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ozens fastest@1906

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Everything posted by ozens fastest@1906

  1. Ozen and LCM, Well lets see.... Maybe 0-0 game goes into 3 overtimes and the coaches call it a draw..... No wait they go by the number of 1st downs...
  2. No but that shit needs to some off of the thread it's very obvious what the idiot is saying and Coop or some other administrator needs to take all of it off....
  3. Chill Out Man, the guy wrote in his post that they're just numbers... It's ALRIGHT!!!
  4. Great game by KJ but I'm pissed at poor officiating last night, he was robbed of that TD' pass from Lane
  5. I dont care for either Central or Nederland but I think Nederlands gonna go down tonight... Central played a tuff LCM defense last week and their offensive coordinator is gonna what to look good tonight... Central by 2+ TD's
  6. your absolutely right, but the sad thing is that they had that in the very beginning and then they ran the MAN out... So now they are reaping what they so.....
  7. Honestly, you got to look at it from a teenagers point of view... Who wants to go to the school that is losing on and off the field. When West Brook was down it stayed down b/c Ozen was winning. But when BISD started the old coaching shuffling and West Brook got a good coach in STUMP they had a winning season Ozen starts getting bad press and kids and parents want out. West Brook is no longer losing so why stay at school where the coaches are being ran out faster than the 05 Track Team 3 Coaches in 4 yrs.
  8. I hate it when linemen try to pick up a loose ball instead of fallling on it and the other team gets it. > > >
  9. Ozen is in a rebuilding stage but it doesnt look any better for the panthers. i dont know if ozen will be able to get back on track b/c if the panthers finish the season like last year they are going to continue to lose athletes to the central, westbrook, and kelly....
  10. I hate to say it b/c LCM is alot better than their record states and they will finish over .500 but tonight Central will put it on them real nasty.. Central by 17 points
  11. 9th grade scores WOS 42 HF 0 WOS (3-0) only 1 td allowed this year and it was on the offense.....
  12. I've noticed the last couple of days and even weeks how coaches are judged by their actions as play callers and even as role models for their athletes, case in point Coach Gundy a college head coach for his recent comments to a reporter and even some area highschool coaches for what some fans feel like are bad calls. I for one feel like coaches arent given enough credit for what they do. Coaching is a job where everyone has their eyes on you and expections now are so high, not to mention the fact that parents are entrusting you with the well being of their children. For most cases many coaches spend more time with their athletes than they get to spen with their own. Not to mention the salaries arent great unless your at a major Universty or a Professional Team. So many of them could be doing a hell of alot better for themselves however their love for kids and having a positive influence in the lives of youths weather it be highschool or college. These guys should be given a little more respect for what they are doing. Not everyone can a coach so maybe we should start given these men the credit they deserve.
  13. Beaumont is considered part of the houston area. Watch when the 3A Houston Area Rankings come out, West Orange Stark wiil be listed....
  14. I think the decision should be left up to the kid especially if its the kids Sr. year... Only he knows what his body feels like
  15. So does that mean that WOS would have and could beat Central this year.. Since they are 3A and Dayton slide by a very good Central team last year?
  16. How in the h*ll is Westfield region II and their located right in North West Houston
  17. Thats more like it.... I know Ozen is in a rebuilding stag but come on.... There are alot of Senior on that team and they have lots of talent... I think Rison has done a great job on defense and remember defense wins games offense sells tickets...
  18. Very Well Put.... ;) I for one think that Central does have the upper hand... Not knocking West Brook b/c they will be a deep play off team again this year, but I love speed and Central has too many play makers
  19. You got a good point! but until you guys make a district run, not a play off run, but a district then you can trash ozen all you want "b/c you first have to make a run for a winning season before you guys can ever start talking play offs..."But hey I totally understand if beating Ozen was the highlight of the year... Almost forgot (WOS) by 10 or more
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