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 We are 49 ( IN THE FORTIES BOYS AND GIRLS) days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is..... 

National Video Games Day


Video Games Day - always on July 8th


Video Games Day celebrates popular video games that stormed onto the market, and changed the way your kids play games. From Atari to Nintendo to Xbox, video games provide all too many hours of playing time on your television set.


In grandma and grandpa's day, they had stick horses for toys and playtime. Todays kids (big kids and little kids) have an enormous array of video games to play. Before you get tired of one game, another one hits the market.  


Our extensive research into this special day discovered two separately distinct dates. Also, both dates for this special day refer to it as Video Games Day andNational Video Games Day. Based upon our research results, we give the edge to September 12th as National Video Games Day. Lucky gamer that you are, you get to celebrate two video games days.


Celebrate  National Video Games Day by playing video games. If you are off from school (or if you are a big kid off from work), make this a marathon day for video games. Better still, invite a few friends and hold a competition. Just make certain that you have enough controllers.



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We are 48 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is......  National No Bra Day... Being the majority in here dont wear bras... Soooo.....  A little history..... :D


New York elects its first governor

On this day in 1777, New York elects Brigadier General George Clinton as the first governor of the independent state of New York. Clinton would go on to become New York’s longest-serving governor, as well as the longest-serving governor in the United States, holding the post until 1795, and again from 1801 to 1804. In 1805, he was elected vice president of the United States, a position he held under Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, until his death in 1812.


George Clinton belonged to a politically minded family. His father, Charles, immigrated to New York from Ireland and served in the New York colonial assembly. His brother, James, served as a major general during the War for Independence, and James’ son, DeWitt Clinton, would follow in his uncle’s footsteps and serve as the governor of New York from 1817 to 1823.


Clinton’s career was marked by his friendship with George Washington and his hatred of New York Tories. In fact, as governor, he attempted to keep the public’s tax burden low by confiscating and selling land belonging to Tories to maintain state coffers. Clinton went on to represent New York in the Continental Congress and voted in favor of the Declaration of Independence, but was not present to sign the document because he had already left to serve General Washington in the field. Although Clinton refused to endorse the U.S. Constitution until the Bill of Rights was added to the document, he remained a dedicated supporter of the new federal government and threw a celebratory feast for President Washington after riding with him to his first inauguration.



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We are 47 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.....


Teddy Bear Picnic Day



It's Teddy Bear Picnic Day. Spend the lunch hour on a blanket under a shade tree with your Teddy Bear.


Stuffed Teddy Bears are a kids favorite. Children receive Teddy Bears early in their childhood. Children cling to them throughout their teenage years. Many bears are kept, even as you become an adult. As you read this article, many of you adults know exactly where your Teddy Bear is.

bearbarbecue.jpgOn this gorgeous summer day, take your teddy bear (or teddy bears) out for a day in the sun. It's time for a Teddy Bear Picnic! Have mom make a few PB& J sandwiches, some cookies, and a jug of Koolaid. Take a  blanket out under a  shade tree, and enjoy lunch with your Teddy.




The Origin of the Teddy Bear:

During the early 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt was in office as President of the United States. He was a hunter. While hunting in Mississippi in 1902, he refused to shoot a small bear. The Washington Post picked up on this story, and made a cartoon of the event. Toy store owners, Morris and Rose Michtom, wrote to President Roosevelt for permission to call their stuffed animals "Teddy Bears". Teddy bears became wildly popular. Their company went on to become the Ideal Toy Company, one of the largest toy companies in the world.

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We are 46 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.... 


Cheer Up the Lonely Day

 Cheer Up the Lonely Day is an opportunity to make a lonely person happy. Any time you can make someone happy, you've done a good thing, and should be proud of yourself.


Lonely people have few friends and loved ones. They may have lost loved ones over the years. They may be elderly. They see people on an infrequent basis.


