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    studd88 reacted to pirate4state in WOS Mustangs vs Sinton Pirates   
    I'm here, but there isn't much to say.  I've made too many friends in Orange to attempt any type of fun banter.  Our boys are also on a mission.  They are playing inspired ball and like your team, have overcome many different roster changes due to injury.  There is no denying both want to take the next step and I have no doubt that they will both give it all they have and leave it all on the field.  
    I can say all the cliche things if you want?  Can't turn the ball over.  Must stay disciplined. Must remember what last year felt like and push forward and never quit!  
    Anyhow...I'm pretty depressed right now after getting all the rules & guidelines at Guy K. Traylor.  Hope y'all are prepared for this:
    Noisemakers – per their stadium guidelines are NOT ALLOWED.  Nothing.  No cowbells, no thundersticks, no sirens, no nothing.  Basically we are ONLY allowed to use our voice, hands and feet. 
    Confetti – is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED.  They will be checking our bags and you can and will be removed from stadium if found with any on your person or bags.  
    I am a cowbell girl.  I have a huge cowbell and I am very superstitious about it and am totally bummed not to be able to use it this game.  :(
  2. Like
    studd88 reacted to Footballer06 in Need some help on texas4asports defending WO-S and Crosby..   
    I like it!! SETX TAKEOVER!! Let's all get some respect so that's my new ending phrase no more CC!!
  3. Like
    studd88 reacted to NDNation in Need some help on texas4asports defending WO-S and Crosby..   
    06 is making friends with his overwhelming charm. Lol.

    I don't like the thread layout over there.
  4. Like
    studd88 reacted to Coug88 in Who's who , what game u going to ?   
    1 guess. ......:).....
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    studd88 reacted to pirate4state in WOS Mustangs vs Sinton Pirates   
    Yes, we have had some good runs.  You probably like the fishing spots around us since we are inland, but yes, great fishing all around us!  I haven't ever actually been to Orange, but I've been to plenty of your games: vs. Giddings, La Vega & Gilmer I believe.  
    I think WOS definitely has the speed advantage. Both teams have players going both ways, but your players are much more athletic than ours.  Don't get me wrong - we have some good looking kids that play hard nosed football and they'll get after you, but you guys have crazy talent everywhere.  Very impressed with your sophomore QB and there isn't much left to say about your receivers. Legit.  I think if our Oline can give our QB just a little bit of time we will have success moving the ball.  Our defense will have to play very smart and tackle your guys.  If we miss - we're in trouble.  I'm excited to see what we can do.
    Also, I really like that you are the 2nd team in these playoffs that we are facing for the first time.  First one was Wimberley and I was very nervous playing against them and we just went out and played lights out!!! It was awesome to witness. Hoping we have another night like that.  They had a great offense and our defense made just enough stops.  
  6. Like
    studd88 reacted to Footballer06 in WELP PART 2   
    You got that right. Now it's time to go bring three rings to this SETX weak football region lol!!! CC / WO-S / NEWTON TAKEOVER shutting up haters three towns at time!!!
  7. Like
    studd88 reacted to purpleeagle in Rogers vs Newton   
    A missing person report has been issued for "westriders", anyone knows his location please contact the sheriff's office. He was last heard of on Dec. 5 having illusions.
  8. Like
    studd88 reacted to Gasilla in jack dallas wo-s qb   
    Always going to be haters and folks with an agenda. I said before the season that I felt like Jack would be one of the best before it was all said and done and was laughed at. But JD don't worry about message boards and folks with an agenda. He does his job, works hard, prepares, then goes out and shows folks ON THE FIELD!! Keep it up, kid!!!
    He is an integral part of the TEAM. A team full of kids who work hard. This is a team in the biggest sense of the word. No one does it alone. Everyone has a job and they ALL do a dang good job of it.
  9. Like
    studd88 reacted to Pudlugger in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    Well I just got home from that long long ride. Not much to say. WOS was just a better football team in every way. Just like folks here said they shut down our offense and beat our defense. The Mustangs owned the LOS and really messed up our backfield. Congratulations to the Mustangs I really think you'll advance to State and hopefully give Gilmer some of what you gave us. Thanks for the fun times on your board. Good luck I'll be rootin' for the Mustangs from here on to Jerry World.
  10. Like
    studd88 reacted to PappaFeelGood in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    Congrats WOS. I'm eating crow at midnight.
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    studd88 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in WELL, WELL, WELL....   
    Hey um, about this………. 
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    studd88 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in West Orange-Stark 42 La Grange 7/Final/WO-S advances to semis!   
    Hello State Semifinals 
  13. Like
    studd88 reacted to leopardfan201 in what do we expect from wo-s running game   
    My prayers goes out hoping he has a speedy recovery
  14. Like
    studd88 reacted to Pudlugger in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    We from La Grange wish everyone safe travels tonight and that all the boys play their best in a good clean injury free game. Make some great memories on the field tonight. May the best team win. Go Leps!
  15. Like
    studd88 reacted to Bumblebee97 in what do we expect from wo-s running game   
    what about #30 he look real good.
  16. Like
    studd88 reacted to bone in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    Ok. What does that have to do with anything.
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    studd88 reacted to stangx2 in jack dallas wo-s qb   
    I'd say he's done an excellant job and you also have to praise the staff for getting him ready to play when no one expected him to. He has done a tremendous job and has utilized his talent around him very well. Also, you have to praise his teammates. It is not often that a Soph is realized as a team leader on a senior laden team. I actually think he is the intangible that made this unit a team. I like the way he makes smart decisions on the field.
  18. Like
    studd88 reacted to turner7019 in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    To beat WOS you will have to have a passing game period.A one trick pony want beat  this team.They have one of the best secordary that I have seen in a long time at the high school level.They are well coach and will hit you in the mouth.I saw team against LM and they have a good group of athletes to win it all.They are not big in numbers but they are dam good.Good Luck WOS you made a beleiver out of me.
  19. Like
    studd88 reacted in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    If you are a true Mustang or a former player then let the arguing with them end. Our motto was "DON'T TELL ME SHOW ME" I respect the LaGrange team and if we get cocky then we are acting like the very people that we love to send home with their feelings hurt. Be respectful and give credit where it is due. The kid is unreal and no your team is no one trick pony. We got work to do so find ways to support the boys and leave the arguing for people who have nothing else to do. We are the Mustang Nation and being humble speaks volumes! It promotes a positive spirit that we need right now so lets get it rollin!! So proud of my boys!!
  20. Like
    studd88 reacted to kicker in HATS OFF TO COACH THOMPSON AND HIS COACHING STAFF   
    If your not allowed to coach the way you know how to coach, its hard to be successful. Politics has a lot to do with above said schools.
  21. Like
    studd88 reacted to cougar2011 in WOS Mustangs vs La Marque Cougars   
    I must say I'm very shocked as well as impressed by the results of this game. I wasnt able to make it unfortunately, but to hold la marque scoreless speaks be praises to your defense. WOS's special teams play and consistent defense is what I believe made the difference in this game. I will say la marque getting 3 interceptions in this one does show signs of weakness in your offense. Be weary of that next week... but overall great performance. I give props where they are due, La marque definitely came in an put themselves in a position to win going into the half.. The represented us well. Good luck.
  22. Like
    studd88 reacted to purpleeagle in WELL, WELL, WELL....   
    We from Newton are very flattered that someone else wants to claim us, however, we are southeast Texas and SETX as is Jasper.
  23. Like
    studd88 reacted to oldschool2 in OLD SCHOOLS AND PIGS   
    That is a very good post. I can respect that. Believe it or not I so know what you're saying. I know that there are several low income areas down here, and that there is very little expansion or new business. I also know that oil companies swindled mineral rights away from land owners generations ago. I do know most kids in other areas of the state probably have never seen a FEMA trailer nor had to evacuate for a hurricane. And I have more respect for coaches and educators than any profession in the world. I defend coaches on this site all the time. I believe that there wouldn't be doctors and engineers without teachers.

