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Everything posted by dawg13

  1. All I can say is our Coaches changed the hybrid demeanor of our Practices and the results showed with much improvement on both sides of the ball 21-3a get ready
  2. Hey guys leave the speculating to the speculators YATES will be yates they have to get there to be there,enuff said .
  3. You noticed that did'nt you cant slip nothing passed you.GO HF :-* :-* :-* :-\
  4. I would like to see Ron Jackson get a shot at HF.
  5. Im just glad to see a change in the right direction for HF.NO MORE GOOD OLE BOY STUFF.
  6. Thank you guys b-o-steel and buckbuck good way of being politically correct,i agree with with both statements.I dont care if they have ties here just give the kids,students the best shot at becoming "ADULTS" if any other motive dont take the job.
  7. Whats all the fuss about,I'm a parent and I didn't sign the thing,Let's be real about it Lance was at HF before and left,we wasn't signing a petition to keep him then so why now.No need to go backwards.
  8. Which ever one we get.Hope he judges the talent and plays them according to that.that's what we need at HF.
  9. Well it should not be about the coach making a name for himself,just make the kids believe in themselves and everything will workout.IMO
  10. All he needs is his name called,His work ethic will keep him there."VERY PROUD OF YOU TRUCK".
  11. Thank you for not including HF.But we will be in the hunt.
  12. It's needs to be one of the coaches we already have.And we dont need ole home town back again,we tried him in basketball and it did not go very well.
  13. Way to go horns good all around effort gaining confidence when it counts.Yall all keep stepping up very proud of yall.
  14. Rebounds and better defense,You defend better,you play better.IMPROVED coaching team better prepared.
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