Spend some time today cheering up lonely people. It's easy to do.....just spend some time with them. When you visit, bring happy things to talk about. Keep the conversation upbeat, and lively. When you leave, give a big hug and let them know you enjoyed the stay. Sending cards or making a phone call is okay, only if they live too far away to visit. What a lonely person really needs, is face to face time with other people.  


The Origin of Cheer Up the Lonely Day:


According to L.J. Pesek, Cheer Up the Lonely Day was created by her father, Francis Pesek from Detriot, Michigan.  She told us that he "was a quiet, kind, wonderful man who had a heart of gold. He got the idea as a way of promoting kindness toward others who were lonely or forgotten as shut-ins or in nursing homes with no relatives or friends to look in on them." Francis Pesek chose this day, because it was his birthday.




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We are 45 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season, and today is.....


Different Colored Eyes Day

Different Colored Eyes Day has two reasons to celebrate.  First of all, it celebrates diversity of eye color. Wouldn't the world be boring, if everyone had the same color of eyes?


Secondly, it recognizes an eye condition called Heterochromia. People who have this trait,  have two different colors of eyes. One eye may be brown, while the other is blue.  Famous people who have Heterochromia include David Bowie, Jane Seymour, and Christopher Walken.


Your eyes are an important part of your appearance. They are also important in communications. When you look into your lover's eyes, you need to like what you see. Making "eye contact" just wouldn't be the same without different colored eye. Isn't it great that we have a variety of eye colors to set us apart from one another?



Celebrate Different Colored Eyes Day by taking particular notice of the eye colors of everyone you see.



Edited by Octfeb
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We are 44 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is....


Embrace Your Geekness Day

 Embrace Your Geekness Day is a great day to be a Geek. Or, to know a Geek.


A geek is an individual who is highly intelligent (brainy) and technically oriented. They are most often associated with the computer, and computer systems world. A geek is usually formal, studious and into his technical world, often to the exclusion of all else. A geek is closely related to a "Nerd". A nerd however, may or may not possess technical expertise.


Some people view the term "Geek" with a negative connotation. Are they jealous of your knowledge and skills, perhaps? We certainly think so.


Enjoy Embrace Your Geekness Day to the fullest. Spend plenty of time with your computer. Talk computer lingo and jargon. If you are a geek, stand tall and proud. Isn't it great to be so brilliant and gifted!?



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We are 42 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today us...


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National Gummi Worm Day

It’s National Gummi Worm Day! These yummy candies were created by the German company Trolli in 1981.

Did you know that gummi worms were not the first “gummis” made? That’s right—another familiar candy, the gummi bear, was invented about 60 years before the worm. This first gummi was created by Hans Riegel, the founder of Haribo. It was named because of its rubber-like texture. In fact, "gummi" means “rubber” in German.

These creepy, crawly treats now exist in a variety of flavors. Sweet or sour, red or green, the choice is yours! Grab a bag of your favorite gummi worms and celebrate National Gummi Worm Day!




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We are 41 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is...



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National Fresh Spinach Day!

It’s National Fresh Spinach Day!  Spinach is a super food – high in iron and low in calories, spinach is also a great source of fiber, protein, calcium, and vitamins C and A.  Spinach helps build muscle (just ask Popeye) and it helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis.  Some even believe that eating spinach on a regular basis can help reduce brain damage due to natural aging. Check out these healthy spinach recipes and cooking tips from EatingWell.com.  Enjoy!

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We are 40 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.....

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World Day for International Justice


World Day for International Justice, also referred to as Day of International Criminal Justice or International Justice Day is celebrated throughout the world on July 17 as part of an effort to recognize the emerging system of international criminal justice. July 17 was chosen because it is the anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute, the treaty that created the International Criminal Court. On 1 June 2010, at the Review Conference of the Rome Statute held in Kampala (Uganda), the Assembly of State Parties decided to celebrate 17 July as the Day of International Criminal Justice.[1]


Each year, people around the world use this day to host events to promote international criminal justice, especially support for the International Criminal Court. The day has been successful enough to attract international news attention, and for groups to use the day to focus attention on particular issues such as genocide in Darfur, Falun Dafa, and serious crimes of violence against women.