    But I also believe that there has to be a way. We live in a country where things can be changed simply by the will of the people. Me personally .. I am not ok with these kids accepting something simply because "our school is poor". I think out society doesn't need any help being ok with mediocrity. The kids going to school in this part of the state deserve a fair shake at competing in life as anyone else. And that's the message that has to be sent. How can kids in Orangefield compete with kids at Katy? Or any other prominent area in the state. And don't say they don't have to. All trying to get into same college, get same job, buy same house.

    I told you guys...it's so much more than just a turf field.
  24. Like
    studd88 reacted to IT'S IN THE BONE in OLD SCHOOLS AND PIGS   
    Now that many of our schools are out of the playoff picture I just wanted to introduce some clarity to the picture that a few have tried to paint. The picture is on of embarrassment and distain for many of our school systems and specifically our athletic programs in comparison to others across the state. Here it goes...its a complicated situation. School systems located in major industry growth areas or in economically exsposive areas with significant population exspansion have very deep pockets. Success of a program does not always and will not always be the determining factor in the building of new athletic facilities. A big factor here in SETX is generations old and we are still paying for it...its call massive tax ebatments and back in the day they were handed out to industry like candy. Next is School finance and what's been going they the state courts. I am gonna use many of the small districts in this area as an example...they are poor, no real industry, at the top of the tax rates and having to use bonds to pay for new learning facilities. It's not a simple is just add more bond money because you have to have the tax rolls to qualify the bond. Here recently some schools that got make overs were compliments of FEMA and Hurricanes, but that's kinda like having to get sick to loose weight...lol...some a few make grand statement about how terrible things are and how our kids are being deprived. I think it has more to do with what's priority when it comes to finances. Hey just think about it this way...our po little ole kids actually get to look forward to what is a special time during play-offs when they get to go play in luxury...those that live in it probably don't see much special in the process. Just s thought guys and my opinion as far as clarity goes.
  25. Like
    studd88 reacted to Gasilla in WOS Mustangs vs La Marque Cougars   
    OK guys. You are grown ups and can do what you want, but I have the utmost respect for LM and their program, Please be respectful. We got our jabs in which I think was deserving, but lets not kick a giant when he's down. 
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