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Everything posted by vcbasketball15

  1. youre right about that, haha i work in woodville and just started getting on this forum again.
  2. clearly i wasnt kidding. wasnt doubting his ability i just dont remember hearing his name last season
  3. kountze looks young this year, im taking hj by 10 even though i havent seen them play yet. who is this Prudhomme kid? sounds like hes getting alot of hype. how tall is he and what position does he play
  4. has a great offensive game. i only watched 2nd half but didnt get back on defense very well (coulda been the fact they were already up 40 points) if they can rebound the ball they will be a deep team this year im also wondering if the lumberton team even got in the gym together over the summer and fall.the whole team looked uncomfortable playing together out there,  hopefully they can turn things around
  5. ouch. yates sounds tough. anybody from that team getting looked at for college?
  6. nice to see some lumberton boys up on that list. congrats to koch,romano, and dunkleberger
  7. thats good.  he was a monster when he was at memorial. i even heard he was beastly at the juco level
  8. Whats he doing now? Is he still playing for  Illinois?
  9. Roman is the better all around player, but Devin will be the better college player if he keeps his head on straight. I have played with both of them before, and roman is downright sick. Can jump outta the gym, play defense, hit the big shot. EVERYTHING. Both of them have to be the top 5 players to ever come out of KHS.
  10. pride i def. have to agree with you on that one.... overrated!!!
  11. hes def. up there....if not the best hes top 3 at least.. could you put lebron in this catorgory???
  12. are we talking like home cooked food here or like fast food.... lumberton serves chick fil a and LCM serves dominos pizza... the links at vidor were horrible the other night.... but home cooked food wise....hmm im trying to remember the best...west brooks or....shocker right here... HAMPSHIRE FANNETT!!! they actually are considered to be the best at something lol :)
  13. Who gets it?? sorry about the spelling on some of the players... post your opinion
  14. uconn is playing pretty good ball right now too...i think they will be the next #
  15. upset city baby....gotta go with the dogs in this one... ned by 1 or 2 on a buzzer beater :)
  16. now i bleed burnt orange til i die....but blake griffin is a absolute beast....26 points 17 boards against OSU...10 staight dub-dub games....and dont forget thunder personel in the crowd at the game.... this would be a sick combo after griffin has a couple years to flower in the nba.... Durant, Griffin, and Jeff Green.....i never thought i could say this but the thunder may be a force in the next 5 years or so...maybe SOONER haha..... maybe to even draw comparsion to the boston big 3 of garnett allen and pierce....
  17. uncalled for. without a doubt....he wouldnt be playing on any team i coached....regardless of how good he is.... youre a college athlete....grow up and have the class of one.....
  18. duke has played good wihout a doubt.... and even though they prolly will be #1 i think if uconn beats notre dame tonight uconn should be #1 just in my opinion uconn plays in a tougher conference...no disrespect to the acc either.....
  19. once again lumberton plays what probly is a good team early in the morning and then has to play the host team later in the day... think thats the 3rd year in a row this has happened....
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