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Amphibious Rodent

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Posts posted by Amphibious Rodent

  1. Consistently winning is the best way to start traditions. Then everyone buys in. Everyone supports. But to start a winning tradition, it helps if you buy into the coaches program, give him support and a few years. If he has a good program you'll most likely compete. Good programs are square. You develope athletes, a few are born, most or developed, mentored, and are a product of there community and system as it develops it's winning tradition.
  2. If a good coach goes to a school which previously never really had a winning program, he will need support from the entire staff, and the community as well. It's not enough to want to win. You have to do what's necessary. All key leaders in that school as well as parents and fans must buy into the coaches program. Might take a minute to attain results. If he is successful, watch out. He becomes a commodity.
    And I agree, this is a step up from Deweyville, strictly by virtue of size of school, and of course. Being in the district with Newton ,you might need Tom Landry's help to overcome that obstacle.
  3. Careful. Chances are HD has an overall winning record against your school from 1920-1998. That means they could beat you today.

    Not Likely. Newton plays the caliber of teams like West Orange Stark. And bigger schools year in, and year out. But they don't go around beating there chest about beating anyone. They play football, everyone knows the caliber of program they have. HD step up. Prove your steel. I see the individual that started talking all this nonsense hasn't spoken lately. Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk. They dint talk about HD or any other team. Everyone talks smack in the middle of the season. But most teams has respect for each other. Most people that talk alot overcompensate for their athletic abilities. I think this is the case here.
  4. HD is 18-20-1 vs EC. HD had won 6 straight vs EC, then EC reeled off 9 straight victories in a row. In 2003 HD lost to EC 12-6, that was the last time they played. The HD team I was on in the mid 90's, crushed EC 35-0 on their homecoming, sending multiple EC players to the ER. Over the years EC was usually in a bigger classification when they played HD. There has been some good battles between them Bucs and Bobcats! Ask ole HDBobcat9.

    Still a one man team. I'm guessing someone is trying to overcompensate
  5. We have been trouble ever since he took office Iran will have a nuke and China will move in on the disputed islands since they know America response is weak.

    I know you guys may disagree with me. But I believe Russia is a non issue. We are really in a no win situation here. Look it doesn't matter who is in charge of this country right now, we can't stop Russia in this particular situation. Though you will be able to alienate yourself more or make a fool of yourself as we are doing now.

    This situation is giving opportunities to our enemies that we need to be keeping a closer eye on. Which is any Muslim Nation.

    When Russia was defeated in Afghanistan it emboldened Radicals. As well as made recruiting for Allah easier. Maybe was was on the wrong team. As soon as Russia left Afghanistan, Osama started trying to find out how to defeat us. Of course Russia wasn't really on our side were they, and why should they be? Yes I understand the reason we claimed Russia was in Afghanistan. Sometimes you need to pick the best of two evils.

    After years in the middle east, we have wasted billions of dollars. Lost American lives. I bear witness to the fact. And truth be known Iraq is in much, much worse shape now, and even more corrupt than they were before we invaded. Not to mention all the mosque that your tax dollars were used to build or repair. So they could go there and plan more attacks on American's.

    Afghanistan, we did accomplish one thing there, we made there president filthy rich.
    Just a few thoughts off the top of my head.
  6. So you are saying that most Americans would agree that killing a 17 year old that did nothing illegal? 
    If not it sure appears that is what you are saying.

