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C.E. King vs Barbers Hill Score?

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Coach Price might just have more playoff wins this year at CE King than Barbers Hill has their ENTIRE tenure as a 4A / 5A team.  Look for Price's Panthers to clock the eagles for 60 plus points.

Proof that you can take the stupid out of Dayton, but you cant take the Dayton out of stupid :lol:

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actually he might be on to something.

Or on something :lol:  Either or I'm not convinced that Price is the reason for Kings success this year. Every now and then the planets align and you get a good team. You never know though maybe he turns CEK into the next SLC...but doubt it :rolleyes:

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Pot Stirer ^^^^^^^ You can make up all of the rhetoric you want, but believe me no one at BH is signing a different tune :rolleyes:  Price has a good team this year, but under no dream will he build a dynasty at King. When he went to HF everyone was talking how he was going to pull the program out of the gutter then won what 3 games in three years :o He has been dealt a good hand this year and hope he plays it well.

There is a big difference in talent between HF and King.  Coach Price just needs to keep the young men focused this year.  However, the opportunity to build for the future is something all coaches look to do.

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Rooting for the old coach at CE King, or the neighbors to the north who win more playoff games than the eagles win district games....  Tough decision for the eagles come playoff time when they either watch the eagles play basketball or get on the bandwagon of another high school team.


Looks like the weather will be pristine to watch the Panthers feast on the eagles.


Meanwhile......  The BELIEVE factor has moved nicely from the banks of the Trinity to the Brazos.  State ranked George Ranch plays "bye" this week then next week a HUGE game against Foster.  Wonder if the principal from Foster high school is thinking... "I could have hired Toups."


Back on topic...  Panthers 63 Eagles 7.   You know...  back in the day I would sometimes get these predictions spot on.

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Rooting for the old coach at CE King, or the neighbors to the north who win more playoff games than the eagles win district games....  Tough decision for the eagles come playoff time when they either watch the eagles play basketball or get on the bandwagon of another high school team.


Looks like the weather will be pristine to watch the Panthers feast on the eagles.


Meanwhile......  The BELIEVE factor has moved nicely from the banks of the Trinity to the Brazos.  State ranked George Ranch plays "bye" this week then next week a HUGE game against Foster.  Wonder if the principal from Foster high school is thinking... "I could have hired Toups."


Back on topic...  Panthers 63 Eagles 7.   You know...  back in the day I would sometimes get these predictions spot on.

Shouldn't P4E be changed to $4 ever,using your tools to promote Jerry anywhere that's free w/o a ad charge.Lost me as a follower,I do what a true fan does w/o expecting a buck in return.

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If you Dayton (or EX-Dayton even) folk think Price is the football Savior, then y'all hire him!  Good gravy, I think this will be the first since he was terminated that he will beat the Hill.  Am I disappointed in what Gage has done?  Yeah, on the field I am but I also don't think he has the talent level to work with in 4A (5A now) that Price had to work with at the 3A level for those respective levels.


Price is at CE King....good for King for hiring him and congratulations to Price for taking a team with a lot of talent and turning them into winners.  HS football, much to all of your dismay is still a business and the business decision was to say there is someone out there who we feel can do better.   As a collective, the board replaced Price with whom they thought would be a better fit.  Sometime, it doesn't work out and you have to go through the process again.  I don't think there has ever been a company who made a switch in a key position and felt "wow, that was the best ever selection decision!"  There is always somebody better!!  Could it have been handled differently?  We can all have an opinion about that but what is done is done; but those decisions go both ways.  Just as those who wanted to see Price gone were happy for Gage to have his little successes; so are those Prices lovers now jumping with giddiness because they can NOW say after this probable butt-kicking, "Stupid Hill, firing the best coach and you deserve the hammering!"


Eagles play with Heart! Lose or Win with dignity because you have no say over whom is at the helm while you're in uniform.  Represent your team with class; represent yourself with class and move on life knowing you did your best!!!

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If you Dayton (or EX-Dayton even) folk think Price is the football Savior, then y'all hire him!  Good gravy, I think this will be the first since he was terminated that he will beat the Hill.  Am I disappointed in what Gage has done?  Yeah, on the field I am but I also don't think he has the talent level to work with in 4A (5A now) that Price had to work with at the 3A level for those respective levels.
Price is at CE King....good for King for hiring him and congratulations to Price for taking a team with a lot of talent and turning them into winners.  HS football, much to all of your dismay is still a business and the business decision was to say there is someone out there who we feel can do better.   As a collective, the board replaced Price with whom they thought would be a better fit.  Sometime, it doesn't work out and you have to go through the process again.  I don't think there has ever been a company who made a switch in a key position and felt "wow, that was the best ever selection decision!"  There is always somebody better!!  Could it have been handled differently?  We can all have an opinion about that but what is done is done; but those decisions go both ways.  Just as those who wanted to see Price gone were happy for Gage to have his little successes; so are those Prices lovers now jumping with giddiness because they can NOW say after this probable butt-kicking, "Stupid Hill, firing the best coach and you deserve the hammering!"
Eagles play with Heart! Lose or Win with dignity because you have no say over whom is at the helm while you're in uniform.  Represent your team with class; represent yourself with class and move on life knowing you did your best!!!

