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Now that many of our schools are out of the playoff picture I just wanted to introduce some clarity to the picture that a few have tried to paint. The picture is on of embarrassment and distain for many of our school systems and specifically our athletic programs in comparison to others across the state. Here it goes...its a complicated situation. School systems located in major industry growth areas or in economically exsposive areas with significant population exspansion have very deep pockets. Success of a program does not always and will not always be the determining factor in the building of new athletic facilities. A big factor here in SETX is generations old and we are still paying for it...its call massive tax ebatments and back in the day they were handed out to industry like candy. Next is School finance and what's been going they the state courts. I am gonna use many of the small districts in this area as an example...they are poor, no real industry, at the top of the tax rates and having to use bonds to pay for new learning facilities. It's not a simple is just add more bond money because you have to have the tax rolls to qualify the bond. Here recently some schools that got make overs were compliments of FEMA and Hurricanes, but that's kinda like having to get sick to loose weight...lol...some a few make grand statement about how terrible things are and how our kids are being deprived. I think it has more to do with what's priority when it comes to finances. Hey just think about it this way...our po little ole kids actually get to look forward to what is a special time during play-offs when they get to go play in luxury...those that live in it probably don't see much special in the process. Just s thought guys and my opinion as far as clarity goes.
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That is a very good post. I can respect that. Believe it or not I so know what you're saying. I know that there are several low income areas down here, and that there is very little expansion or new business. I also know that oil companies swindled mineral rights away from land owners generations ago. I do know most kids in other areas of the state probably have never seen a FEMA trailer nor had to evacuate for a hurricane. And I have more respect for coaches and educators than any profession in the world. I defend coaches on this site all the time. I believe that there wouldn't be doctors and engineers without teachers.

But I also believe that there has to be a way. We live in a country where things can be changed simply by the will of the people. Me personally .. I am not ok with these kids accepting something simply because "our school is poor". I think out society doesn't need any help being ok with mediocrity. The kids going to school in this part of the state deserve a fair shake at competing in life as anyone else. And that's the message that has to be sent. How can kids in Orangefield compete with kids at Katy? Or any other prominent area in the state. And don't say they don't have to. All trying to get into same college, get same job, buy same house.

I told you guys...it's so much more than just a turf field.
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That is a very good post. I can respect that. Believe it or not I so know what you're saying. I know that there are several low income areas down here, and that there is very little expansion or new business. I also know that oil companies swindled mineral rights away from land owners generations ago. I do know most kids in other areas of the state probably have never seen a FEMA trailer nor had to evacuate for a hurricane. And I have more respect for coaches and educators than any profession in the world. I defend coaches on this site all the time. I believe that there wouldn't be doctors and engineers without teachers.

But I also believe that there has to be a way. We live in a country where things can be changed simply by the will of the people. Me personally .. I am not ok with these kids accepting something simply because "our school is poor". I think out society doesn't need any help being ok with mediocrity. The kids going to school in this part of the state deserve a fair shake at competing in life as anyone else. And that's the message that has to be sent. How can kids in Orangefield compete with kids at Katy? Or any other prominent area in the state. And don't say they don't have to. All trying to get into same college, get same job, buy same house.

I told you guys...it's so much more than just a turf field.

Orangefield, academically, is better than the vast majority of schools in the Houston area. It's been a few years ago but I saw a study of the approximately 1000 high schools (public and private) across the state. It ranked them based on test scores, college admittance, and some other factors. OF was ranked in the low 100s. It ranked only behind Kelly in this area.

Your point is well taken, but OF is a bad example.
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I don't want our kiddos to have less than they deserve but u have to admit that many of the high school facilities showcased are over the top and have more to do with measuring man hood than what's right for kids and education. Athletics does give a lot of kids a chance to change the cycle of life within their socioeconomic setting but in the long go its just a drop in the bucket and turns into big business and money...I have a child that will go play Division 1 Baseball and it had everything to do with his personal dedication and academics and nothing to do with his high school field. It had a lot to do with coaches and teachers that cared and a lot of at home direction. You are correct about on thing success builds success but bling does not build success, hard work does. When kids see kids claim that prize it's contagious my friend way more so than a shiney new field. Attention has to be paid to academics and that has to be lopsided or those athletes DO NOT MAKE IT! Stadiums are nice and they are pretty show pieces but watching kids grow into productive, successful well adjusted young men and women is priceless and it's academics that are the foundation. Yes, athletics and fine arts teach a kid dedication and teamwork...teaches them to how to value their brother. It teaches kids to be strong willed and not to settle for less than they deserve. Money and material things don't teach our children that lesson. Yes maybe put lip stick on the pig , but when put our money into the process and mentors, isn't that teaching these kids so much more. I'm not advocating letting out facilities go and when it's time and all advanced priorities are 100% met, than lets have some fun, but only then. oldschool2 I understand your point and it has validity but it's also a bit of a pipe dream bud...you have taken a lot of crap, even by me Sir but your last post was good and I to can respect your position. If you want to advocate change than start with being supportive and uplifting to the folks in the trenches and throw your hat in the ring with legit directives and planning not just rhetoric, because we have enough of that.
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Take a lil look back when Beaumont was the "Football capital of the World".  Beaumont claimed the title but, we know that the Golden Triangle was where it was at.  What you see is a hotbed of student athletes in the golden triangle that were superior trained athletes and well-educated students. It wasn't because of new facilities. If we would compare that to today's facilities we would be amazed. They were students first. They graduated from college and pursued a career in sports. Back then it couldn't have been for the money. I have personally met some that turned down the offer to play in order to obtain a regular job. The athletic and academic programs all functioned at a high level with less resources than today. The problem has shifted from students getting accepted to their first choice college to students passing the state test. That is a no win situation.

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Take a lil look back when Beaumont was the "Football capital of the World". Beaumont claimed the title but, we know that the Golden Triangle was where it was at. What you see is a hotbed of student athletes in the golden triangle that were superior trained athletes and well-educated students. It wasn't because of new facilities. If we would compare that to today's facilities we would be amazed. They were students first. They graduated from college and pursued a career in sports. Back then it couldn't have been for the money. I have personally met some that turned down the offer to play in order to obtain a regular job. The athletic and academic programs all functioned at a high level with less resources than today. The problem has shifted from students getting accepted to their first choice college to students passing the state test. That is a no win situation.

Great point. These tests are destroying the educational system. Teachers are forced to teach to pass the test. And we have widened the gap between public and private school educations.
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