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Posts posted by snafu

  1. Eye jogging north now...believe me guys...the worst has yet to come for SETX. Eye may end up going over High Island.

    seems like this thing has picked up speed don't you think? the eye bout to come over Galveston, well part of it, i don't know what a double eyewall means but it cant be good for Galveston/high island

    From what I can gather the double yoked eye actually has the hurricane fighting against itself. If either wall takes over it gets stronger ... from what I understand I am in no way a weatherman...........

  2. Geraldo almost got swept away again, this dude is an idiot.

    IMO you are insulting all the idiots.... The guy that broke his nose back in the day should of finished the job.... and when he was in Iraq and was giving away the soldiers position on TV ... well lets just say he shouldn't of returned from IRAQ.... that was a true reading of how much brains this guy really has.... I will say I believe an amoeba has more brains than him ......

  3. I remember now why I was not posting on this board for a long time now. I believe I am going to crawl back under my rock and just read again. The bashing and all that is all good as long as it is fun and no one takes offense. But when someone simply don't care about hurting or offending other people that just isn't right. And no Corey and Jeromy this post isn't directed to just you.... I have been reading other post and it's the same thing whining and bitching. There are a lot of people out there that would rather sit in the stands and critique others who ( for free) get out and put a helping hand in. If not coaching, cleaning up the fields after games, working the concessions, doing fund raisers and such. If everyone was to look at what happens in their own organization and then step back and ask themselves "Do I want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?" Then there wouldn't be so much bashing going on. But it is easier to sit back and bitch than get out and help the organization that you fund with your registration money. These organizations do not run on their own! They work because people get out there and bust their ASS most of the year so that a few kids can get out and play a GAME. WIN LOSE OR DRAW isn't the most important thing. What is important is children learning to play a complicated game, stay healthy and at the end of the day go up to mom and dad and ask the simple question " Hey did you see me ( fill in the blank ) ?" But most of the time they run up to ask the question and get well the coaching sucks, or the refs beat us... instead of that there are a few words you could better with and they are " Son/Daughter you did a good job!" You would be amazed of how much a kid will shine the rest of the way with some positive reinforcement other than hearing someone bash not what the coached called but how the kids played. When you bash a coach you are ultimately bashing the children that were on the field trying to execute what he is being taught..... Encourage him be a team player and unless you get out and help don't criticize something you either know nothing about or care to pass on to children that would love to learn it.

    With that said I will slide back under my rock and let you blood suckers have your pity bash wars! There are good people, men and women and former players and cheerleaders, that try to make all this work and it doesn't take but 1 bad apple to make the whole damn day a bust because they want to moan about this or that.... GROW UP or GET OUT! You are here by choice no one is making you be here. Oh wait maybe your CHILD likes to play but doesn't want to here the bitching so he doesn't play hard cause nothing ever satisfies someone he lives his/her life through their children.....

    ( back under rock until futher notice )


    VIDOR, TEXAS >:(

  4. Guy's, all this hostility! Piratefan, you know your a lover and not a fighter. :-* I can honestly see both sides of the fence. If I put a kid in at QB that's never played there, I may let him take a few shots just to have a little fun. I may try a few trick plays just to see if they really work in certain situations. Not to "rub it in" but to let the kids have a little fun. If he's not my starter, he probably ain't throwing that much and there is a good chance it will get picked. But on the other hand, if I'm getting it handed to me, I'm pretty pissed and ready to get out of there, I just want the clock to run and get it over with. The last two minutes, hmmmmm, man, that's touchy. Personally, if I'm winning and have the ball, we're kneeling or running between the tackles according to how much time is left. Under 2 minutes two touchdown lead, we're kneeling. 8) 8) 8)

    1st of all 83 alumni is a very upstanding gentleman and there is no need of the hostility towards him. All he was doing was giving you a reason why they did what they did. Not boosting about what he had done. And yes he does have several films of Silsbee, Deweyville, Orangefield ( when they were with us and CL was coaching there) getting their hats handed to them. But it was done dignified. Ask around about the "Man Child" If you want a true description of this child ask CL and Claude. He was on the same team with a few of the starters that just graduated from VHS like Franklin, Foxworth, Beau and so on and so forth. He had a special group just as Claude JP and company had in Deweyville.

    And you are correct Bear with a big lead ( 2 Td's or more going into last half of 4Th ) I am eating the clock up.

    Just need to suck it up and move along.

