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Posts posted by JRidge

  1. On 5/14/2016 at 6:17 PM, Jag Insider said:

    Congratulations to all those young men despite all the adversity they faced in their 4 years at Ozen.  Special congratulations to your son JRIDGE...

    Thanks I'm so happy that he will have the opportunity to play at the next level to prove his ability. Also for all the others who inked as well. Four of them played for me as well as my son when they were young, very proud moment to have done a little something. Thanks again. 

  2. 5 hours ago, coach bear said:

    Jridge, man I want to meet you somewhere and buy you lunch. In my opinion you are spot on. I have 32 years in this business of coaching young men and I have seen a lot as well as experiencing my own interactions with coaches at my high school of Marlin Texas. But your statement of finding someone who actually cares for the young men as well as wins and losses is the key. When I was DC at Crosby in the 90's, we scrimmaged Ozen and I was impressed with the talent. We also played lamarque twice in the dome during those years and Ozen was the only team that had talent close to lamarque, now they didn't have the experience, coaching, support and other important variables. Unfortunately in our business many coaches are $ hoppers, looking to increase salary or if they are older, looking to increase their retirement multiplier. They are smooth talkers and tell the search or interview committee what they want to hear instead of having that committee due hard core investigating of the REAL reason someone wants to be the head coach of your foreign school. I have had the honor of working for 9 different coaches at 4 different schools, clear lake, Crosby, Aldine Eisenhower , and Baytown sterling. Two were truly great and successful and really cared about their kids and  this led to their success, Coach Stewart of clear lake and coach Carson of big Ike . Two others really cared for kids but weren't as successful for various reasons but I am proud to say I worked for them because they developed men. A few of the others were dull, unimaginative and thus unsuccessful. 3 others were cancers and harmed kids, I wouldn't spit on them to put out a fire on their burning body, yet they still get head jobs today because they get over on those who really do the hiring and are too lazy to research. Jridge I hope you are on the search or interview committee. I like to give the example of UT-AM with regards to coaching. Yes I am a UT grad but also a big supporter of AM ( my most successful player was Steve McKinney an Aggie, then colt, then Texan) and cheer for everything Texas. I had the honor of attending the last ut-am game at Kyle field. Before the game the Aggies HC, I forgot his name which tells you how little impact he had on Aggies nation but especially his players. Met the Aggies seniors as the were announced near mid field. They all came to coach former Texan tight end coach and just shook hands, I was appalled! The week before UT did the same senior recognition and players as well as their families met Mack Brown at the 50 where EVERYONE was crying and hugging. A M hired the no name coach because he looked like them and was a good old boy, thus no one remembers his name, yet former UT players are naming their sons Mack. I know and agree Mack overstayed by 2 years, but that showed why one program was successful and the other a non factor. I emulate Mack because one day I got to answer to St. Peter that I did all I could to help these young men become great men. That is why I still grind after 32 years. MUCH RESPECT TO YOU JRIDGE!!!!!

    coach bear

    I'm a Papadeaux's guy Coach Bear! Lol  Seriously i thank you for all the kind words and i know everyone will not agree or even care for me for all that matters but i realize that a coach can be something special or a deterrent. Thanks for all your input and years of service. I have dedicated my time to coach and train on the little league football, baseball, basketball and track levels to hopefully set a good foundation for our youth. Coaching is time consuming as you know and often goes unappreciated by many but for those who lives are impacted positively through your efforts the opportunity for them to become successful in some capacity is greater.  A coach should have knowledge of all his players and a roll for them in his program. Some of your best coaches will even help his kid have a plan for life after athletics. When a kid can see successful former players return to their alma mater it helps them to know that they can be successful as well. I love sports and winning but like i said winning is for conversation and bragging for fans and resume building for coaches. That's fine, but give me a coach who can help change young people's lives for the better and a winners attitude and the other stuff will take care of its self. Thanks again!

  3. 12 hours ago, ozensfinest said:

    We're not talking about you Ridge we're debating who would be a good fit for the program...you're saying Ozen should hire a guy that can get players in school when Ozen already sending players to college I'm just trying to understand your point and I know you personally so I respect your opinion I'm just waiting on you to justify why Ozen should keep hiring folks from within the area when it has worked in over 10 years try something new go get a coach from one of the big cities that know more football than the typical setx of doing things thats all I'm saying.

