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Everything posted by et531303

  1. I believe the Panthers are going to bounce back and take this 28-14.
  2. It won't lead to fist throwing this is just part of the job.
  3. It is Homecoming for AP, the Panthers will take this one 48-7.
  4. On the that red zone "offsides" call Hamshire's QB was about two yards short from the first down, there was never no flag thrown the QB was short, the refs made the right call i saw that play and like I said he was SHORT!
  5. Panthers are going to rebound this week score will be 35-14. Go AP!
  6. I'm glad High School football season is starting I am tired of watching the Astros lose and trading their best players so we can get average minor league players or "benchwarmers" in the Majors.
  7. Good Luck to the Pirates from Panther Country!
  8. I say Anahuac, Newton and then Woodville.
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