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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. These pathetic folks think they are “lords” with a capital L. They’ll figure out one day they’re not. Socialized medicine, be here soon.
  2. Maybe, just maybe, steep hills and big electric buses aren’t ready for prime time.
  3. Other than Russia collusion, any bathroom goes, masks work, the vaccine will save lives, it’s not a real baby, I could do this all day. You belong to the party of dangerous lies.
  4. I don't need a history lesson on whether or not systemic racism existed in this country in the past, of course it did. What examples do you see today?
  5. But it’s much more than that, young American college students cheering brutal animals like Hamas while calling for death to Jews. Many of our universities are cesspools.
  6. Never thought we would see this in this country.
  7. I agree with many of his opinions on big pharma but at the end of the day he’s a hardcore Hillary supporting liberal.
  8. Without a doubt, knocked my team out but enjoyed watching them win it all, well deserved.
  9. Me too, baseball could use another McGuire - Sosa type battle.
  10. You don’t know but this was enough for “tic tic, we got him this time”. lol
  11. I don’t see you as whiny at all, I see you complaining because you feel like your team came out on the short end of bad calls. I do it as well. What I don’t do is call for umpires to be replaced because they’re not perfect. It’s part of the game and always has been, just another obstacle to deal with. One thing I am sure of is the whooping the Rangers took last night wasn’t because of bad umpiring. They’ll figure it out, they’re too good a team not to.
  12. You saw a different game than I saw. You sound like the high school football fan that gets beat 60 to 7 and complains about the referees, lol.
  13. Agree, I’m also pulling for the Rangers now that Houston is out, but I doubt we would be hearing about the lousy umpires if Texas won last night. Like I said, it’s part of the game.
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