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Everything posted by WelcomeToTheBoneyard

  1. [quote name="Tim Riggins" post="1065857" timestamp="1316968559"] If Bollinger plays, the edge goes to Vidor, if he is still out the gap between the two teams closes considerably on offense.  Defensively the Pirates will be tested as Lumberton put up nearly 500 yards on LCM. [/quote] One person does not make a team...besides, he has a great backup that made a big run in the Nederland game.  Vidor will be just fine and not miss a beat.
  2. I can't imagine the tragic loss of a child, but I have been through the tragic death of a friend.  My prayers are with the families, students and faculty of OHS.  May God bring comfort and healing as you reflect on their lives in the days, months, and years ahead.  God Bless You and Keep You in His arms.  We love you!
  3. All the kids going back and forth.  I counted...on the last home game we had 4 kids that went by us 5 times, 5 I tell you, before halftime.  They tried a sixth time and I said you have been by here 5 times, you will have to find another route or wait until the game is over.  They never came back our way!!!  I am sure the parents were not happy with me. 
  4. If there is one thing I can't stand, it's playing Nederland in Nederland.  I hate the officiating; I hate the disrespect, but one thing is... we will make sure the officials don't give you a reason to win 10 yards out of the end zone...we will keep the score far enough ahead and make sure we come out as winners.  We have a lot of pride for our team.  These boys have done an awesome job of containing many different offenses and defenses...BRING IT ON!!!  Play your "HEARTS" out boys and you will come out on top. 
  5. [quote name="caneyhead#1fan" post="1052567" timestamp="1315580772"] No girls belong on here [/quote] LOL...you're just mad because A WOMAN showed you up!!!  Get a life and move on!
  6. REALLY GoDogs27...do you need to  make yourself look childish on every post???  And you wonder why Vidor hates to play Nederland...you aren't our rivalry by any means, you are our enemy!!!  BTW...comparing Mathews and Hooks was a waste of your time.  Hooks used to play some dirty ball, but his last 10-15 years he mellowed a lot.  Mathews has never and will never play dirty ball.  If you see one of our kids acting out, that is on their own terms.  Mathews will yank that kid out in a heartbeat.  HE MAKES THESE KIDS RESPECT EVERYONE!!!  I hope he never leaves, because these kids have learned how to respect themselves, their parents, the community and those that we compete against...and to Coach Mathews I thank you for that. 
  7. [quote name="caneyhead#1fan" post="1052548" timestamp="1315579960"] Talk like a real man [/quote] He did talk like a real man...you just didn't understand because you aren't a "real man"!!!  A real man would not have posted what you said. 
  8. [quote name="liltex" post="1045591" timestamp="1314818378"] Good job coach is blaming ::) ::) [/quote] I went back and re-read your posts and I want to apologize for mis-reading what you wrote.  I see now what you meant...Your post was vague and everyone wants to blame Mathews for every little thing.  It sounded as if you were being sarcastic about the situation, so I took it as that.  Again I apologize!!!
  9. [quote name="liltex" post="1045291" timestamp="1314759070"] Headaches,throwing up are signs of de-hydration and early signs of heat exhaustion.Sorry miss but having been medivac twice in Nam I believe I told  the truth.It's ok though good luck to Clark and hope he's ok. [/quote] It is also a sign of a concussion.  In the beginning they thought he had a concussion, then they thought he over-heated.  The final ruling was never determined as of this past Monday.  Nothing was conclusive enough.  He was supposed to have a new CAT Scan done on Monday to compare to Saturday nights scan to rule out concussion.  My point was you blamed the coach for something that the Enterprise wrote.
  10. [quote name="liltex" post="1044944" timestamp="1314729330"] Good job coach,first signs of heat exhaustion-clammy skin/no persperation and you have heat exhaustion-next severe thing is heat stroke.Lot's have died from both ;) :'( [/quote] You can't believe everything you here or read from any source...his Mom stated that they never were sure what happened to him.  You might consider an apology!!!
  11. [quote name="Ned11str8" post="1042704" timestamp="1314472254"] [quote author=liltex link=topic=87283.msg1042679#msg1042679 date=1314469754] Tx High has last yrs.film.Unless Vidor can successfully pass to keep them guessing I'll take Tex.High but not by much 8) [/quote] Yep thats true and if you've seen it once you've seen it a thousand times . They also have coach Forman who is very familiar with this offense. [/quote][/quote][quote author=faub10 link=topic=87283.msg1042763#msg1042763 date=1314481518] Same ol matthews and company,,,,,,,nothing ever changes,,,texas high wins big,,,,,vidor won't even be a playoff team,,,,,,same thing differant yr [/quote] Well that same old Mathews and company made it a win last night...last years films and all.  Great job Pirates.  You looked good.  Need to work on some things, but hey what team doesn't!!! 