    What i am trying to convey is that if all coaches have to leave home who have invested time in our community, lived here for a good period of time and have ties to our churches then we should know their character and potential.Some people have attributes to become a good or great coach but need the time and opportunity to develop. We often go after the quick fix for an HC but they often leave in a few years leaving the program to start over. I believe we need to focus on consistency and being patient with the winning part as a coach is given the opportunity to establish relationships throughout. If people support the coach and have their kids respect and support what the coaches have for them to do then this task becomes a bit easier. We have good athletes here in S.E. Texas who go off to college but soon return with out that degree. We also have several who return with one and should not automatically have to seek another city to obtain a coaching job. Those who have played in this area are used to this area and would most likely stay. The problem has been coaching turnovers not the scholarships as you stated and our kids need consistency and mentors who will be here as a sounding board for them when needed. I've witnessed so many of these young men commit crimes and end up locked up and no win can stop this. Give us someone with football knowledge and good character to instill values in these kids lives and let him build a quality coaching staff who wants to be here and care about this community. The winning will come as kids will jump threw hoops and run threw walls to try and please them. If you change kids mindset for the better without changing coaches every few years the winning on the field will come. Still in all i say winning after you leave the field is most valuable. P.S. I enjoyed watching you play, we LB's have that certain mindset and i never liked loosing either so i do know where you are coming from. I just think we need to start from the values point and then work our way up to the winning that's all. Be Blessed! 

  4. 31 minutes ago, ozensfinest said:

    I agree I'm all for players going to school but one thing that is the biggest misconception among parents like yourself is that it's the coaches duty to get your child a scholarship...NO! A player has to be willing to market himself as I did my head coach didn't help me nor any of my classmates get scholarships thats on the players and parents. Now if that coach does decide to help the players then cool but at the end of the day thats not really his duty. Also Ozen has consistently produced college athletes since the school has opened so what you're saying Ozen needs is already there lol thats nothing new, we need a guy who is going to produce wins cause the athletes are there and Ozen will always produce college athletes no matter what. Winning will more than likely make it better for the players. 

    Ozensfinest I respect the fact that you have a right to express your opinion but I am not and never will be one of those parents to depend on any coach to get my kids into a school. My wife and i both are well knowledgeable of the opportunities available for most kids to get into college. We do the camp scene at colleges who recruit the size and type of players my kids resemble. They have done summer track for several years and now do travel baseball as I video all of their competitions to send footage to colleges. Coaches sometimes lie and I've seen it done therefore like I said before parental support is needed. You have some good points but sometimes you generalize everyone in your statements. If my kids stay healthy they will go to school free whether their team wins a game or not and I will still love them the same. What's important to me is did they prepare themself to play at their best and did they give they're all when they played? Also being able to make the right decisions and having a successful life. You're talking to a guy who's won in baseball, basketball and football who has a son who was ranked #1 in the world in one sport and #5 All-purpose back in the Nation on Rivals.com. I may look or sound like your average Joe but I'm not. Be Blessed my Brother! 

  5. 14 minutes ago, ozensfinest said:

    Ozen is already producing plenty of young men that are doing all the things that you just described so again you're missing the point...a coach is hired to simply do one thing and thats WIN.

    Winning has a lot to do with character and other intangibles. Read carefully everything I've  stated. I would love to have wins on Friday nights but experiencing young men getting an opportunity to acquire a college education is winning to me. Winning in sports gives bragging rights but winning off the field and through opportunities to further education breeds life. My priorities are  just different from yours is all, but as a former recipent of a college scholarship and player who only lost 2 games from Pop Warner until his HS Sr. Year, from experience the wins are cool but a college degree for these young men will be priceless. The best coaches build more than a good resume! 

  6. 2 hours ago, ozensfinest said:

    You're missing my point...point is I'm not sure any coach in the area has what it takes to bring a state title to Beaumont because the things they are teaching are so outdated. Hiring any of these coaches around the area will continue to bring in mediocre results i.e first and second round playoff exits. Go get a coach that knows something else besides the cliche SETX way of doing things. 

    No I think you missed the real point and that is producing quality young men who can learned to be successful through discipline and hard work. Sports are only temporary and most programs will never become a powerhouse or even win a State Title. The programs that do usually have great parent, community support and dedicated/committed players who invest in their own futures. The coaches have invested time in their communities and have most times established good relations. Parents make sure their kids go to class, practice and offseason workouts. This usually is a good start to building a winning program but if anything we want young men with winning character who can contribute positively to their community. As the dust gathers on that coveted State Trophy in the end these young men's lives being successful will look even better! Now that's winning.

  7. 4 hours ago, ozensfinest said:

    Personally I don't feel many of the coaches in SETX possess the knowledge to build a powerhouse at any of the Beaumont schools, the things they are teaching kids in setx compared to the Katy's, Allen's,  Desoto's etc of the world is rudimentary when you compare them to other places. 

