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Posts posted by pinelandflash

  1. I was at the game where Twine played and he went OFF! Deserving of this award. If he had hadn't had two runs called back for holding penalties (each were at least 40 yards and were TD's) he would have not only broke but shattered Kenneth Hall's 587 yard single game record. If those scores had counted, the single game scoring rcord would have been in jeopardy too. I know I am singing his praises but I am from West Sabine not Hemphill :):):)!
    Best performance by an athlete high school, college, or pro that I have ever seen. Honored to have been a small part of history.
  2. Playing dirty? How so? We had our fair share of holding penalties sure, but dirty implies something else entirely. From evidence I have seen personally from the 1st game this year we have "cleaned up our act", so to speak. If there was intentionally dirty plays last year I would have seen them. Not a homer here, for I would be the first to fess up if my team was guilty of anything. If it happened I didn't see it, but you may have had a different perspective than I did on the sidelines (i.e. in the pressbox). Just curious, not starting anything.
  3. Think they used him mainly as decoy in the game we played at Lovelady last year, either that or he was injured. That little sophomore rb they had last year(junior now), name was Kelly I believe. Was small but he could motor! Got us for at least 3tds. They will be the the team to beat in this district, and it's like Ric Flair always said, "To be the man, you gotta beat the man!". That being said, I believe it will be West Sabine and Lovelady once again vying for the district crown with West Sabine coming out on top. Defense is a year older and a year wiser. It will be a great game though, probably the toughest they will play until (God willing) the playoffs. Each year plays out different, however. Only 5 more days.......................................................
  4. Police Academy was one of the first movies I saw on HBO when I was a kid, and the scene where he turns the police car upside down is classic! It wasn't until way after that I found out what a football legend he was. Guess they needed a d-end in heaven! RIP MOSES HIGHTOWER (a.k.a. Bubba Smith) you will be missed!
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