the Officials IMO.
  5. My point Liltex was, Nederland has been giving up tons of big plays, so unless KWP falls down, they may not be able to avoid a track meet. Nederlands offense is as explosive as any around, so I think we go up and down the field in this one on both sides of the ball with a turnover or play in the kicking game deciding it.

    That's what I see happening.
  6. Not a team but a certain PNG player not sure who it was but when the Ned and PNG captains were in the middle of the field for the coin toss the referee must have misunderstood the PNG player when he called it and asked him what he wanted to do when really PNG loss the toss and it should have been Ned call...the PNG captain spoke up and told the ref that he could not cheat and that it was Ned call cause they really won the toss

    If that is what happened then that explains the original reactions of the Bulldog captains and why I was confused when they said Ned won the coin toss. Young man with integrity, and I applaud him for being honest and not sacrificing his integrity.
  7. I think that he looks at the hand he is dealt and plays with those cards. In that I mean that he changes from time to time on what his personnel will allow him to do. If he has a big strong back as he has had several times, he will go with a power running game. If not, he will spread it out. I think that his staff might be the best as maximizing what they have to get the best mileage and not be tied in with "we are going to do it this way no matter what". 
    In my opinion.

    I would second that opinion tvc. I feel that is exactly how he does it !
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