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east texas bb

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Everything posted by east texas bb

  1. I saw a copy of the bracket last night.  I dont think they play each other the first game.  I think they will meet Friday if both win.  Woden is in their end of the brackett, so you will see 3 teams from the district at the top end.   I WAS INCORRECT, THE PLAYING TIMES ARE CORRECT.  I SAW AN OLD BRACKETT.
  2. Where was the game played?  Woodville may be a little better than I thought. Still not retracting my statment on CH winning district but Diboll is not bad, they have a few guys that can play and it looks like Woodville handled them quite easily.
  3. This suprises me.  I thought the Eagles would beat them pretty easily especially being at Zavalla.  Zavalla must have had an off night or Douglass is better than I thought.
  4. Do you know what it cost to dress one football player out compared to a basketball player?  And your talking about more numbers in football.  Plus you have to pay for 15-20 coaches salaries.  The old trick that football brings in money is not plyable anymore.  People see through it.
  5. I think if you are going to have a good basketball program then you better talk about success at all levels and teach the game at all levels.  HS, JH, and below.
  6. So height comparisons to Hardin Jefferson and Cleveland?  What are Hj's heights and Clevelands?
  7. That really suprises me.  And HJ only scoring 46 points is very unlike them.  Either good defense or an off not shooting or did not get the steals on the press.  What A is LC-M?
  8. Does their coach use the platoon method and sub 5 in and out regularly?  Are they better shooting this year than last?  I know they arent as tall, but in 3AAA one big can do alot of damage.  Compared to Cleveland and Hardin Jefferson are  they smaller or bigger?  Just curious, I havent seen any of them play.
  9. I may look into that camera too if it is 139.  Sounds like a really good deal.  And you hit the nail on the head with good present for wife, uhhhh me. 
  10. Congrats Hj, looks like yall have a very good team and alot of youth as well.  Future looks good for yall.  The coaches and parents must have a hand in the player development of these kids from 1st up.  Thats how you do it.  Good luck the rest of the year.
  11. Hitchpin, thanks for clarifying what I meant.  I guess I will have to explain everything in detail, I was thinking that what you were saying was a givin, not that athletes dont have the right to excell, just that you should not be able to use you superior athleticism to give you an UNFAIR advantage. 
  12. Has anyone seen these.  I saw one in Best Buy the other day and they look really cool.  You can email video to other people from them and take still shots.  They run about 200 if you get the HD.  The HD also has alot more GB.  They are small and compact.  I am looking into getting one for my wife for Christmas.....that way I can use it too.
  13. CHTechie, your exactly right.  I am pretty close with their coach and have watched their games.  They could easily be 12-0 right now.  I am telling you guys and you will see.  CH is beating good teams now and not even shooting the ball welll from outside.  It is just a matter of time when they do and it will be ugly.  If you want to beat Ch, it better be at your place and hope that they are not shootin well and are having the worst game of the year.  Alot of the teams they have played have struggled to score 20 points.  I would put CH with anyone in the State  in 2AA.  They would give Crockett  which is number 2 or 1, all they want.  And I am not from CH, I am looking at this from an arbitrary view point.  Woden is good as well and SA is good. I know you want to think that CH will not win district, but the odds are very stacked in their favor.  They have beat 3A teams by 15 and 20 and not shot the ball well.  They will catch rythym, the percentages are in their favor, and they will be even more tough.  These 15 point games could easily have been 30.  I am looking forward to the district, I think the last two spots will be a fight, but I give them to Woden and SA right now.  IMHO
  14. More kids play football than other sports.  Football also has about 15 coaches or more and half of them dont do nothing.