  5. I will say after watching us play Bmt Kelly and Houston St. Thomas that if we can keep the pigskin in our mitts instead of bouncing on the ground like humpty dumpty it could be another 500 yd night. I do not know anything about H-J, but I do know we seen 1 good team and a decent team and we played well against both. Our biggest problem is fumbling. Reynolds was broke out fixing to run another 50+ yd TD and dropped the ball.... we fumbled 4 times total against St Thomas.... they are looking good. I wish H-J good luck but I am going with them Vidor Pirates....

    Pirates 31

    H-J 10


    I am pretty sure like most of the Refs for this weekend they had High School games to ref. Which when you are part of a crew for Friday nights you get regular calls, but if you don't show they don't call you and it is very hard to get back on another crew. So I am sure someone at the field knew of the situation. I know Chris Ford and another Ref that was at our flag game were refs for the Central / WB game later that day. So don't be so haste to judge the refs on why they left. Lonestar was called and warned because the local refs are going to stay with the Friday night games before they stay for a small ball game.


    We lost 20-0. Hard fought game just on wrong end. We played Silsbee Srs. Scored all their pts in 1st half.

    they scored all in first half? did yall shut them down second half or did they call the dogs off..?

    It was a little of us shutting them down in the 2nd and 3rd qtr but in the 4th the did run mostly 2nd team offense from what I could tell. And yes they did take a shot down the field late in the game. Don't know why but what comes around goes around and for whatever reason they didn't see it was more sportsmanship to run the clock out instead of trying to get more scores. But some people need to have a high score to make themselves feel better.

  8. pirates still learning new o but still several weeks to get it down

    Talk about frustrating for fans to set in the stands and watch the running game get 4-5 yards a pop, basically Evadale could not stop the running game, after 5-game type situations (to include scrimmages) to get better at this offense, IMO, it hasn't gotten better. Defensively the Pirates looked very good, I believe the Defense had 4-int's and numerous plays that resulted in little or no gain.  Evadale is a much improved team from the past few years, they will make the playoffs in their District. IMO.

    Hey Big L is this your back handed way of handing a compliment to Evadale? or a small pat on the back for Deweyville?  ;D Just wondering I was coming to watch this game but was bushed from VJFA games all day. I really wanted to watch Royal and Rayon again. I hope it was as good a game as I hoped it was. I will call ole Cadet LT. Claude and 83 alumni to get their thoughts on the game.

  9.   Hmmm! Very quiet today. Is this the calm before the storm?

    HOLY COW BATMAN!!!! The fox has had the muzzled removed?! I didn't think they were going to let you post again!! After getting your hand slapped like a 3 yo in the cookie jar before supper time, I figured you would be grounded and not let come out to play anymore.... or does your daddy know you are even on here??? hmmmmm I wonder if there is a razor strap waiting for you after school today???..... I guess if we hear a bunch of screaming coming from Mville way we will know that Cadet Lt. Claude has found out you are on the forums again............. Good luck to you and your partners in crime this weekend Marty.

    P.S. tell Big Daddy Mike, C.L. and "watcha got to eat" Charlie I say hey!!

  10. Ok i know this has been said be for but  i think people wants to know. 20-4a why is it so important for nederland to win over other teams. it seems like the focas is always on nederland and png. what bout the underdogs they could come up fast look at lumberton last year everyone says thet it was a cenderila story well yea it might be but the season just started i think u colud think that bout some teams in this distract im not  trying to faver lumberton i just think that they have always been the unestaimated in this class of teams maybe they have great choches like other teams in 20-4a.

    This is where the old saying should be put that says:

    Hey the village called and wants it's idiot back!!

    Only in fun :-D

  11. Appreciate that big fella! Never know about 'ol Captain Claude. He's hard for me to read. Hopefully he won't give us a "floggin" like he gave us last year.

    Well you know ole deck hand Claude, he will hit you straight in the mouth and smile at you, right before drawing back and hitting you again... thats the Vidor boy in him. Knowing him he will run the same ole Wishbone formation, smash mouth, stop me if you can offense. Tell your men to dig in and it won't be pretty. I'm certain of 1 thing, after its all said and done ..... both teams will know they have been in a battle!! Good luck my friend dig in, PLAY HARD, PLAY ROUGH or I WILL TAKE MY BALL AND GO HOME!!! thats all ole cadet Claude knows.


    It was moving slow by the end of the day, but the bad area was over in Anahuac. I have heard tell of a gas station with a 5 mile long line on the feeder road. Those were people from La.. I really didn't check IH10 as we was cleaning up and going home. I know there were some that left afterwards that night and were in traffic for a long time around the const. in Anahuac. I hear that the traffic back in was just as bad. One of my coaches wife was doing 10 mph around the Ford Pavilion Center

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