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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. And now we have obamacare.
  2. ​That varies because you can get overlap where one can claim he inherited a bad economy and vice versa. Pure Republican policy if implemented would beat pure Democrat policy if implemented hands down...on the fed level we always get a mixture. You can compare cities and states that have had Democratic policies for years against the same with Republican policies and you get a pretty good contrast. When I say Rep and Dem I should say big gov higher taxes vs smaller gov lower taxes because you have some Republicans that should be Democrats, depending on which state they are in.
  3. ​If you are talking about taxes...yes it has...and it always will as long as we keep ballooning the fed gov...Republicans can't lower taxes without cutting spending. Our problem is many of the folks that pay no taxes AND receive gov assistance are unaffected by a tax hike...and they vote. No Republican that talks of cutting entitlements will get their vote. Only problem is eventually, this path will become unsustainable and we will wind up like Greece, as stevenash pointed out earlier.
  4. ​Who is ignoring the current major events? Some folks just don't like to see their President lie about something for his own political agenda.
  5. Oops...can't believe the media wasn't all over this lie gaff.
  6. ​So why is anyone perennially poor...is it really the fault of a political party? And if it is, who would it be...the party that wants to increase big business and create more jobs with lower taxes... or the party that wants to continue to spoon feed entitlements paid for with higher taxes while creating roadblocks for business growth.
  7. ​Some folks think the fed gov needs to be involved in everything.
  8. Personally, if someone killed a member of my family, I wouldn't care if they hated them or not. The crime should dictate the penalty, not an emotion.
  9. ​No way it's being overlooked...this was a maniac that acted on his racist hatred and he will pay for it. Sadly, all these families have to deal with what he did. But this is in no way any reflection on anyone other than him.
  10. I guess it's a good idea to carry in Church now.
  11. ​So am I...I just hope the next phase is not named Hillary.
  12. I have no problem with one candidate pointing out their opponents policies that they disagree with…many folks wouldn’t even know about them if they didn’t. It has become a battle of who can do more for folks at the federal level when in reality, there should be very few things someone should expect from the fed gov…important, but very few. Rick Perry said at one time he would like to make the fed gov as inconsequential in our everyday lives as possible…and I agree with that philosophy 100%. Sadly, many don’t .
  13. ​Hmmm...no answer from the left on this one. Oh well, baddog answered it.
  14. ​Wanting your President to follow the Constitution is extreme...lol.
  15. ​Problem is, not many folks will not do that, and even if they did... We can put a Republican candidate up there that says, "I will run this Presidency by following the Constitution...I will do my best to eliminate all federal entitlements and let the states take care of their own... no more welfare, no more obamacare, people need to take responsibility for their own lives and if you need a leg up time to time, don't look to the fed gov." And he wouldn't get elected...that's not what many folks want to hear.
  16. And why would he call the Constitution a "charter of negative liberties"?
  17. [Hidden Content] From the article: According to Whiteside, researchers had suspected that climate had played a role, though no one had developed a detailed environmental record from the same sediments that also preserved extensive fossil vertebrate records (including small dinosaurs) – until now. “Our major finding is that wild swings in climate and extremes of drought and intense heat have implications for survivability of Triassic vertebrates, including early dinosaurs.” Are these the same guys preaching global warming gloom and doom today?
  18. ​Not necessarily...I have lots of views that I would never want implemented or enforced at the Federal level. I want someone in there that will follow the Constitution as much as possible.
  19. ​No doubt...I would never count her out.
  20. I can see it coming...Congress will have to get involved and investigate.
  21. ​I would like to see anyone's baggage that compares to hillary's...there are none. Of course, she knows a good portion of the voters are either clueless or don't care.
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