  12. Good thing this game didn't depend on a district placement...don't think Nederland got the 2 point conversion from what I saw on film.  You always have to make sure you have enough of a point spread to not allow things like this to happen.  It looked like a hard fought battle...good luck to both teams!!!
  13. [quote name="VPirate" post="1039923" timestamp="1314146229"] [quote author=Lady Pirate link=topic=86956.msg1039827#msg1039827 date=1314127483] [quote author=VHS95 link=topic=86956.msg1039720#msg1039720 date=1314117951] If anyone could post the directions to the stadium it would be much appreciated, thanks. [/quote] Correct me if I am wrong, but I think we are playing at Lufkin High School... If so, follow Hwy 69 all the way into Lufkin.  Once there you will take a slight right toward S Medford Dr. and then take the ramp onto S Medford Dr.  I have heard where Hwy 69 in Lufkin and S Medford Dr. meet up can be tricky. Lufkin has a lot of loops, so if you feel you are going in circles...you are!!!  The address of the stadium is 309 S Medford Drive.  It's about 116 miles to get there.  Hope this helps and anyone else have a better way to get there let us know.  [/quote] When you get to Lufkin on 69, S Medford Dr. is at the 59 loop, turn right which actually takes you onto the loop, take the first exit you come to, stay on the feeder rd. Abe Martin stadium will be on your right you can't miss it. [/quote] Thanks for the helpful information...Can't wait game day to arrive...hoping my nephew gets some playing time.  I am super excited and ready to watch all of them play ball!!!
  14. [quote name="VHS95" post="1039720" timestamp="1314117951"] If anyone could post the directions to the stadium it would be much appreciated, thanks. [/quote] Correct me if I am wrong, but I think we are playing at Lufkin High School... If so, follow Hwy 69 all the way into Lufkin.  Once there you will take a slight right toward S Medford Dr. and then take the ramp onto S Medford Dr.  I have heard where Hwy 69 in Lufkin and S Medford Dr. meet up can be tricky. Lufkin has a lot of loops, so if you feel you are going in circles...you are!!!  The address of the stadium is 309 S Medford Drive.  It's about 116 miles to get there.  Hope this helps and anyone else have a better way to get there let us know. 
  15. Why not use both of them?  Just sayin'...
  16. I would rather have Coach Mathews than have a winning season.  You see in the end, winning isn't everything.  Respect, courage, determination, hard work...is what gets these kids through life.  Our coach has taught these boys and girls and our town that there is much more to life than winning.  Sure it's fun to make the playoffs and it would be fun to go all the way, but you can't take away what coach has done for the athletics in our school district.  IMO...I could care less if we never make another playoff run as long as we have a coach that teaches our children how to be respectful young gentlemen and ladies!!!
  17. [quote name="tappedout" post="889273" timestamp="1288230485"] No, I'm not trying to stir the pot and I'm not insulting anyone's kid's. I could care less about the halftime show, I go to watch football. Nothing about Vidor impresses me at all. I hate going to Vidor more than any place that we go to. It suck's getting to the field and out of it. The last 2 time's we have been, I know people who had their car's keyed. The last time my mother-n-law had a penis keyed into her hood. I'm not a big fan of anyone's halftime show. I don't care to watch band's march with light's on much less the light's off. I'm not pissed at anyone. When we lose a game we have to listen to everyone's crap. [/quote] :'( :'( :'( :'(...I would key your car too if you had that same attitude with me!!!  If you don't like Vidor stay away, but don't go bashing us.  Since Mathews came here, Vidor is a whole new town!!!!!! 
  18. [quote name="NDN79" post="884966" timestamp="1287832791"] PN-G has too much offense for Vidor! NDN's win by 2 t.d.'s [/quote] It isn't about your offense...it's about how well our offensive line will block.  If you shut us down offensively, as Central did in the second half-they blew through our line and shut us completely down-you will win; otherwise, it will be a close game.
  19. Central completely dominated our offensive line in the second half, and shut down our run game.  Great job Central.  Made some great adjustments to come back and make the win. 
