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Tired of Comparisons

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Every time a new topic comes up about comparisons before to long it becomes a bash 1A schools.

If a 1A is good then supporters from other classification school down the talent or the competition in 1A. Look nobody gets to choose their classification (some might try) but it is assigned. The UIL from on high decides where the magic dividing lines of student enrollment will be drawn.

How many times does a kid from a smaller district make a splash in a larger classification district once their school moves up. I'll tell you...it happens every two years when a big school in a classification moves up into the next A. And of course the same is true in reverse when a school drops a class. They are automatically a top 10 team and a favorite of Texas Football to "WIN IT ALL!"

Most of the 1A schools in Southeast Texas play upper classification schools in every sport. We make it a point to play before district starts. In Evadale we invite more than just 1A schools to play in our volleyball and basketball tournaments, in fact we have invited 3A team in the past couple of years. I believe that you will find that larger schools invite smaller schools to their tournaments and often place them in the side of the bracket they are one so they can make the championship of their own tournaments. That's OK, but the larger school should not use it as a club to beat over the head of a smaller school, you are bigger and you are supposed to win. Well I am getting off the topic.

If we are going to be fair every poll should be done by classification. Most 3A teams will not get a chance to play a 5A team so the comparison is not valid. Look at the baseball poll that ended in June. Nederland was on top, but every other school had been eliminated in the playoffs, but the next to last poll should have had Evadale as 2 or 3, since still being in the playoffs seemed to be how Nederland rose to the top. Don't get me wrong Nederland fans, using the poll as it was done you SHOULD have been #1 as you were the last team still in the playoffs, but the Rebels lost in the Regional semi final and only three teams did that and only one advanced to the final.

If any 1A school moves up then according to some on this site, the players are better just because they are now in a higher classification. Nonsense! A UIL proclamation does not make a player better. All I would ask is that if we are going to run topics that compare then let's make then fair comparisons. Don't judge 1A players differently, just because they play for small schools. Don't make supermen and women out of 5A guys and girls.

These are games people and these are students first then athletes. Wouldn't it be something if we are spent as much time praising our kids for their performance in the classroom as we do on the fields and courts. I include my self in the last statement. My wife is a teacher and I can assure you that if parents were involved as much in their kids education and making sure that their assignments and homework were on time and done to the best of their abilities as much as they spend time money and effort in helping their child get better by attending camps, by hiring private coaches or trainers or just making sure that they were on time to school as they expect them to be for practice then we would have something to be really proud of...kids that were prepared for college, vocational schools or the work force once they graduate.

I LOVE SPORTS! We just all need to remember that less than 1 out of 200 high school athletes get to go to college on an athletic scholarship. 1 in 50 get to go on academic scholarships. Oh another stat for you is the national average of college athletes that graduate with a degree is below 60% and less than 5% of college athletes go on to play professional sports with over 70% of those being on minor league teams and 90% of those never make it to the "Big" leagues.

Sorry for the ramble, I just wanted to get that off my chest before the season started and the polls and comparison topics hit the internet. 

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I think I understand what he is talking about.  I think he believes that the smaller schools in the area get the short end of the stick respect wise around here.

And reb, I'll tell you like I have told other folks on other boards.  The best way to get past that is to get on the board and educate us about the Evadales, the Sabine Passes and West Hardins of the world.  Get others to post on the site and give these schools exposure.

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It sounds to me like he is saying that the 1A and 2A schools get shafted in the local rankings of all schools. So should a 10-0 Evadale Football team be ranked ahead of a 6-4 WB? Is that Evadale team really better than that WB team head to head? This guy thinks so!

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It sounds to me like he is saying that the 1A and 2A schools get shafted in the local rankings of all schools. So should a 10-0 Evadale Football team be ranked ahead of a 6-4 WB? Is that Evadale team really better than that WB team head to head? This guy thinks so!

Well then he needs to step back and take a look at what the local rankings are really for (any sport) and thats fun and discussion. There's no way to be accurate when many of these schools have different competition. I suppose you could get close with 3A & 4A since most of the posters on here represent or follow those classifications. But, do I think a 10-0 Evadale should be ranked higher than a 6-4 WB, who plays Katy, North Shore, Lufkin and Westfield? Oh He!! no!!!!!

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I can understand the problem but polls are what they are, simply someone's opinion. The person(s)/group putting out the poll can do whatever and however they want. It is only for discussions. With the local polls on setxsports.com, there are only so many teams per division. You could make the top 2 in the Golden Triangle 5A poll simply because there aren't any other teams. For that reason, sextsports combines some divisions. So what?

Rebel simply needs to jump into the discussions on why he thinks his team should be rated higher, which is the whole intent of polls to begin with. 

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Thanks for reading and responding.

I never said Evadale should be above a West Brook. I just believe that smaller schools get a bad rap, just because they are smaller schools.

I will continue to post and tell you what is happening in Evadale, just give us the same consideration you do for any other school that is in a higher classification, that's all I am trying to say.

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It sounds to me like he is saying that the 1A and 2A schools get shafted in the local rankings of all schools. So should a 10-0 Evadale Football team be ranked ahead of a 6-4 WB? Is that Evadale team really better than that WB team head to head? This guy thinks so!

On a player for player comparison, the 1A or 2A school could definitely be better than a Westbrook. The problem is, if the 1A/2A team were to play that 5A school in a sport like football substituion wise the 5A school probably wouldn't be half way through it's second string while the smaller schools players would be going both ways getting worn down. Plus the fact that if your team has 50 players versus 25 players, chances are you are going to match up really well.

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