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Everything posted by bulldawg64

  1. these guys do this for the sport hecks its hard to get someone to devote their self for every friday night for what you get paid for i dont care what they weigh long as we have people like them to  give up their friday nights up to do what they do so we can enjoy some football!
  2. the dogs had only 154  total yds. stangs-garrett 7-15 2 tds,194 passing
  3. we had about the same numbers last year, seem like you would dress more out it makes the other team think wow that many out for the team  a mind game in numbers.
  4. i think the dogs will come around with a few games under their belt.very young on defense but good size on the the line.
  5. it was brett butler # 14 ,# 45 brett brown played all the game .that i remember
  6. also sampere a few years back at reliant, png lost a qb early in the season also a few years back, i hate that but football is a contact sport and things like that happen. hopefully it wont be like last year on injuries boy i never seen that much for one season.
  7. gonna be a good game, but i got to go with the dogs!
  8. sounds like the dogs can compete, English is a winner look at vidor when he coached there
  9. neds o-line 4 out of 5 back losing the center
  10. do not think so, the[color=green] bucs[/color] will come back, its still to early!
  11. i have seen both play,[color=blue]friendswood[/color] is big, alot of throwing with a good back,[color=maroon]central[/color] like they said is quick,new coach, saturday @ baytown got to be there! :)
  12. hopefully it wont come out til 4 more games, [color=maroon]go central[/color] 20-4a is still alive.
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