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Posts posted by pinelandflash

  1. That is why I never run down another team. Just try to talk about our team, and give our boys some recognition. Now, there are some posters for some schools that make you root against a team. But the kids didn't do anything. I try not to say anything that will make my son have to back it up. I had my time, now I just want to enjoy watching him have his.

    Excellent post. Couldn't have put it any better myself. Much respect.......
  2. Great pitching almost always stymies great hitting
    at any level IMO. If you score 23 runs and can't hold it the loss is just the same as if it were 1-0, though. I also think the recent introduction of the BBCOR bats has resulted in offensive numbers going down across the board while pitching stats have seen an uptick.I'd rather have strong pitching and timely hitting than strong hitting and weak pitching......
  3. Big Sandy is going to be tough to beat,They have a complete team with no weak links.I have not seen West sabine play, so I can't say how good they are or aren't. But any team that plays Big sandy will have there hands full.

    I agree with you on the fact that Big Sandy will be tough to beat. From what I have heard they are a fairly complete team with good pitching. WS has at least 6 kids that can pitch, with little drop off in the quality of stuff. Garrett Brown is the senior ace of the staff and is an absolute bulldog on the hill, but stuff wise sophomore DeMarie Smith is flat out nasty with a big fastball and two wipeout breaking pitches he can throw at any time in the count. 1-9 can all flat out rake and defensively WS doesn't beat themselves. Region 3 should be very interesting this year, seeing how stacked it is once again.....
  4. It will be state before we could meet up with WS. I know it was early, but I do recall we beat WS in Evadale tourney. I doubt a slaughter would take place.

    It was a close game, from what I recall. It would indeed be the state tournament before WS and BS would hook up again. WS is in region 3 and BS is in region 4. Region 3 is loaded once again, though. Whosoever gets out of region 3 will be hard to handle.....
  5. Thats impressive. Even if it is against teams that aren't really great.

    WS has five or six kids that can pitch. Brown is the ace and is a bulldog on the hill. Stuff wise their SS DeMarie Smith is flat out nasty with easy gas and two wipeout breaking pitches. Region 3 is stacked once again, however, and I will go out on a limb and say that the state champion will once again come from this region(would be the third year in a row).
  6. I think they had 2 maybe 3 hits the entire game. We had runners in scoring position every inning and made some boneheaded running mistakes as well. Our kids are YOUNG and it shows at times. We start 4 freshmen, sometimes 5. And sometimes I think that rubs off on the older kids that we do have. With the exception of you guys we've been in every game. Were up 2 going into the 7th against Chester and walked in 4 runs with them never putting the ball in play. Had a a lead on Colmesneil through 4 innings. And then last night we lose a 3 run lead in the 7th and a ball never leaves the infield.

    Just got to keep playing hard and good things will happen. Young players will only get better with more experience.....
  7. San Augustine was up 8-5 in the bottom of the 7th then make 3 walks and 3 errors on infield ground balls to lose 9-8. The last error came at 8-8 on a ground ball back to the pitcher. Throw to first hits first baseman in the mit at chest level and he drops it. Winning run scores. Ball game.

    Ouch. That's gotta sting. Two years ago in Colmesneil I saw WS blow not one but TWO ten run leads, the last of which was an 11 run seventh inning in which Colmesneil won 24-23. It hurts to lose like that but it sounds like y'all are playing hard and getting better each game.
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