The true sounds of a threader preparing for the worst. Made me want to hit Joe V's and stock up on h2o, canned foods, and batteries cause there's a storm a brewin'. You've watched remember the Titans too many times with that rah rah crap just take ur pounding and move on!! And if ever asked by a reporter from channel 13 what that tornado sounded like the best response is always the one from the lady in Dayton (probably
oct/feb) standing outside her double wide, "well it sounded like a big ol' Panther!!"
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Hope you know I receive not a dime from anything I do.  When I started doing my "magic" on Friday in Dayton, Coach Stewart told me, "don't make any money off what you do".

Not in it all for the $$$ only for the kids.  I am still at AWE here at George Ranch on how much faith they are putting in me.  Very soon they are about to start marketing ALWAYS BELIEVE shirts with some of my phrases on the back of the shirt to raise $$$ for the Always Believe scholarship(s).


When I asked Coach Stewart to write a reference letter he told me that I would always be a Bronco.  That is so true.  I will always be an Indian, a Bronco, and now I am teaching ALWAYS BELIEVE to hundreds of Longhorns.


Back on topic....

I am happy for Coach Price, and I hope the eagle faithful are reminded that they chased him out of town.

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The true sounds of a threader preparing for the worst. Made me want to hit Joe V's and stock up on h2o, canned foods, and batteries cause there's a storm a brewin'. You've watched remember the Titans too many times with that rah rah crap just take ur pounding and move on!! And if ever asked by a reporter from channel 13 what that tornado sounded like the best response is always the one from the lady in Dayton (probably
oct/feb) standing outside her double wide, "well it sounded like a big ol' Panther!!"

No young man or lady...not in the least!  Price is a good coach; however, what he did at the Hill is over and done with.  He's had superior talent at CEK the past couple of years and hasn't been able to pull one out against the Eagles..  If you look at the stats and look as his roster with what he's done THIS year, it's looks as though he's put it together finally.  The Hill,  perennially has not had the talent at the skill positions that some of the local schools have enjoyed and continue to enjoy.  We ran the Spread with far less talent and did ok which is a testament to Price and we currently run this grind-it out offense now with Gage and it's ok; but ok in this 21-5A isn't good enough. .  I was glad to see change though, and although I want Gage to succeed, i'm not sure he will either until we get some transfers into the school district the caliber that some of our neighbors have.  I'm not sure any coach can take a bunch of overachievers, which i use as a compliant, and produce a state qualifier....but I sure as hell hope we will be the beneficiary of such until the "super-talent" pool increases.


As for as Purple Whatever and all of those others who are desperately waiting on Price to beat the Mean ol School that fired him...this should very well be the year; but good golly, move on; I'm sure Coach Price has!!  

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If you Dayton (or EX-Dayton even) folk think Price is the football Savior, then y'all hire him! Good gravy, I think this will be the first since he was terminated that he will beat the Hill. Am I disappointed in what Gage has done? Yeah, on the field I am but I also don't think he has the talent level to work with in 4A (5A now) that Price had to work with at the 3A level for those respective levels.

Price is at CE King....good for King for hiring him and congratulations to Price for taking a team with a lot of talent and turning them into winners. HS football, much to all of your dismay is still a business and the business decision was to say there is someone out there who we feel can do better. As a collective, the board replaced Price with whom they thought would be a better fit. Sometime, it doesn't work out and you have to go through the process again. I don't think there has ever been a company who made a switch in a key position and felt "wow, that was the best ever selection decision!" There is always somebody better!! Could it have been handled differently? We can all have an opinion about that but what is done is done; but those decisions go both ways. Just as those who wanted to see Price gone were happy for Gage to have his little successes; so are those Prices lovers now jumping with giddiness because they can NOW say after this probable butt-kicking, "Stupid Hill, firing the best coach and you deserve the hammering!"

Eagles play with Heart! Lose or Win with dignity because you have no say over whom is at the helm while you're in uniform. Represent your team with class; represent yourself with class and move on life knowing you did your best!!!

i actually know coach Price and am just happy he is having a good year. I personally think what he has done in a area that has been down for a while is impressive and reguardless of what some BH posters think he did a lot for BH to. Problem is just like you pointed out in your post most years he didn't have a ton of talent to work with. He did give BH an undeafeted season in 06 in their first year in a bigger classification. Also played Central down to the wire in the first round same year. Now if all your worried about is representing your team with class I don't think you could have hired a better coach than Ronnie Gage. I also think technically BH is a very well coached team but they have been running a offense that seems to be a little dated. I don't know if changing coaches would make much of a difference at BH and with the success a majority of the other programs are having including girls sports I would say Gage is doing a great job as AD.
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i actually know coach Price and am just happy he is having a good year. I personally think what he has done in a area that has been down for a while is impressive and reguardless of what some BH posters think he did a lot for BH to. Problem is just like you pointed out in your post most years he didn't have a ton of talent to work with. He did give BH an undeafeted season in 06 in their first year in a bigger classification. Also played Central down to the wire in the first round same year. Now if all your worried about is representing your team with class I don't think you could have hired a better coach than Ronnie Gage. I also think technically BH is a very well coached team but they have been running a offense that seems to be a little dated. I don't know if changing coaches would make much of a difference at BH and with the success a majority of the other programs are having including girls sports I would say Gage is doing a great job as AD.

