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Everything posted by DoRightTrojanFan

  1. [quote name="texaggies07" post="1125381" timestamp="1321805188"] That field goal attempt was very impressive.  Before the kick I was thinking really were gonna try a 42 yarder.  Most of the time we can't even get the extra point.  If he had been a yard or two closer it would have been good.  Hats off to Bellville also.  That was a very good team and we were fortunate to make it out with a win. [/quote] I, too was impressed with that field goal attempt considering we have never had a kicker of that caliber. As far as I know, the Morrison kid played JV this year and was moved up only recently for the playoffs. Considering the pressure and all, I thought it was a good kick and I hope with experience; his confidence will increase.
  2. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1125244" timestamp="1321789309"] Coldsppring will win by how much I don't know neither does anyone else..There's a lot of folks out there praying Coldspring will lose..lol  Oh well a little prayer never hurt anyone... ;) [/quote] The fact that there are people, not the opposing team, but people in SETX "praying" for Coldspring to lose is sad. Not only are these kids you adults are "praying" against, but the fact that there are some real issues in the world that need those prayers.
  3. [quote name="GUNHO" post="1100694" timestamp="1320080979"] You know the teams that should be there but how many times do we see one or two of the teams that look unstopable not make it to the finals or even go out early. Gilmer,Brownwood for two.You know the saying...anything can happen in the playoffs,that's why you just want to get in. :) [/quote] Good point. I didn't think so at the time, but it was nice to be under-rated last year...
  4. [quote name="DesertStorm" post="1086015" timestamp="1318868342"] [/quote] I'd tend to agree with you...I've never understood why the kids who put in the same kind of hard work and committment (as the 1st or 2nd stringers) are expected to give less than their best when it comes time for them to take the field and have their moment to shine in front of friends and family... One of the many lessons athletics can teach a player is how to deal with adversity...What do you do when everything that you've practiced and trained for goes exactly opposite of what you had hoped? Do you roll over and give up or do you continue to play hard and practice a little harder in hopes of getting better? There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone being bigger, stronger or faster than you during a competition...It's a mere fact of life..We're not all the same...Our differences are what makes each of us unique.. Another lesson learned in athletics is that sometimes your absolute best IS NOT going to be good enough and that's just how life is...Sometimes you'll do your absolute best and things will still not turn out the way you want...The key will then become how you chose to deal with the setback and if you will choose to continue to give your best when it might be easier to do otherwise... Life certainly doesn't slow down or let up just because you might personally be in a bad place or time... Sometimes I think we may actually being doing our youth somewhat of a injustice by trying to control exactly at what point it is and isn't ok do to your absolute best...If you choose to play a sport you have to know that it's a possibility (that if you run into someone alot better than you) that the score and game might get out of control....I don't think there is anything wrong with getting blown out by a much better team if you're giving your absolute best...Stuff happens... [/quote] Thes may be greatest post of all time. This was the reason we played games. To learn valuable life lessons. I agree, we are creating kids(eventually adults) that can't or wont be able to handle life's problems. This post should balance our -/+. You have hit it on the head. [/quote]  I agree ... well said  :)
  5. [quote name="bballgod" post="1081527" timestamp="1318530853"] Today is not snapshot.  It is the last Friday in October.  Enrollment can change by then. [/quote] Today is UIL snapshot day.
  6. [quote name="Indian11" post="1076249" timestamp="1318037853"] Kinda class-less for a coach to beat a team this bad, save it for the play-offs. No need to beat these kids into the ground. IMO [/quote] You don't know Coach Barbay. The sophomores were playing and the starters were on the sidelines. At one point, defensive players were running the ball.
  7. Congratulations Matt...We are very proud of you!
  8. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="936143" timestamp="1292782098"] [quote author=chs11 link=topic=77795.msg936142#msg936142 date=1292781928] coldspring game is on tuesday. [/quote] Okay, the schedule I had seen had it on Wednesday.  BTW, is there any word on when the Tarkington game will be played? [/quote] January 15th
  9. [quote name="JB94" post="935527" timestamp="1292647927"] [quote author=bigdog90 link=topic=77679.msg935506#msg935506 date=1292646039] [/quote] If any of this true, I'm sure the district nor the coaches would appreciate you broadcasting it on this message board. [/quote] My thought exactly...
  10. [quote name="Scooter!" post="936415" timestamp="1292811759"] wow he's over 300 smites  :o [/quote] Trigger deserves more smites!
