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Posts posted by pakronos

  1. What about your real team: LaMarque. 


    Huntington and Scarborough have same or better records, discuss that for us. 

    my REAL team is PAM. the same PAM team that I have attended a crap load of games since 2002. LaMarque my secondary team is stinking it up just as bad as PAM. i'm NEVER gonna sugar coat or makes excuses. coach jackson is like xbox and colbert too. when a coach have to go and recruit players every year, he's a BAD COACH. jackson has been doing that since he got there. now nobody will go to LM and he has to coach and it shows. sounds like PAM to me. what's sad xbox has some talent. (never said xbox  recruits, just jackson)

  2. like I said, 1-9. they might get to 2-8 if sterling lets them.nobody tell me i'm negative or i'm not supportive. IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!  xbox and the stooges not doing their job or the players are just that bad. pick one!! i'm convinced that Central is still a really good team and still was dwelling on the west brook game when they played PAM. sorry guys, I just don't see PAM being a good football program until either EXCEPTIONAL talent comes through or xbox go. prove me wrong.

  3. Memorial defense had a say in that, but you right on one thing: dont know why we were running basically the same run play in the 2nd half. Running the clock down to get out of there with a win maybe? I dont know, doesn't matter now that game is done. Hopefully the D makes more plays versus Lamar and the offense moves the rock. 

    i agree with the defense, however when that's central ONLY threat, how hard is it for everyone to tackle whaley lol.

  4. well with the next two Titan opponents they will fully see where they stand, comparable to NS & LP as far as size/talent of team. Glad to see it non-district so everything that needs tweaking can get that treatment before the real season starts. 

    not to hijack, but PAM should have scored something in the second half. as i stated, central pretty much did everything to give them points shy of literally giving them the ball and saying here take it.

  5. um, thats what non-district is for, you work to get better for district play which counts. ;)

    imo,it needs to start being crisp starting now. really by second game. central don't have the luxury of trying to get it together because they have a short preseason. by this week, central SHOULD be polished looking to challenge for a DC. however judging by the area so far, it's ANYBODY DC to win. the usual suspects are having trouble and not looking so hot. again, it's contagious. best thing for central, nederland, pn-g, PAM, ozen, and anyone else whose name is not wo-s, STAY HEALTHY!!

  6. would you calm down lol. Good grief, some of yall act like you suppose to be A1 perfect world beaters in non-district play. If yall problems are still there in district play then id be worried. 

    i disagree BG. like PAM, NOW is the time to get rid of that stuff. i'm concerned with PAM ability to move the ball at will. with central if all they have is whaley, then they are in trouble. you have to develop  a play book. i say you have to try things now instead of "saving" it for district. chances are you try something you only did at practice, disaster. if it means pulling people up from jv for some help, then NOW is the time. crazy thing is, i never seen so many people treating central like they are a fallen powerhouse. seems to me another team full of athletes with poor guidance...seems to be going around.

  7. well, first off "the fans" need to get on that rag the panews, aka, pasnooze for not covering the home team. for the past two weeks i see mid county in the paper EVERYDAY and PAM only the day before, game day, and post. sorry PAMFAN10, but against ozen, when i see coaches trying to line up defensive players before a snap, SOMEBODY has not done their job. ADMITTING in an interview that as a coach you saw the defense change and refuse to change the play tells me SOMEBODY isn't doing their job. yes KH does really well with getting kids into school, which is more important. HOWEVER, he has to do a better job in preparation. i didn't see the central game, but while listening to it, he didn't do that great. seems like first half central had fallen apart. besides the long TD pass, central assisted PAM. good job on the players for taking advantage, but i'm sure it was shy of central offense just literally handing them ball saying here take it. second half central held PAM for no scores. imo, that tells me you were playing to lose or the xbox had froze. NO victory is for sure, even i thought they was gonna beat ozen after going up 30-24. i see no killer instinct in this team since 2011 team left. THAT'S coaching. so what will everyone say if it's a repeat season of last year?? let me guess, "wait until the freshman come up". that crap right there should tell you something. i know the difference between the sub levels, but the kids don't look lost and good fortune don't look like a mistake...i guess they coaching the middle school and sub high school teams right?? again, i won't say it's the kids fault, unless a kid just have a poor work ethic or just straight lazy with a i don't care attitude(i think there is one, but won't name is name), then you darn right i'm gonna blame the adult. most of the time in pro sports, especially football, who gets blamed and fired if they don't win?? COACH!!

