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Lonestar Playoffs/ Who Still In & Who Got knocked out

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We could not be more proud of our juniors right now. These boys have begun to click and will be a force this week at Hawk Stadium. We were fortunate over in EC last night and got by the Vidor Senior boys so HJ White moved into the next round and will face the Hamshire-Fannett Longhorns in the senior division.

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Congratulations HJ Juniors and Seniors on the first round of playoffs. It was AWESOME to watch the little JUNIORS leave it all on the field in Warren. It is good to see them come together and play as a team.


                                  GO HJ HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congrats to the Hardin Jefferson Hawks Jr. team. These young men played a heck of a game. I can't help but ask myself if this was the true fourth seed team. I thought that the first seed team played the fourth place seed and the second seed team played the third place seed. Does anyone know how the teams were seeded and if so who made the determination of who played who. I think the Buna boys got rooked on their game and should have played Silsbee or whoever the true fourth seed team should have been.

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Congrats to the Hardin Jefferson Hawks Jr. team. These young men played a heck of a game. I can't help but ask myself if this was the true fourth seed team. I thought that the first seed team played the fourth place seed and the second seed team played the third place seed. Does anyone know how the teams were seeded and if so who made the determination of who played who. I think the Buna boys got rooked on their game and should have played Silsbee or whoever the true fourth seed team should have been.

If buna could not beat HJ in the first round , they would not have beat them in the 2nd or in the superbowl so what does it matter. Buna lost to the 4th place seed HJ moves on Buna better luck next year.......

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From my understanding was that allll tie breakers were to be done by U.I.L. regulations with a representative from each league involved-obviously this did not take place. They picked who they wanted each team to play. Yes Buna did lose to HJ who is a great team and I will not say anything negative about that team because they are a great team and deserved the win hands down. BUT when you work all season long to go undefeated, win district then you deserve an easier opponent. HJ by no means is a 4th seeded team. You can go back and look to the final week of the year when HJ beat the supposedly #2 seed 31-0. That right there tells me that is not a #4 seed team. The points allowed rule was eliminated because all tie breakers were going to be done with the coin toss. Why do you think the HJ coach put a post last week stating how he was upset when he found out he had to play Buna(that post was erased by the way)...because he knew that they were not a #4 seed team and they too should deserve to face an easier opponent. You can say it would not have mattered what round BUNA played HJ in because BUNA may have still lost but the FACT is --these 2 opponents should have never played in the FIRST ROUND. I will state the truth one more time to make things clear----THEY PICKED WHO THEY WANTED EACH TEAM TO PLAY!!!!

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I'll agree to that BONECRUSHER, maybe all the other coaches in the playoffs were intimidated by the cougars undefeated season so felt the need to seed each team where they wanted, again my hats off the HJ they played a heck of a game as for the cougars they still have the bragging rights of the UNDEFEATED DISTRICT CHAMPS, and no one can change that. Those boys played a great season and will be back next year. We are very proud of them!!!

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Well, if that happened, I am still proud of my little Hawks! And I would like to thank who-ever put our juniors against Buna this week so we could throw the wrench in their "undefeated " season. Thank you for knowing how that game would come out the way it did. I have an idea, who-ever picked that game, let's go to Vegas and make a fortune because you obviously have a talent for picking football games. Which one of you guys is the "Rain Man"? Holly, you came on here a couple of weeks ago and started telling everyone to "watch out" for the Buna juniors. Well guess what, we were watching, we scouted and shut your big boys down. Its called football! I don't know if you've ever held a football, but it ain't like no other ball. Its oval, and you never know which way it will bounce.

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Yes, your boys played a good game and defeated the young men from Buna. That is a fact, we all seen that. I have to say that yes your coaches did an excellent job as well. I was simply stating that I didn't think that you guys should have been the fourth place seed. I simply feel as though we were the only un-defeated team and should have played the true forth seed team. This would have made the matchup between HJ and Buna this weekend. There is no question whether our teams could have beat the other two teams that were seeded second and third. I just wanted to know who was involved in the seeding of the teams. TO MAKE IT VERY CLEAR WHO PUT HARDIN JEFFERSON IN THE FOURTH PLACE SEED AND HOW WAS THIS ALLOWED? I THINK BONECRUSHER HAS THE SAME QUESTIONS I HAVE.

