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Amphibious Rodent

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Posts posted by Amphibious Rodent

  1. We could also give them the boot from the G8 and ramp up negotiations with European countries to begin building LNG plants to supply them with natural gas.

    Even the threat of Russia losing a share of the natural gas market would bring them to the table because that is one of their biggest bargaining chip to lose.

    The problem is any negotiations have to be put forth forcefully and I don't think this administration is up to it.

    Where's Reagan when you need him? :(

    I myself don't like meddling in others affairs but as bigdog has pointed out, Putin won't stop unless someone stops him and we are the short list of those capable of doing it...very short list, one.

    He and Russia are not weak. They can deal with any sanctions if they desire to. We are weak. Its the price we pay for political correctness and trying to please everyone.
    Didn't hear anyone in here screaming we should boycott olympics. Putin will do what Putin wants. Stop when he desires to stop. No matter who is in charge, he's going to do what he wants.
    But this may help you get your Republican president that you want. So count this as a blessing.
  2. Hey it looks like Russia has test fired a ICBM today. They mean business but Obama is too weak and feeble to stand up for America.

    I'm a Republican to start with. But I don't try to bash the president, for the sake of bashing him. I don't agree with alot of the stuff he does. I don't even agree with the way he is handling this situation. But I would like to hear what you and anyone else thinks our actions concerning this situation should be. Holding my breath with anticipation!!!
  3. Putin is going to do what Putin wants to do. If George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Robert e. Lee was president it wouldn't matter. Accept the truth!! There is nothing we can, or should do. If he was invading Canada, that might be a different story. But he won't. He knows what he's doing. We are just making fools if ourselves by acting like we can do anything
  4. The only thing that America could do is levy sanctions against them. Any military action is out of the question. Hope that the Ukrainian people fight back for themselves. They couldn't care less what we think. It's really none of our business. And by the media covering it, and American politicians getting involved, only makes us look like fools. We judge others countries actions harshly. Our actions are no more justified then what is already happening. Why should we get involved and pass judgment when we can't even take care of the issues of our own country. And they are going to do what they want to do, because they have a PAIR of shoes.
  5. We all ready tried this line of thought with Jimmy Carter and it did not work then either. We need more Brinkmanship. Let our boy fight a total war and the mideast would be totally over and we totally keep Putin in check.
    And Putin believes we are his enemy so yes, Russia is our enemy

    As much as I would like to agree with you, I can't. First of all our media is to liberal and we could never wage war in the manner in which it should be waged to end wars. 2nd due to our liberal media the American people don't have the stomach for it.
    Considering that, it would be better to stay out if war. If you want (need) to wage war, then, wage it, win it or stay out!!! Therefore we should stay out. Doing what us necessary becomes ugly to say the least. The American public, needs to know very little if any of the dirty details. Just my opinion from a soldiers point of view, or at least mine. Don't tie my hands. It's not a boxing match.
  6. Put this short and simple. Russia is not our enemy. They may not be our Allie. But they are not our enemy. We should keep it that way. Stay out of other peoples business. I would like to solve the worlds problems, but we really can't afford it. And we really haven't solved any problems lately. We can't even fix Detroit much less Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Ukraine. Come on people wake up!
  7. Bottom line is, there is no data that proves 7 on 7 makes you a better team. Yes, more reps at a certain thing does generally get positive results. I guess one could argue that instead of doing 7 on 7, how about just hitting the weight room hard and work on regular football drills. 7 on 7 is taking away from other things. Also there is the argument of the running teams not doing 7 on 7, just the teams that will throw a whole bunch. Furthermore, I believe doing anything related to football is always good. Heck I like 7 on 7, just don't believe all the hype.

    Fence Post
  8. Claiborne complained it was going to ruin his college career. I'm afraid he may ruin his college career. I know it's hard not to have fun. But if you can't keep it legal, have some self discipline, you may find yourself just being a working class stiff. A shoulda,coulda would have been. C'mon man!! Somebody needs to get in these kids head before it's to late.
  9. If your a poor passing team traditionally, I could see how this could really benefit your football team. I think, if I was a coach, I would definitely won't my QB and receivers getting as many reps as possible. I really don't see the down side. To me, it just seems like a no brainer. If you want to participate, I'm certain there has got to be people in your community with enough imagination to come up with the revenue to sponsor these kids.IMO
  10. Things or not that simple, nor can you blame it on Democrats or Republicans. If your looking for a simple answer to why we do the things we do, you won't find it. Politics is very complex. Ordinary Joe, I don't believe ever understands, and almost every politician gets dirty even though it was never his or her intention. The more you know about history the easier it is to understand our actions. The more you are willing to look from your enemies prospective the more you understand how difficult the solution is. And also that what you believe is based strictly on what you have been taught or believe. We can't pick where we where born, or what we where taught. And that shapes who we are. I've looked in the face of my enemies dead and alive. I find it hard not to respect them. And at times I've hated them. Due to extreme circumstances. Do not judge your enemies, nor anyone else. Do not hate the player, hate the game.if you believe in God, pray for yourself and your enemies alike.
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