  11. [quote name="Trigger" post="936368" timestamp="1292802108"] [quote author=Mr. Coldspring link=topic=77333.msg936154#msg936154 date=1292783470] Say trigger i was at the game & I seen like 3 times number 80 tryed to tackle sherman Gilbert & they didn't even take him down & I would like to really knw who you are cause I told u about putting your mouth on Gilbert how bout me & you go head up & you make me go limp are how about you go head up with Gilbert & see's who's still standing!! And the Dawgs "D" didn't shut Gilbert down number 80 didn't impress me at all!!! [/quote] what the heck (grammar)???  Dude, I don't know what game you saw, but Carthage's Defense took Gilbert out of his game the entire 2nd half. Cummings is the better back (with balls).  Face it, they were a much better team.  [/quote] Trigger, as a former Trojan, why are you anti-Gilbert? You have about five posts attacking a 16 year old's ability... If you have something against someone posting, attack them, but don't attack a kid. These are odd posts for a former Trojan.
  12. [quote name="Trigger" post="934715" timestamp="1292599792"] [quote author=texaggies07 link=topic=77333.msg934632#msg934632 date=1292588715] Just because u think ur being real don't mean ur real.  If ur a former Trojan then u gotta believe.  I don't care what the other teams stats say or what any outsiders say.  This group of kids deserve that much respect.  I'm a former Trojan as well and I would never pick against even if we were playing the Dallas Cowboys.  [/quote] Show me where I’ve picked either team to win the game??? Point out a specific comment and I’ll have the dipping sauce ready.  [b]You can’t[/b].  So, chill.  I have repeatedly stated that I’m pulling for and rooting for the Trojans.... [/quote] Those of us who are TRUE Trojan fans don't focus on what we SEE, we focus on what we BELIEVE! You wouldn't understand that because you aren't a part of the winning spirit!
  13. [quote name="Trigger" post="934593" timestamp="1292559582"] [quote author=Mr. Coldspring link=topic=77333.msg934561#msg934561 date=1292556367] ITS NPT GONNA HAPPEN DUDE, HE'S A TO SLOW TO GET HIS HANDS ON GILBERT, HOW ABOUT THIS YOU LINE UP WITH HIM NECK TO NECK & SEE IF YOU BEAT HIM!!! IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU A HATER, BECAREFUL WHO YOU PUT YOUR MOUTH ON BECAUSE GILBERT IS NOT THE ONE!!! [/quote] In my day, I would have gladly accepted the opportunity; in fact I'd kill to be able to be back out there... However, thats beside the point.  Kendal Thompson, their #80, is a man playing amongst boys...and Sherman is a boy at 5'9 & 160lbs versus 6'3" & 232 with 4.7-4.6 speed.  I don't care how fast Sherman is; if he don't get the blocks, he don't get out of the backfield...its that simple.  It'll take team speed to counter their defense and I don't believe the o-line of the Trojans has the speed to take #80 out of the picture entirely.  He ain't an easy block, which is why he's going to the big leagues...but we'll see what Barbay has up the sleeve tomorrow afternoon.  If they take #80 out, then Barbay is a "Harry Houdini" ::)q It'll all come down to the team who makes the least mistakes and controls the ball with a few breaks. I just won't be betting any money on my boys and for the record, as a former Trojan, I'm not a hater.  I know my football & I will be rooting for my Trojans, but "Ima gunna keep it 4 reel, 4 sho"   [/quote] A former Trojan..."keeping it 4 reel, 4 show". This is a unique post for a "former" Trojan. You must be a Trojan from the 80's because anyone who experienced Peveto and knew about the WE BELIEVE philosophy would not doubt...... Speechless...you probably don't know about "Nobody". Oh...I know... You never played for the Trojans, you were probably a former coach... Nuff said... GO Trojans... Oh and by the way, Coach Barbay has been working a little magic for the past four years. Go Trojans!
  14. [quote name="mj22" post="933351" timestamp="1292385555"] i don't wish for coldsprings to lose because i don't want to take anything away from the players and their individual accomplishments. however, i am so offended at the things that have been said by coldsprings fans about other players in the district and it is hard for me to support the team because of that, but the players have done nothing wrong and they deserve respect. just like my brother and his fellow players at huffman deserve the respect of other teams and their fans... [/quote] Thanks mj22... Consider this. There are less than 20 Trojan fans actively participating on this forum. How many of the posting fans are you truly offended by? We understand how you feel because no one has given Coldspring any credit all season. We haven't been ranked the entire season and in most of our playoff games we have been predicted to lose. 3A in general doesn't get any respect, so why should we disrespect each other? We have a friendly rivalry with Shepherd and Cleveland...really our entire district, but those two are the closest. Anyway, a Shepherd fan, whom I have openly had fundamental differences with (she bleeds blue and I bleed red), wished me good luck this week. A Cleveland fan made the statement this week that he hoped we won to bring some respect to our district because to his knowledge, no one in our district had won a state championship in football. Seems like I'm rambling, but I guess my point is, we want our district's support!