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I didn't see a question. I saw an accusation. I got a call from the LoneStar board asking me if we minded them drawing the seeds out of a hat. I thought hummmm, 3 names in a hat, 33 1/3% chance, or wait till Wed and flip a coin, hummmmm 3 coins = 33 1/3% chance, worst case, we have 5 days to get ready for Buna or we have 2 days to get ready for Buna. Best case scenario, we have 5 days to get ready for who-ever, or 2 to get ready for who-ever. We'll take the 5 days and guess what, it worked baby! It worked! I love it when ya call me big pappa!

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holly/bonecrusher are who ever wants to know...it was me, I made the decision to draw from a hat. with the three presidents permission that were tide. if you want to be upset with someone, it was me!! you are welcome to come to our elections in January and vote my TIRED OLD BUTT out of office if want,are better yet run for something and get involved. never mind you must be one of them who sit around and do nothing,... and complain if things don't go your way.

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I think folks need to understand that anything can happen on any given Saturday.  It is true that HJ beat the #2 team in the hat pull 35-0 but lost to a team that the #2 team beat 21-6 so anything can happen.  Also, I believe that one division won 3 out of 4 of the playoff games.  You just never know.  Teams just come together at different times and one missing kid here and there can make all the difference.

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holly/bonecrusher are who ever wants to know...it was me, I made the decision to draw from a hat. with the three presidents permission that were tide. if you want to be upset with someone, it was me!! you are welcome to come to our elections in January and vote my TIRED OLD BUTT out of office if want,are better yet run for something and get involved. never mind you must be one of them who sit around and do nothing,... and complain if things don't go your way.

I came on this post today to state my opinion about a situation. Instead I am reading very arrogant and judgmental responses. In response to OLDSCHOOL_50's judgmental comment about me sitting around and doing nothing-I am very involved in my youth football organization-I have taught the players that victory is a great feeling but needs no arrogance, no trash talking that the proof is in the game playing on the field. But I also taught them that the greatest victory of all is walking a narrow path each day that is only walked in by faith. So you see I AM VERY much involved. But I did not come on here to clarify what my duties are that I serve within this football organization because I only serve one man. I guess I should not be shocked that my one little post led to all of this.

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From my understanding was that allll tie breakers were to be done by U.I.L. regulations with a representative from each league involved-obviously this did not take place. They picked who they wanted each team to play. Yes Buna did lose to HJ who is a great team and I will not say anything negative about that team because they are a great team and deserved the win hands down. BUT when you work all season long to go undefeated, win district then you deserve an easier opponent. HJ by no means is a 4th seeded team. You can go back and look to the final week of the year when HJ beat the supposedly #2 seed 31-0. That right there tells me that is not a #4 seed team. The points allowed rule was eliminated because all tie breakers were going to be done with the coin toss. Why do you think the HJ coach put a post last week stating how he was upset when he found out he had to play Buna(that post was erased by the way)...because he knew that they were not a #4 seed team and they too should deserve to face an easier opponent. You can say it would not have mattered what round BUNA played HJ in because BUNA may have still lost but the FACT is --these 2 opponents should have never played in the FIRST ROUND. I will state the truth one more time to make things clear----THEY PICKED WHO THEY WANTED EACH TEAM TO PLAY!!!!

well crusher, the next time I see you I will make sure and pat you on the back for all the great things you have done for the kids on your team. when I read your post not only did I see an opinion but also an accusation. I just wanted to make sure you knew who you were accusing, and I bet it's not who you thought. You see "THEY" had nothing to do with it. I can assure you "THEY" DID NOT PICK WHO "THEY" WANTED. A little seven year old boy picked from a hat

with all three presidents permission. I will state the truth one more time to make things clear---BONECRUSHER DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT!!!!

