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Response to 40under...


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I see that things get heated and somebody LOCKS THE THREAD...this is all I will say...

I am a TRUE MUSTANG and will BLEED BLUE FOREVER and I have to completely agree with everything that you said in your post concerning the totally uncalled for article that appeared in the Orange Leader by Gabe Pruitt.

He needs to learn that "his opinions" could be better voiced and handled than how he chose to do it.  I for one,may be finished with the OL.

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I see that things get heated and somebody LOCKS THE THREAD...this is all I will say...

I am a TRUE MUSTANG and will BLEED BLUE FOREVER and I have to completely agree with everything that you said in your post concerning the totally uncalled for article that appeared in the Orange Leader by Gabe Pruitt.

He needs to learn that "his opinions" could be better voiced and handled than how he chose to do it.  I for one,may be finished with the OL.

Well said. But alot of that is the truth in the article, sorry to say. Go back to 2001 even and see the games that were under achieved on offense. Or when WOS played Ozen and yet again the ball is inside the 1 and no QB Sneak with Joey Byerely as your QB.
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When I see coaches, school teachers, police officers, soldiers, high school athletes, etc., receive criticism, I am often reminder of my favorite quote. It was taken from part of a speech that Teddy Roosevelt made in 1910. I think it deals very well with situations were people criticize others but would not step into their shoes or who will criticize from the outside.

I have no problem with the right to criticize. It is an important right however some people that criticize might do well to step back for a moment and "walk a mile in my shoes" before making comments.

The passage from the speech is called: MAN IN THE ARENA.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again;…. who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."


(Paris Sorbonne,1910)

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Guest bleed orange

Good post "Tvc124". I use that quote all the time. A good friend of mine gave it to me on a plaque when he got married. His name is Bradley Peveto son of the late coach Ed Peveto. I also agree with "adminbaberuth".

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Guest GoStangs

Pruett's article was right on the money.  I was glad to see what he wrote, and I thought Van's response article was good, also.  I think most people, if they were to be honest, would agree with Pruett, if not add to what he published.  Bravo to the OL and Pruett on this one!

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Even Im not calling for his head! Teams with a ton of success can expect some heat from time to time. I am probably the biggest Mustang fan to ever graduate from PNG. Maybe this lights a fire and they getting going, because maybe that is what I want to see. I hope the Mustangs do very well and I respect their past accomplishments as much as anyone. My observations were made and I am in the capacity to put my opinions in public. Just like a coach's work is often seen by the public, so is mine. Whether people like it or not is up to them. I respect EVERY WO-S coach and what jobs they do, it is my job to report my opinions. Thanks for reading.

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Pruett's article was right on the money.  I was glad to see what he wrote, and I thought Van's response article was good, also.  I think most people, if they were to be honest, would agree with Pruett, if not add to what he published.  Bravo to the OL and Pruett on this one!

I'm with ya
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This will be my last post on this topic because I do not get into word battles or usually defend what I right because I stand by what I write in every article. I just wanted to speak to the last post. Do you know what reporter was the only one to go down on the field before the game and say hi to several WOS coaches? I have a ton of respect for those guys. I talk to Dan Hooks every chance I get and will never shy away. His accomplishments are out of this world. Coach T is great to talk to and so are many others. I ALWAYS make sure I go say hi to coaches before the game and wish them well. So to say I wrote that just to "attack" the coaching staff that I have a ton of respect for and always look forward to seeing is flat out nonsense.

It is funny, the same people who applauded me for doing a negative story on BCHS are now some of the same ones bashing me. It comes with the job I have and I accept it.

These are the joys of sports debating.

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Very good post 40under.  It is ashame that adults will try and under mind the people that they need to be looking up to.  I am sure it is hard for the kids to read the neg. post and go out on the field and have the respect for the OC that the OC deserves.

Where are the comments by 40under? I would like to see what you guys are responding to.

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It is funny, the same people who applauded me for doing a negative story on BCHS are now some of the same ones bashing me. It comes with the job I have and I accept it.

These are the joys of sports debating.

If you are speaking of the "negative story on BCHS" that I think you are speaking of...I may have missed this article.  The difference between the two articles is like comparing apples to oranges...illegal steroid use vs. bad play-calling (not even close).  This article states your opinion which you are entitled to, but regardless of whether I agree with it or the playcalling by our OC...he is a man who has feelings and spends many hours during the regular season, off-season, and summer with these young players.  Most people in the stands complaining, only spend Friday nights in the stands watching the players.  Everyone deserves respect, even if you don't agree with what they are doing.  That's my point and I am sticking by it too.

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Pruett's article was right on the money.  I was glad to see what he wrote, and I thought Van's response article was good, also.  I think most people, if they were to be honest, would agree with Pruett, if not add to what he published.  Bravo to the OL and Pruett on this one!

Sour Grapes....... ::) ::)

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