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Ironman of the Year Nominations


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Ill have to go with Rob Ashabranner for the Ironman award. The kid is a talented DT (6'2, 265) that ended up playing Quarterback for Cathedral. Injuries and other team issues forced the coaches to put there best LINEMAN in the backfield to play quaterback. He earned first team all district Defensive Lineman and Defensive District MVP and earned HONORABLE MENTION honors for QB. The kid played everydown and had to run to the side line after every play the get the offensive play call, he definitly earned his rest. He is definitely a candiddate for the Ironman Award.

P.s. and if nothing else probably the biggest QB in TEXAS this season!!!!

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Johnny Dishon -- Bridge City

Tore his ankle to shreds early vs. Kelly and did not miss a game. In fact, he rarely missed a play (offense, defense, special teams). And every game, he was the opponent's 'target'. No kid got him more all year than him and no one sacrificed himself more for his team than him. If its not him, then I guess I don't understand what "Ironman" means....

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when i think of ironman i think of someone that is a very tough football player. this may not fall into that catagorie. justin granger of orangefield was a first team center on just about ever team that has been selected in the area. he was the leader on the offensive line for the bobcats. on defense he had many really good games. im not sure on the number of stats. but he had his pinky finger nearly completely ripped of in the hampshire-fannett game and they had to make him come out even tho he just wanted it wrapped. he split that cut back open on the friday of the next game which was against the famous chain gang defense and taped up up and had to play guard the whole game and never said a word about it. he is the toughest person i have ever been around and a GREAT football player. this might not be what you were looking for for ironman but i thought i would share with all of you who was the ironman for the bobcats.

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