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From my understanding was that allll tie breakers were to be done by U.I.L. regulations with a representative from each league involved-obviously this did not take place. They picked who they wanted each team to play. Yes Buna did lose to HJ who is a great team and I will not say anything negative about that team because they are a great team and deserved the win hands down. BUT when you work all season long to go undefeated, win district then you deserve an easier opponent. HJ by no means is a 4th seeded team. You can go back and look to the final week of the year when HJ beat the supposedly #2 seed 31-0. That right there tells me that is not a #4 seed team. The points allowed rule was eliminated because all tie breakers were going to be done with the coin toss. Why do you think the HJ coach put a post last week stating how he was upset when he found out he had to play Buna(that post was erased by the way)...because he knew that they were not a #4 seed team and they too should deserve to face an easier opponent. You can say it would not have mattered what round BUNA played HJ in because BUNA may have still lost but the FACT is --these 2 opponents should have never played in the FIRST ROUND. I will state the truth one more time to make things clear----THEY PICKED WHO THEY WANTED EACH TEAM TO PLAY!!!!

What? Win your games my God! They were only Fourth place because of a three way tie, at the end of the day someone was going to be fourth by chance it just happened to be HJ who had the same record as EC and Silsbee.

D-ville beat them in the regular season then Buna beat us who is to say who is better? Thats why we play the game.

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                You sure talked a lot of trash about Buna, talking about Deweyville taking Buna by 14, but when the game  ended you had to eat those words. Do you spend all your time trashing Buna? We are not whining just trying to take up for HJ because we didn't think they should have been seeded #4, Hawks played a great game and deserved to win hands down. Hope HJ will be the next Superbowl Champs! Our boys still have the Eastern District Champs title that we are very proud of!!!!

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We've heard all about how this was a conspiracy to fool Buna into thinking that they were playing an inferior team. I was hearing that even before I got home from EC this past Saturday. Three teams had the same records at the end of the season and that said absolutely nothing about their abilities. Mistaking their ranking as an indication of their ability seems to have been a fatal mistake. Surely the Buna coaches understood the bulls-eye that #1 sticks on your back and understood that anyone going up against them is going to bring their "A" game every week. Hardin-Jefferson and their coaches did just that. They did their homework and found a winning gameplan. To disparage them by making accusations of game-fixing or meddling by the Board is shameful and shows a lack of class. The seeds were set exactly as I said they would be at the Coach's meeting before the season.


"In the event of a tie we will set the playoffs, not by points allowed but by flipping a coin."

When confronted with a 3-way tie it was decided to offer the presidents of the three associations the ability to get the extra days of practice by drawing numbers instead of getting all of them to drive to a central location that next Wednesday. If ANY of those presidents had wanted to meet and flip a coin then that is what we would have done. But none cared to drive and it seems that they all TRUSTED THE BOARD. All were going to the playoffs and all seemed ready to play whoever they got stuck with.

The western conference had a first place team and three second place teams. We drew numbers from a hat to determine what their places were in their playoffs. According to their records we had three EQUAL teams in the west to place against the eastern conference. We are sorry that we didn't clear this with the Buna coaches and fans since it seems that they feel they have been cheated. That IS what these accusations are stating. Stating that the teams were placed in any way other than random chance IS an accusation of cheating. I've already got a history of how I deal with cheaters. This isn't the first such accusation from this quarter or on this forum.

I've explained exactly how this happened even though it was cleared with the involved associations and none seem to have any problems. If the Buna association or their coaches feel they are being cheated by the Board then they need to lodge a formal complaint and not air out their problems on this forum. It has been three days and I haven't had anyone from the Buna association contact me to launch an investigation. But, you obviously don't trust me either. I've never given Michael or Buna a reason to distrust me.

Truthfully, these accusations don't do anything but bring hard feelings if you do nothing but shout from the crowd. I've explained what happened but if that isn't enough then I will gladly help you stage your own witch hunt. Better yet, get your president, Mark Poole, to call and lodge a complaint so that I will know that this is an association belief and not just the rantings of people grappling with why they didn't win a kid's game.   

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