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We are 39 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season, and today is....


  National Caviar Day

 National Caviar Day suggests that something fishy is going on today. Just what's all the roe about this day!?


Caviar is salted fish eggs, or "roe". It is considered a delicacy. Caviar is enjoyed by the upper class, and those of us who occasionally can afford a little, just so we can say that we had some. Russian Caviar is reputed to be the very best, most sought after of all caviars. There's red caviar and black caviar, along with other colors. Black is considered the best. Perhaps you should do a taste test.


The most prestigious, and best(??) caviar comes from sturgeon found in the Caspian Sea. But, other fish, including whitefish and salmon, are less expensive alternatives.


Which caviar truely tastes the best? We'll let you be the judge.


Happy National Caviar Day!



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We are 39 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season, and today is....


  National Caviar Day

 National Caviar Day suggests that something fishy is going on today. Just what's all the roe about this day!?


Caviar is salted fish eggs, or "roe". It is considered a delicacy. Caviar is enjoyed by the upper class, and those of us who occasionally can afford a little, just so we can say that we had some. Russian Caviar is reputed to be the very best, most sought after of all caviars. There's red caviar and black caviar, along with other colors. Black is considered the best. Perhaps you should do a taste test.


The most prestigious, and best(??) caviar comes from sturgeon found in the Caspian Sea. But, other fish, including whitefish and salmon, are less expensive alternatives.


Which caviar truely tastes the best? We'll let you be the judge.


Happy National Caviar Day!




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We are 38 days away from the start of the Texas High school Football Season and today is.....



National Ice Cream Day

National Ice Cream Day - 3rd Sunday in July

When you get the urge for a snack on a hot, humid summer night, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? That's right....Ice Cream! Therefore, it's only fitting that ice cream be given it's own special day. On this day, we hope you enjoy an ice cream cone, a sundae, or a milk shake. Set the diet aside and splurge a little...have one of each!

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month. He also established National Ice Cream Day as the third Sunday in the month.

Ice cream is nutritious. A little heavy on the sugar and calories, ice cream is otherwise good for you. Its base ingredient is milk, which is loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals.

Did you know? Charles E. Minches of St. Louis, Missouri is credited with inventing the ice cream cone. On July 23, 1904 at the World's Fair in St. Louis, he filled a pastry cone with two scoops of ice cream to make the first ice cream cone. There is some controversy over this claim. Italo Marchiony of New York City filed a patent for the ice cream cone months before the fair opened. And, he was selling lemon ice in cones as early as 1896. 

About Ice Cream Day in December: There is also a celebration of Ice Cream Day on December 13th. We found no factual information about this day. We suspect that it evolved from some local event. Perhaps a school ice cream social somehow took on an undocumented, national recognition as a special day. 

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We are 37 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season and today is.....


Ugly Truck Day

Beyond a doubt, Ugly Truck Day is a "guy thing". Every guy can appreciate the importance of this day. Not to be left out, a fair number of the ladies appreciate (their) ugly truck, too! Ugly trucks are loved and cherished by their owners.

Pick-Up Truck Trivia: Do you know the most popular state for pick-up trucks? If you guessed Texas, you are right!

Sure, a brand new, shiny truck with all of the gadgets and features still working, is a great thing. But, an old, ugly truck is something to cherish with pride. It has character that a new truck sorely lacks. It has a long history of dents, bangs, and scratches, each with their own tale of how it was proudly earned. Most guys can tell you exactly how and where every dent and scratch occurred, making your ugly truck a walking history book.

On Ugly Truck Day, go out and take a drive around with a big, broad smile on your face. You can, and should, hold an Ugly Truck contest today. But, whatever you do, don't wash or wax your truck  today! 

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