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Posts posted by pinelandflash

  1. I have heard yall mention his name, hope I get to see him pitch soon.

    I saw him break off a slide piece at San Augustine that had to have broke at least 3 feet. Started it off outside the right handed batters box and snapped it over the inside corner(was a right handed batter). He has easy gas too to go with the two breaking pitches...
  2. I got to meet Coach Taylor a couple years ago when I was coaching. He is a very nice young man, that has worked hard to instill a new culture. He really does the best with what he has, and you always have to respect the Cardinals. It will be interesting to see who gets that last playoff spot in 25-2A. I really think it is going to be a fun race to watch.


    I agree. Granted all I know about this district is from what I've read on here. Y'all have had some wild variations in scores from game to game. At the very least it sounds like there's never a dull moment lol.....
  3. Well actually no that wan't a stab at the coach at all. I'm sure he is doing well with what he has to work with. But I'm not gonna say that they're aren't a garbage team because they are terrible. Well...based on scores I've seen anyway. If that offends you then you'll just have to deal with it. Just because a team makes the playoffs doesn't mean they are good. How has High Island done against Big Sandy or Evadale the last 3 years. Because honestly...those are the only 2 decent teams in that district. Other than those two that district hasn't produced a playoff win since when?... Yeah exactly.

    And my point was...HD almost got run ruled by them. And ole 55 is hiding. As usual.

    And here I thought everyone was laughing at ME for some of my posts. Give it a break, man! You have so little else going on in your life that you have to run down an entire baseball program and the kids in it? You've made a point alright, but I don't think it was the one you originally intended........... Good Day:)
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