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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. West Brooks home jerseys, our white and gray away jerseys, and Memorial's black and red home jerseys.
  2. Gotta show love to the crosstown rivals! West Brook - Chip Ambres '96 - '98 Ozen - Rayburn Morris '02 or '03??? Help fellas!
  3. Out of Brandon Williams or Jordy Matherson. Hard to say. Jordy because of how far he lead that team and how much heart he had. Williams because he's a pure athlete. The edge going to Williams because of height and strength.
  4. Isnt' this an extention of another thread? Or am I trippin? ??? ;D
  5. Looks like your back just in time, dude. You hyped yet?
  6. Was that the Raider team that went 6-3 and missed the playoffs by some tiebreaker or something? Eckert at QB?
  7. That looks like the Brandon Williams scramble and after the play, 3 or 4 Nederland players were streched out all over the field! Yep, I'm hyped! ;D ;D :o
  8. LC-M by far from when the last time I was there. Everytime my Jags play there, its a mudpit! and the consessions are onthe home side!
  9. I'm freakin hyped right now. I'm ready for the season to start! :o ;D
  10. Beat the Jags then have jokes. ;D ;D ;D
  11. Yea, when those monsters come trampling out of that banner at 7:37 pm on friday night, that other team sure is in danger. ;D ;D ;D
  12. That was a silly statement. Win the dang game then talk. Isn't that what the goal is? Your sounding real silly with those 'idiotic' statements.
  13. You not gong to be able to satisfy everybody. Somebody will be left our. They say Ozen gets the athletes. They say Brook gets the money. They say Cenral gets the sympathy. : : : I say, just let them play!
  14. 'It is what it is'. If and when they decide they want to build Ozen and central new stadiums, that would be cool. I have no complaints, well not that many at least. I just want the playoffs and hopefully a state championship from any of our schools.
  15. I dont' know why Ozen dont' make that JV field into a Varsity field. There is enough room. Central's field is ok. Only thing they need is new bleachers. Press box is nice. Grass is in nice conditions. It's in a monumental landmark. Only thing that could be said is that it's not by our school. I dont' mind going to Babe to watch my Jags.
  16. So we have to go to namecalling? What next, the race card? We obviously see who the bigger man is. : :..FTI, your pirates has to come to our house. Hope you enjoy the view. The scoreboard is inthe direction of the 'projects'. Have a good day!
  17. I'm actually not going to stoop to your level at all. I said nothing about Vidor's stadium. I just said the clock was messed up. And I felt like everything inthe world was trying to make us lose that game. I did give Vidor's football team props. BTW, what does the 'projects' across the street from our stadium have to do with the stadium? Like I said before, it don't matter where my jags play, we'll play in Walmart parking lot. Lets go! One more thing, was the 'apartment complex' crack supposed to be a hidden shot on our community? :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\...
  18. You havn't hear Coop? The game clock and the play clock kept malfunctioning. They went pretty much 2 quarters without a clock. It was like 1 min and something left inthe second quarter when Vidor drove down and scored. Jag fans felt like there was too much time left onthe clock because that was the time the clock was turned off. It was a crazy night. Jag fans felt like they tried to take that game from us.
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