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Everything posted by playdefense

  1. have no doubts that barbay would love to have the jasper job and he has spoken to the powers at be.  just a stepping stone for alvarez and carthage oc - need to hire someone that wants to stick around and get jasper back on track - not just win and leave.  look for this to come from outside the loop - the folks in jasper know what they want and they understand that they need someone that will be there for the long haul.  it is funny how the same names always seem to come up - maybe they just are just thrown around to get their pots sweetened and have no desire to leave where they are. 
  2. woodville will be loaded with young talent.  newton will be much better defensively.  anahuac will have albritton, but not so sure they have the line they need - who will be the qb there.  ec will have to to some building, but it always seem to get done.  as for the rest - well.
  3. this topic has been quiet -i can only imagine how hot it will be when people get back in school.  good thing it will close almost immediately.
  4. upshaw used to be the hc at hemphill years ago - had some pretty good teams if i remember correctly.  not sure where he has been lately.  so, among the four names being thrown around - who is the leader of the pack?  any sleepers out there?
  5. kudos to them for running that play.  great timing.  probably going to use all four downs in that situation anyway so why not take a chance.  i wonder what was supposed to happen if trinity did react - throw it away, qb scramble, etc.  anyway great play call.
  6. for the most part kids want discipline - you will always have a couple that try to buck the system, but overall they want discipline.  the kids at jasper are no different - once they see that the discipline makes a difference and understand that you have to play hard every snap, work hard in the off-season, care for each other and be dedicated to the program they will buy in no matter what.  i hope that jasper gets the right person for the job because it could go to new levels if they get that person. any other names worth mentioning dawg 4 life and aggies are we?  you two seem to be in the know.  what about you chub rub - you have some inside info and insight. this thing will really fire up after Christmas.
  7. No particular reason - just like all the knowledge of everybody.  I just know Upshaw put in at Hemphill and has some ties there.  Chub - are you in the know about Jasper?  You have been quiet
  8. Upshaw has his name in at Hemphill too.  Is that the final four?
  9. Know the 4 who will get interviews - wow.  Is that your Christmas wish?  Not sure anybody knows anything on this one.  This job is one of those that names get thrown around just for the heck of it. We will all wait and see - Unless dawg4life and aggiesarewe can fill us all in and take the suspense away.
  10. ok dwg4life - since you claim to be in the know and the decision has been made weks ago are you going to share it with us?  If the date is really Jan.7th then the top few might already be in the mix, but I think it is wide open.  ???
  11. Yes, I am in Woodville.  As for getting someone to stay in Jasper - I think that will happen.  Just need to make sure you are looking for someone that is not trying to just use Jasper as a move up tool.  The offense Jasper ran was as good as any - it is called execution and playing sound fundamental football.  Should be an interesting discussion for all those into throwing out names.
  12. so, the top three candidates have already been decided on in less then 1 day - wow
  13. you are probably right about there being zero truth to any of the stories.  good for the dc, but she might want to become a piney woods girl
  14. need to elaborate on the stay tuned.  status quo around those parts as far as one can tell.
  15. Someone needs to explain to me why Hank Jones from East Chambers is not on this team.  Wow - Are you kidding me.  I realize only so many can make it, but that is an absolute injustice.
  16. chub do not get out of sorts.  it is ok  not trying to get you to say things you do not want to say  i just thought you were in the know and had an opinion we will all know soon enough
  17. winds of change huh.  so, chub - since you seem to be in the know - give us your opinion as to the changes.  probably be like the UT thing - get rid of the dc, and a couple of position coaches.  As for Ty Quick - he is a good man and a good coach.  I know him personally and have always thought he did a great job.
  18. chub our record was just fine - thank you very much.  I just hate it when everybody that is not a coach thinks they have all the answers.  most of them could not coach a day without going nuts.
  19. as for who anybody other then the coaches thinking who should be at QB is pointless - it is their decision and I would assume they are qualified to make it  What makes you think there will be a change in Jasper? 
  20. Old Coach Tater is busy watching film during class.  He does not have time to post clips.
  21. Newton coaches told me that somebody had gone to the cemetary and thrown the flowers, cards, etc all over the place and just trashed the grave of Coach Barbay.  I for one hope they can find this person or people and hang them by their thumbs.  That is simply sorry.  I do not care who you are or what has happened over the years - That is not right.  If any coach knows their kids were invloved they need to turn them in. Somebody knows because kids cannot keep their mouth shut - They will say something to somebody.  Have some guts and turn them in.  God bless the entire Barbay family.
  22. Cleveland simply put is always in turmoil.  They just cannot stand any success.  Always have to find issues and cause turmoil.  I have never seen such a small town have so many problems - year after year after year.  Amazing.
  23. Thanks for all your hard work with the all-star game.  You did a tremendous job and all those players should be thankful for you organizing that game and busting your butt to get it all done.  Job well done.
  24. This stuff is getting out of hand.  Too many coaches are coaching during games.  The UIL either needs to say we are not going to have rules for the summer ( 7 on 7, summer basketball, etc.) or say the coaches can go ahead and coach year round.  I have always been a fan of the kids simply competing and that makes them better - no matter in what sport, but since we have gone to this quasi "state champion" in 7 on 7 it has gone to far in terms of the coaches getting involved.  It is hard for any coach to sit there and say nothing, I will be the first to admit it, but when coaches are on the sidelines during these tournamnets and holding the cards and discussing the routes with the QB and receivers it is absurd.  I for one am ready for the UIL to say enough is enough. One more thing - what exactly do you get out of the guy sitting back there pat, pat, pat on the ball and waiting 4 seconds to throw - when is the last time someone had 4 full seconds to throw in a real game anyway - NO 7 on 7 is not a real game.  Just one mans opinion.  Have a great summer.
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