  20. I am with you on that one vidorSDMF...what a game it was.  Can't wait for Friday night, will be a close game so come ready to stand the entire game.  Last year I don't think anyone sat the whole 4th quarter-2 OT's. Let's go Pirates...YOU ARE STILL IN THE HUNT FOR THAT PLAYOFF SPOT!!!   A lot of people never expected us to be where we are.  You have what it takes to make it in, just believe in yourselves and make it happen.  Never give up!  Never let anything get you down!  Always raise your expectations from week to week!  WE ARE THE TEAM TO BEAT...LET'S GO GET 'EM!!!
  21. [quote name="pirate68" post="872372" timestamp="1286826536"] [quote author=Abraham link=topic=74180.msg872084#msg872084 date=1286807729] LCM is going to win this one hands down! vidor is going to have a losing season, and has absolutely no chance in this game at all!! [/quote]Let me call the UIL and get them to cancel the game then...Honest Abe gives us no chance..You haven't watched much 20-4a football this year have you? The way this district is going any team on any night can win a football game. [/quote][quote author=mytwocents link=topic=74180.msg872585#msg872585 date=1286840787] [quote author=Abraham link=topic=74180.msg872084#msg872084 date=1286807729] LCM is going to win this one hands down! vidor is going to have a losing season, and has absolutely no chance in this game at all!! [/quote] its people like this that gets me so fired up for Friday night games. You make yourself look like a five year old with statements like this. Go back to myspace. [/quote] These are the quotes that get our boys fired up too...GO PIRATES!!!  We have seen you play and no what you are capable of!
  22. [quote name="pirates78" post="865769" timestamp="1286225649"] Rusted knows exactly what he is talking about, though is facts are a little shaky. Rusted, we rolled out to pass several times. The times we did the qb went the right way then there was no blocking or the blocking was there and the qb rolled out the wrong way. The only way I know that is because I am a 3 yr letterman of those play and know the blocking scheme/backfield motion scheme. Like I said though, the team that comes ready to play would take home the W. Not to say Vidor is a bad team by any means but we did not show up to play and looked like we at a funeral on the sidelines. It was completely dead. For all the Pirate players that read this you need to take something from it, you can't play good without enthusiasm. The only game I seen any enthusiasm at was the Nederland game and looked what happened. The rest of the games yall have completely silent on the sidelines, don't be afraid to make some noise. [/quote] Well said...You guys could be a team  for a playoff spot, but you have to stay focused.  I still saw potential Friday night, so don't let that one game get you down.  You can do this if you allow it...I myself would love to see y'all be the team in the top four and prove to everyone that no matter how inexperienced you are, you can pull this off.  We as fans could also learn from this young man.  We sat there like we were at a funeral too.  LET"S MAKE SOME NOISE!!! GO PIRATES!
  23. Why would a great coach like Neumann allow the kids to work out their own problems?  Where was the adult in this situation? As far as the kid who left Nederland...doesn't look like an athletic reason to me...looks like a personal reason...IMO.
  24. [quote name="vidorSDMF" post="844457" timestamp="1284215704"] [quote author=WelcomeToTheBoneyard link=topic=72746.msg844399#msg844399 date=1284211047] K-ville...hats off to you, great team, great discipline. Good luck the rest of the season. PIRATES...???????  I don't know what to say.  Defense was wrapping up better.  This is your competition for district.  You will have to stay more focused on the field.  A lot of mistakes that were common sense.  QB's don't punt or kick field goals, and I blame the coaches for not catching that one several times.  Swinging gate...we've used that before, not with our team; but, have you not seen one before???  I am sorry for my honesty today, but we did not look at all.  You have two weeks to improve mentally and physically...You guys have a lot of talent...use what God gave you and play some ball!!! [/quote] They tryed the swinging gate???????? [/quote] K-ville did!!!
  25. K-ville...hats off to you, great team, great discipline. Good luck the rest of the season. PIRATES...???????  I don't know what to say.  Defense was wrapping up better.  This is your competition for district.  You will have to stay more focused on the field.  A lot of mistakes that were common sense.  QB's don't punt or kick field goals, and I blame the coaches for not catching that one several times.  Swinging gate...we've used that before, not with our team; but, have you not seen one before???  I am sorry for my honesty today, but we did not look at all.  You have two weeks to improve mentally and physically...You guys have a lot of talent...use what God gave you and play some ball!!!
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