  15. Well said no look.  And the CH guards have shot the ball terrible.  When they start shooting the ball like they are capable they will be scary.  They are just simple beating teams with defense and inside presence, some of these 10-15 point games they have been winning will be 25 and 30 by years end.  Their guards will start hitting.  Their leading scoring has been in a bad shooting slump, which is a guard. Another team I forgot was Corrigan Camdem.  They just got out of football and beat Zavalla by 30.  I think they will upset someone and that may change the district around.  You just can never can tell once it gets to district and playing home games and away games.  One year we played Elkhart and beat them 2 their place.  They were terrible.  We had the worst game of the year.  We played them at home and beat them 30.  There are too many variables to say who will make the top 3.  Barring injuries CH is a lock.  After that it is a toss up between SA, Woden, Woodville, Newton, and Corrigan Camden.  The outlook now is Woden and SA.  The thing I worry about with Woden is there gym does not give them a home court advantage.  Dont get me wrong, it is one of the nicest places to play in East Texas, but it feels like no one is at the game.  My picks are CH, Woden, and SA.  I might be wrong.  The season is still very early.
  16. What does Newton or Hemphill have now and future?  Anything?  Newton seems to always have some of the best athletes in Texas.
  17. It may be true that you have to give the Ad spot to football coach to get a good one, I dont know.  You do not have to have your masters to be an Athletic Director, I know of alot that arent.  I dont telly pay much attention to football, I cant stand it, I will watch if nothing else is on, but I am a basketball junkie.  You make a good point about the incentive pay. I do see more than in the past, an upswing in AD outside of the Head football coach. Now when I was in school 10 years ago, it was football coach was Ad.  Only a spot on the map here and there where it wasnt.  All the football coach will do is hire an offensive coordinator to coach basketball.  So you get a football coach first and basketball coach second. If you look around the state where the good basketball programs are, the AD will not be the football coach.
  18. I dont think you realize how good CH is.  If they peak at the right time they will make a long run in the playoffs and have a shot at going to State.  I know they are not ranked but believe me, they have shot the ball horrible and are 10-2 against a pretty tough schedule.  If they get beat in district I would be very suprised.  They have been holding opponents to under 30 points a game consistently, no one can score on them.  They play 10 players but can go with their best 5 if they have to. They will be good for 3-4 more years and I dont know what they have beyond that.  They have big guards and big posts.  All there guards are 5'11" to 6'1" and there post players (they have 4) are between 6'4" and 6'6". That being said, you never know that why you play the games.  Woden will suprise you and SA has speed and strength on the inside. I say CH undefeated and win district this year and next, they will lose some but will just reload.  Woden, Woodville, and SA fight it out for the last two spots.
  19. Exactly, that is what made him a playmaker.  He could shoot and dribble and pass.  Not just shoot.  Good post.
  20. We are all just getting lost in the definitions of what each is.  The first thing that started the topic was I asked whether the Bosha kid could create his own shot or if he was getting kickouts because someone said that he was the best player in SETexas and another said he had the possibilty of being a star and going to the NBA.  Then it got turned into who was better a spot up shooter or playmaker, someone I term as having the ability to shoot open shots, create a shot off the dribble, and create shots for others where as a  only spot up shooter could not do the latter two things. I dont think a spot up shooter is limited on offense. I think he can dribble, pass, play defense, but his dribble will be limited and his passing will be limited.  The first thing in basketball you learn is to dribble the ball.  Without that step you cant go to the next.  So I am assuming you could put 5 spot up shooters on the basketball court and break a press without dribbling and then score on offense without dribbling, by using passing and execution only.  I havent seen a game yet where there was not a dribble.  And please do not compare Allen Iverson to a playmaker, he was an Allen Iverson maker, he created for himself only.  And I never said you had to jump high or run fast to be a playmaker.  I didnt say you needed uughs and aahhs.  I could care less about that stuff.  I asked my wife this question earlier, who knows very little of the game, and she even knew the answer.  A player who creates his shot and for others and hit the spot up jumper is more valuable than the spot up shooter.  Larry Bird was most definetly a playmaker.  You can be both a shooter and a playmaker.  My argument is that one is limited and the other is not unless he limits himself, like Iverson.
  21. I havent seen them play.  From one of the box scores the other day, it looked like they had 3-4 more that would help.
  22. I think it will come down to Silsbee, HJ, and Cleveland, just like the past.  Is HJ better than last year, the same, or not as good?  I havent the opportunity to watch them play.
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