    Doesn't matter if you agree or not or what the law says, Yes, that what I'm saying. In my house , uninvited at night, with my daughter, Guilty! Just the way Americans think, specifically in the Greatest State of Texas! Lets face it or (you) has he been charged?
  7. FYI if you sneak a girl out of her house and you get caught, or caught in her bed. It may cost you your life. That means you made a real bad decision. Average American or jury will agree with father. Most likely that's the case here. Don't know if you have a daughter or sister, but Im kinda really sensitive about other people touching them in that manner. Truthfully most fathers are, you may be and exception. And we couldn't care less about the law or the punishment. And like I said, most jurrors will be lenient on the father. IMO
  8. Fact: You can say what you want, give all your justified reasons why Russia shouldn't have done this, Put all the sanctions on Russia that you like. It will only put America in a worse situation. Russia is going to do as they please in this situation. They care nothing about world opinion or political correctness. They had this won before it started. Just the facts, might taste bad but it's the fact. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Now we look like fools. Same outcome no matter what party was in the White House. We should take a few pages out of Mother Russia's book. Do what you feel is necessary, don't worry about popular opinion. Face it, any military action we've been involved in hasn't turned out well for us recently. Due to our political leaders. There about as worthy as lawyers. Most of them are. IMO
    Again those Islamic country must be loving this. They don't have to lift a finger. Two of the major powers could destroy themselves. At least to my knowledge China is smart enough to stay out of other peoples business.
  9. the thing about "reaching for something", is there's no way to prove whether he actually did, or if the father just said that to justify what he did.

    Their is no one to refute his testimony other than his daughter. Or if he makes additional statements they may contradict his previous statement. I haven't seen anything on this story other that the link on this forum. But if there is no witnesses and no other circumstantial evidence, seems to me, as say, a potential juror, the guy walks. Can't read his mind. I'm strictly making my call from the one news story I've read. Bad situation to be in for the young man. Coincidentally, I was in a similar situation as and adolescent. I felt the compression of the gun fire close to my head. Fortunately for me I wasn't hit. I didn't report the incident, and have laughed about it ever since. However it could have went the same way as for this kid. I never was mad at the old man for shooting at me, I was guilty as charged.
  10. If he's reaching for something, I'm not going to wait for him to shoot me with that something or even make a positive ID of that something. Just saying, I really don't know how many times you have been shot at. On battlefield or not, just in not in your best interest to wait to see what he's reaching for. I've got my life and in this case the daughters life to protect. Like 5gallon says. I'll pay the price. Rather pay the price in jail than the cemetery. And I'm most always on the police officer side, until he's proven guilty.
  11. According to the article the daughter said she didn’t know who the guy was which may have appeared as rape. Even though he may have acted prematurely he may be within his rights.

    Sounds like he was justified to me. He apparently didn't know who the kid was, according to the article. He thought the kid was reaching for something. Can't wait to be shot to shoot back. That hardly ever works out for you.
    What was truly in the fathers mind, we will never know. Or we will know what he tells us, fact or fiction. Unless father or daughter comes forward with conflicting evidence, Case Closed.
  12. Everyone one who doesn't agree with the white house handling of Russia... What whould you have done differently

    I have to be honest with you Pam. I don't usually agree with your political assessment, and I don't really here either. But this situation is in its infancy. Personally I believe we should sit on the fence. We should worry about our own problems. We have larger enemies abroad than Russia. And bigger problems at home. I'd love to be the world police, well not really. I'd love to save everyone but its not in the cards for us. Can't be the be all to end all. There is a bigger picture.
  13. The old saying " Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it " comes to mind. If Putin is not confronted here, ( I don't necessarily mean militarily )then where? You think he's going to stop at the Ukraine if no one does anything about this? Hitler and Stalin also come to mind.

    And if sanctions don't work. You suggesting military action then? Just curious about your long term plans
  14. We could also give them the boot from the G8 and ramp up negotiations with European countries to begin building LNG plants to supply them with natural gas.
    Even the threat of Russia losing a share of the natural gas market would bring them to the table because that is one of their biggest bargaining chip to lose.
    The problem is any negotiations have to be put forth forcefully and I don't think this administration is up to it.
    Where's Reagan when you need him?   :(
    I myself don't like meddling in others affairs but as bigdog has pointed out, Putin won't stop unless someone stops him and we are the short list of those capable of doing it...very short list, one.

    All these things may come to pass. The process takes a minute. And if they don't work?
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