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Everything posted by jake94

  1. I hope the play calling tonight is suspect! I want us to win! It's gonna be a tough game. Hope everyone enjoys the game. Be safe! The weather might get bad.
  2. I don't see a blow out by EITHER team this season. Last season, Central smoked us without Mosley. They would have beaten us even if Mosley would have played because our defense could not tackle B-Williams. The defense is much better this year and we are not dependent on one player on offense either. So, this should be a very good game. I think Central is the favorite at home and has the size and speed advantage, but I look for a good ballgame from two of the district's frontrunners.
  3. All teams with rich histories talk about their past. Tradition and great teams of the past are what put programs on the map. Ask teams like WO-S, Nederland, PN-G, LaMarque, Stephenville, etc. Good teams talk about their past seasons because they are proud of them. Bad and mediocre teams do not talk about their teams past because there is nothing favorable to talk about it. And, teams that have NEVER been there before simply talk about last week's game :
  4. I remember that game well. It was COLD at Rice stadium that day. I remember drinking hot chocolate and spilling it all over my yellow sweatshirt in the first quarter when we scored our first TD. This reminds me why I never drink hot chocolate at games!
  5. Y'all have speed? :-\ I thought Lumberton was the fastest team in the area : Just kidding. I hope the weather is good so there will be no excuses either way!
  6. We're never as fast as Central or Dayton for that matter. So what is your point? Nederland is not built on speed at all this season. We don't have any burners, but we have average-above average overall team speed in my opinion. We have a quick defense with really good LB's, a soph QB who is gaining confidence every game, a senior RB who is getting better the healthier he gets, a district leading WR, and several other scrappy WR's who make tough catches. It's been a total team effort thus far, a lot different than last year!
  7. Ummmm.. I think I did give credit in my very first sentence. I will make a side bet with you though that Vidor will score as much or more on y'all than Dayton did last week. Deal?
  8. A talented team can make it to the playoffs without great coaching. But, once they get up against an equally or sometimes lesser talented, well coached team their chances are slim and NONE.
  9. I disagree with ranking PN-G's line so high. If they are so good, then why do they have such difficulty scoring? I am not bashing them, I think they are okay, but why the scoring deficiencies?
  10. I can't believe some of the words that get censored on here! :
  11. I would love to read that, piratefan. I will be pulling for y'all! How bout this... "Paybacks Are Hell, Pirates 21 Raiders 14"
  12. Region III was the weakest region in 4A and 5A my senior year. Kirk Colligan(West Brook) and I(Nederland) both lost first round at state and so did the other two Region III Singles participants. In talking to Jorge, traditionally Region III is still not one of the top regions year in and year out. I think it is getting a little better though. I agree with you on your comments on Grant.
  13. You are probably right, soulja. I am excited about this game, but nervous at the same time. I hope we come ready to play. The Jags have owned us the last few years and I think this is our toughest test to date.
  14. Central has a good shot this weekend in my opinion. Should be a great game!
  15. No matter who you play, allowing only 5ppg is very good. I would, however, like to see how many points they would have allowed against Brenham, LaMarque, Bay City, Waller, West Brook, Baytown Lee, WO-S, Friendswood, Memorial... etc... the teams that their district foes are playing. It's comparing apples to oranges right now. So far in points allowed only district should be compared if you wanna compare apples to apples.. In that case.. Lumberton 7 ppg Nederland 7 ppg Dayton 8 ppg Central 13 ppg LC-M 17 ppg PN-G 19 ppg Ozen 21 ppg Vidor 28 ppg
  16. Holding Dayton to 7 points, is far more impressive than your entire preseason stats.[
  17. It was a great win no matter who the QB was. I don't know why people just can't give y'all props for it. Great win. It won't, however, assure a playoff spot or district championship. It sill only counts as one win and EVERYONE in the district has a lot of work to do.
  18. I still think Lumberton will win, but you have to admit the circumstances are very similar.
  19. I have been thinking of an ironic twist in this game for about a week now. Remember last year when Vidor beat Nederland in the closing seconds in dramatic fashion?? They were hyped all week and everyone took notice. They travelled to Lumberton the next week to face a team that had been drubbed 55-7 and EVERYONE picked Vidor to win. Lumberton won the game and Vidor was never the same. Stranger things have happened. Fast forward a year later. Lumberton is coming off one of their best wins ever... in dramatic fashion... in the clsoing seconds... Vidor got blasted last week and everyone is down on them.. Lumberton fans are sky high... All the pieces are in place for Vidor to inflict some MAJOR payback... Will it happen?
  20. We will use our backup QB against them and I still think we will beat them. We won't even use a junior or a senior, just a soph! ;D In all honesty, I think Nederland vs. Lumberton will be a very good ballgame this year.
  21. I am with you on the majority of your post, but LC-M has seen TWO defenses that are just as good or better than y'alls D. Do the names WO-S and Central ring a bell?
  22. Vidor's run D looked okay against Ned. Their pass D, well that's another story. With that being said, Vidor is always a much better team at the Boneyard and I will be rooting for them this week. They need to get a little more creative on offense though to compete with Lumberton in my opinion. I think the game vs. Lumberton will be closer than their past two games against Livingston and Nederland though.
  23. No, you are thinking of Jason Dickerson who started at Woodville and ended up at Kountze. His brother Marcus was also a good player at Woodville, too. I played all 4 years at Nederland for Lopez. My freshman year I was seeded number 1 in singles at varsity district and choked. I came in 3rd that year and won the next three. I missed the chance to win 4 straight which has never been done at Nederland, but Grant Lopez will have a good shot at that record the next 4 years.
  24. Did you play down here? If so, where at and what year? We may have crossed paths at some time. I played 4 years varsity tennis at Nederland for Coach Lopez and graduated in '94. I won district in singles in 92,93, and 94. Made it to state my senior year. Now I am a has-been ;D but I still play with some of the up and coming juniors when Jorge or Wong call me to. I play mostly doubles these days and playing singles yesterday showed me how bad my cardio is lacking!
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