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Everything posted by oiler#3

  1. Bad sportsmanship for beatin a school that had a kid pass away??? that's ridiculous the kid graduated last year and just cause he passed away doesn't mean WH should lie down and let HI kill them it was a hard fought game both ways and all the WH players told the whole HI team sorry for their loss but seriously bad sportsmanship cause WH won when a kid dies get real
  2. Anyone know when we will hear the all district selections?
  3. Anyone know any district picks? or when will they be released?
  4. Lovelady has the best QB with last years starter returning HD has Marberry WS has their starter comin back WH has Ridge stepping up and what does Colmesneil have
  5. Terrible terrible game for the Oilers. they honestly have good talent on their team they just have too many seniors who think they can score at will and think they have to score every time they touch the ball selfish play by the seniors destroyed the Oilers season
  6. Michael tanner isn't 6'4 im 6'2 and me and him were eye to eye last night and the Dunkin in 7th come on get realistic he can barely Dunk now don't you think if he started in 7th he would've thrown it down by now
  7. We still had basketball practice but we got Out before the scrimmage but WH won 5-4
  8. Correct me if im wrong but if WH doesn't hang with WS then neither does HD and IMO WH has the best back field with Ridge/Caruthers/Brown/Kelley/Palmer
  9. Not exactly 20 we have 16 or 17 playin but it is a huge change from last year
  10. I know what you mean Catman i think it was number 12 on the girls team had around 10 against our girls the other night
  11. Scrimmage is on monday. ready to see how coach McDonald has been preparing this young Oilers baseball team
  12. Bobcat 55 i think it'll be really close and a hard fought game just like every year but as for a winner, right now i think its a toss up
  13. Offense starters returning: i think 6 or 7 defense starters returning: all but 3 or 4
  14. Who cares if everyone beats us in baseball WH hasn't had a decent team in decades but guess what Sp fans how about 48-0 beatdown on the football field and a 63-54 win on the court. SP may be more proud of their baseball team than WH but that's the only thing.
  15. Alumni07 Evadale can brag and be cocky all they want the made it farther than SP last year and who cares if they got 10 run ruled in the championship at least they made it. Evadale fans Yall brag all Yall want about Yalls program its somethin to be proud of!!!!
  16. I think it'll be a close game like the one we had in WH. with the Oilers still praying for the playoffs they really need a win ready to see how coach henry prepares the guys for this stretch of games defying playoff spots
  17. From what i understand next year will have some portion changes and some bein moved up. here's what i got. QB- Ridge RB- Caruthers/ Brown TE- W. Patterson which means someone has to fill in at center. OLB- M. Patterson Don't have a whole lot on next years line besides Marcontell and big Ryan and Browning the WR will consist of Just Harrington Morgan Patterson Justin Kelly and Brown and Caruthers depending On who is running the ball
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