    Ozensfinest  I belive that now a days the coaches having to compete with Playstation and Xbox has become a problem as well as kids or parents unwillingness to invest in their kids future through training and camps. Often parents are unwilling to push or motivate their kids to workout. The kids who parents do usually progress more or at least faster. My kids benefit from me as a parent and a skills trainer so they are use to working hard and it shows. People have goes sometimes but don't know how to reach them especially without some type of support.

  8. 4 hours ago, ozensfinest said:

    Hiring someone from the area has been BISD's problem...should probably try something different

    No not really, Lewis and Brooks were pretty good as well as Durley and Ozen and Coach Smith and Shafer. Nelson was also learning and developing until they cut h I m short. If we can't develop coaches in our community then something is really wrong. They need to be given opportunities and time to learn and establish their programs bottom line. Too much musical chairs going on and not enough stability. Give us someone who loves the kids and our community with good character, work ethics and knowledge of how to communicate, plan, organize, motivate, strategize and be consistent with showing love and discipline. HC have to be able to teach their staff effectively and understand what they need to be teaching and then trust that they are capable of carrying it out. Not an easy task but I believe if you can find someone local with these qualities or potential then go for it because most likely they will be here for quite some time. JMO

  9. On 5/13/2016 at 10:39 PM, Jag Insider said:

    It solidifies that something was wrong with the coaching...

    Just because you know X's & O's doesn't mean you know your personel, coaches and players strengths, game planning, game adjustments, your opponent's strengths and weaknesses, how to interact with your staff, players and community and how to manage your players and staff effectively! Also knowing how to allow your coaches to have input and having your players know that you are not just concerned with them helping you win football games but them as a person and investing in their futures. These attributes are rare and hard to find but are some of the attributes our late Alex Durley possessed and used to create quality young men who created wins! Coaches who have kids of their own will also know that kids will often make mistakes and disappoint you and will not be as quick to write a player off when pissed off. JMO

  10. 14 hours ago, ice74 said:

    Not to mention the same playoff run, knocked the #2 Ranked Brenham Cubs after beating Barber's Hill and before losing to LaMarque in the Monsoon.  IJS Despite the overall record, You could see progress in the kids, and the program as a whole, since then we have not seen much of either.  Great Athletes, but no one to coach them up and as an Ozen faithful it is difficult to watch.  I feel for these kids, as there seems to be a new coach every year that's no way to build a program.  I agree, BISD's coaches are underpaid and for that your best shot is at landing a good coach that has not been given a shot yet and hope that he by chance can do what others haven't.  If you land a good coach, you can't keep him because once others recognize his worth they will pay him and he will move on.  The problem is layered and there are many factors that, prevent the BISD teams from being as successful as they could be.  The bottom line is collectively there are some good teams here and there but no programs are being built here.

    I believe that if you hire someone from this area it's more likely that they will be here for the long haul.  JMO

  11. On Thursday, May 12, 2016 Ozen H.S. viewed 10 of its seniors ink Letters of Intent to play college football next season as they pursue their desires to obtain a college degree! This makes 13 total signings as we congratulate again the 3 young men who signed Letters of Intent on National Signing Day. We are very proud of these young men who have dealt with playing under 3 different HC's in the past 4 years!  May their futures be much brighter than their past.

    Congrats to:

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    , Dedren Harrington,
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    , Ekyron Manuel -
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    Diundre Washington, Dezmon Simpson, Jordan Booker,

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    - Texas A&T


    National Signing Day Signings (Feb. 3):

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    Special shoutout to our son Dezmon "Bear" Simpson who tore his ACL the 1st District game and missed only the 2nd half and the

    following game of the season. He played with a brace on the remaining 8 games of the season at defensive end and nose guard but will be playing SS on the college level! Thank you Lord for all you are doing and have done for these young men.


  12. 2 hours ago, Jag Insider said:

    Ok, besides West Brook who is the other non-district game against?  The reason I ask is because there is a real possibility of a 2-8, 1-9 or even 0-10 season.  The cupboards are pretty thin over there J RIDGE.  The next 2 years in 22-5A will be tough on the kids at least in football. 

    From my source, your "Interim" coach due to Suggs leaving so late in the year, will be a former Ozen head coach...

    Now all Suggs has to do is figure out how to get Flannigan out at West Brook so the AD can hire him there, completing the trifecta...

    Sometimes it feels that it's a goal for some to trash this program. My son's were not going to play for Suggs and I'm happy for the other kids that they won't have to play for him either. The question is will they play now since he's gone and it's no because they have already devoted their schedules and future into baseball. I hate that Ozen is short of talent in some areas but some kids will transfer in perhaps or simply have to step their game up. I wish them all the best because this is tough.

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