  8. I wish the Titans the best but I no longer have the beer goggles on. I won't speak negative for the kids sake but changes are needed. 

    winner winner chicken dinner!!! this is how i feel exactly. and i still feel this is pointed to me, since i'm the only titan fan who will not accept mediocre play, but i ain't mad, brings up good convo. the kids will always have my support. i will also, to myself or big d while watching the game, number so and so suck lol. the kids are only doing what they are told. imo, if they go with their gut and play, xbox or other coaches will get upset. talent IS NOT the problem. it's these coaches that get spoiled with super talent(charles, dauphine, singleton, seals etc..) then have good talented athletes that could be made better with great coaching. see dean colbert and KH. the kids that are gifted will cover up mistakes and hide bad coaching. avg to B- players will show what a coach can do or can't and expose them. that's why i respect suggs ALOT!! he takes those avg players and make them great. he did it at lincoln, he did at central, he did it at nimitz, he's doing it and will be successful at ozen. like i said, we got good groceries, just bad COOKS using good food to make gas station cuisine. i'm not ready to call them a "chef".

  9. its directed to EVERY "titan fan" that didn't have faith in them kids after ONE game. Like I said last week: long season. The fun just begun. 


    And keep your prediction of 0-10, dont change it, it worked well tonight. ;)

    they ruined my prediction so I gotta put the one win in there lol

    keep in mind I don't think people have no faith in the kids. have no faith in the adults. we have the tools. we got top shelf  groceries, but using prison cooks. they act like we have convenience store stuff and serving up gas station hot dogs!!

  10. Glad to see MHS bring pressure tonight on a confused QB, coupled with Jag oline miscues this game was well in hand, lots of room for improvement but good win. Offense didn't show up tonight but a few defensive players did, good to see and strange to say. Lastly, have faith in your damn team "Titan Fans", one has to wonder if some of you want the kids to lose. Its starting to get sickening. 


    As for Central, its gonna be a long season, hope yall make some offensive changes before its too late. Wrong QB, wrong playcalling, just overall bad offensively tonight. Yall D played good besides one blunder in the secondary for a score. 


    Thx to the Memorial band for not playing that Umbrella Song. Kudos. 

    Last but not least: I told yall when I don Hogs gear I DONT LOSE. Period. 


    Lots of season to go…………. 




    Oh, one other thing: why is a non-coach interacting with Jag players during the game causing distractions? If you not a coach or affliated with the football program as of now get your arse off the sideline. 

    I totally get this was directed to me, but it's all good. the question is, how do you really see this game? everyone likes to win and for the team a confidence booster for sure. now lets take off our red and black tinted glasses and really look at this thing. obviously central was in rare form. with the exception of ONE play, what did PAM do? yes good awareness to make the picks and jump on the fumbles. where were we in the second half when central stopped giving gifts??? exactly couldn't move the ball. central defense was obviously better than their offense,which put the defense in bad situations. however, i'm not about to say central defense is in the same league as our district foes. I hope we improve and find ways to move the ball other than the obvious suspects. as a fan, I expect to see mistakes, especially with a young team. to be honest, with the exception of the win, I didn't hear(listened on the radio)anything that improved, besides the run defense, which i'll take that. kinda easy when the play calling is predictable(everyone tackle the rb). next week when you have a qb,rb, and a wr that can out run most if not all your defense, lets see how well the adults perform. I never blame the kids for the most part. #11 should be straight BEASTING any db. pierce has not shown ANY progress(practice don't count). I hope someone is working with these kids. yes i'm a fan and not a coach, however, last year and this year, seems like the plays are slow developing. offensive line gets manhandled. every defense from here on out will blitz PAM. I would. wr's may catch the ball, probably not. anyway, i'll put the flame suit on and congrats on the win, but this titan fan still say no playoffs and instead of 0-10, 1-9 at best 2-8. next year, I will be positive and EXPECT a great team.

  11. Im getting ready to leave but when I get home imma have my comments. Imma say this: a few of you have no faith in your own damn team because of one game, if you scared go to church. 

    im gonna say this BOTH teams actually play like white dried dog poo poo...look at the stats!! Central pretty much gave the game to PAM. lets see a blown coverage  on a long pass, a pick 6, a fg. they put together ONE good drive. neither team did squat in the 2nd half, well up to this post anyways. ugly win over a pretty loss, I get it and take it. lets see how ya feel next week!!

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