  15. What/who is APSE? When is the all-state football team determined? Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.
  16. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="933166" timestamp="1292374733"] [quote author=Scooter! link=topic=77333.msg933144#msg933144 date=1292372789] I hear dogs barking.  ;D [/quote] They will stop barking after a cool dip in the COLDSPRING... :D :D :D [/quote] Love it! Thanks for the support!
  17. [quote name="bobtex" post="933319" timestamp="1292383361"] Just a reminder ,Coldspring fans, once you lose the respect of other schools ,you can never get it back! I was hoping Coldspring won State, but after Coldspring's fan comments, I hope you lose and lose big time! Humility is well desired ,by your whole community!!P.S.  Carthage is just the team  that can make you humble!! [/quote] You shouldn't judge all fans based on the posts on this forum. Less than one percent of Trojan fans post, know about, or care about these forums. Our community has been proud of the fact that we have received support from all of the schools in our district and in our surrounding areas. If you had attended the game at SHSU, you would have witnessed the spirit of fan support at its best. There were fans wearing all colored jackets cheering for the Trojans. It was truly an amazing experience. Take your own advice...once you lose the respect of people in general it's hard to get it back...to hope we lose and lose bad is a harsh statement, especially from a team in our district.
  18. [quote name="TruffulaDawg" post="933048" timestamp="1292353485"] Hello SETX... I am a loyal, but informed and objective Carthage "Homer"... Just wanted to say good luck and congratulations to both teams this week... I also wanted to say that it is ridiculous to believe that either team will underestimate the other in the State Championship game... Neither team has gotten this far by underestimating their opponents... It is an awesome experience to get to support your team in this endeavor, no matter how many times your team may or may not have made it before... Only 3 years ago, we had only been to the big show once, and came up short... We know that there is a HUGE target on our backs, and I'm sure Coach Surratt and Company are fully aware of that... From the sound of it, it's gonna be a nail-biter, just as it should be... A powerhouse Coldspring running game vs. a strategically balanced offense from Carthage... Defense will be the name of the game... I'm not gonna spout stats or tout ignorant opinions without having seen your team develop over the season... And speaking of which, That is exactly what has happened to Carthage this year... We were supposed to be in a rebuilding year, and weren't supposed to even be here, AND that is exactly what we've done... This Carthage team, more than any other that I've ever seen, has developed and matured as the season came along... And as to the 2 losses earlier in the season, they were the best thing that could've happened for this team... IMO, it helped kickstart the development of these guys... I can't substantiate the claims that we were missing 9 starters... (I believe that to be incorrect)... We were down our D-1 middle linebacker,  our very talented safety/ receiver was out, and our qb was injured and didn't tell the coaches... AND we got beat... Those nights, Nac and Chapel Hill were better than us... Thankfully, we are as healthy as we can be after having played 15 games in a season... Good Luck to both teams and their families and fans... I expect both teams to leave it all on the field... As far as a prediction, I obviously have to go with my DAWGS!!! Good post! [/quote]
  19. Someone is attacking Trojan fans with "negative" karma! Trojan fans... Ignore Scooter...he is really a nice guy and was pulling for us when we played Kirbyville and believe me, no one on this forum (or anywhere else) thought we would win; however, Scooter stood virtually alone, for the Trojans.
  20. [quote name="falconfanatic" post="932602" timestamp="1292284062"] Wow idk why coldspring should even show up. Carthage has won 2 years in a row and they are just soooo balanced that coldspring don't have a chance. The score will probably be like 1000 to 0 this carthage team is the best team to ever grace the football fields of Texas. I don't know how they lost 2 games this year. Oh wait they must have been trying to give some of the other teams hope since carthage is sooo much better than everyone else. Give me a break lol. Carthage may win this game, but the reasons some people come up with are ridiculous. What a team did last year or the year before don't matter, and who ever said that a one dimensional team can't possibly beat a balanced team is just wrong. A team with a great run game and great D can beat a balanced team. It just depends who is better at certain things. Coldspring has made it this far for a reason. every other team they played tried to key on the run and it didn't work. This game won't be any different. Coldspring wins by 14. [/quote] I wish I could give you positive karma for this post.
  21. I love this board...other than the fact that it keeps me from focusing on other priorities. I didn't discover it until Coldspring played Kirbyville in the playoffs. I can't wait to follow an entire football season. Good job...keep up the good work!
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