Bronco I agree with you and I'm not taking ANYTHING away from Price or what he did at BH.  I'm actually commending him for what he did there with what he had and what he's doing now.  As a fan of MY alma mater I was glad see a new direction and what it might hold for the hometown team.  My point is he's no longer at BH and we are all quite aware that he would like to beat BH, a former employer who released him of his duties; but I really don't think he goes into each season saying, "I gotta beat BH, oh I  gotta beat BH" for personal reasons. I would hope he says that about every team CEK takes the field against and if he does beats BH, then the win might be a bit sweeter.  If he is that vindictive, then perhaps maybe teaching values to young people isn't his best calling; but I DON"T THINK  that is the case.  I'm just not sure why everybody who Loves Price and Hate Gage feel compelled to make this  such a vindictive  issue; especially those who are in the profession of molding our youth.


My original "class" comment was a reiteration to our Eagles who may be on this board.  Win or Lose, do it with class because as a student athlete, you just gotta work within the system you're given and at the end of the day, win or lose,  you have to ask yourself, "did I do the best I could have done?"  If the answer is yes, then move on knowing just that.  If the answer is no, then it's time to take stock and ask yourself "what could I have done better?", that's all...


Peace out!

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Well I don't care who the coach is at BH, I wasn't here during the Price years and could care less. If BH can land a Neuman or Faircloth type of coach, then we can compete with the talent that we are dealt with. You have to adapt your system to give yourself the best chance to win. The grinding out game isn't working and hasn't worked for a while. You need a good mixture of run and pass to keep defenses on their toes. IMO, Nederland and Port Neches are almost mirror images of BH. If they can get things done with about the same talent pool then there is no reason BH can't. I've been around football long enough to know that BH can do better. Whether that is with Gage, Price, or whoever else the BHISD decides on I don't know. The mentality has to change before it's going to get better. The coach don't have to be nice or kiss anyone's butt, but he does have to think outside of the box and adapt each year depending on the talent pool given to him. I get fired up when people say there's no talent because the good coaches find it either in the heart of the kids and pull something out or status quo and say there's no talent. I don't think anyone at BH thinks a state title will come to the Hill, but we should be able to compete for a playoff spot most years and be competitive.

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Well I don't care who the coach is at BH, I wasn't here during the Price years and could care less. If BH can land a Neuman or Faircloth type of coach, then we can compete with the talent that we are dealt with. You have to adapt your system to give yourself the best chance to win. The grinding out game isn't working and hasn't worked for a while. You need a good mixture of run and pass to keep defenses on their toes. IMO, Nederland and Port Neches are almost mirror images of BH. If they can get things done with about the same talent pool then there is no reason BH can't. I've been around football long enough to know that BH can do better. Whether that is with Gage, Price, or whoever else the BHISD decides on I don't know. The mentality has to change before it's going to get better. The coach don't have to be nice or kiss anyone's butt, but he does have to think outside of the box and adapt each year depending on the talent pool given to him. I get fired up when people say there's no talent because the good coaches find it either in the heart of the kids and pull something out or status quo and say there's no talent. I don't think anyone at BH thinks a state title will come to the Hill, but we should be able to compete for a playoff spot most years and be competitive.

very good points.
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Hope you know I receive not a dime from anything I do.  When I started doing my "magic" on Friday in Dayton, Coach Stewart told me, "don't make any money off what you do".

Not in it all for the $$$ only for the kids.  I am still at AWE here at George Ranch on how much faith they are putting in me.  Very soon they are about to start marketing ALWAYS BELIEVE shirts with some of my phrases on the back of the shirt to raise $$$ for the Always Believe scholarship(s).


When I asked Coach Stewart to write a reference letter he told me that I would always be a Bronco.  That is so true.  I will always be an Indian, a Bronco, and now I am teaching ALWAYS BELIEVE to hundreds of Longhorns.


Back on topic....

I am happy for Coach Price, and I hope the eagle faithful are reminded that they chased him out of town.



Personally I am happy your out of town. :D   Dayton has become a thriving example with your departure, OK maybe not OctFeb, but everyone else.  Now if we can just get the Warden to remove the internet from your Huntsville Cell.   :D

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  • 7 years later...

B.B. Reeves definitely wasn't overrated better thrower than Batiste and Archie they were better athletically than him Chris Hickman could do it all hell of an athlete. He and Archie were great fre safeties but also was Larry Lewis but as far as DB's at C.E.King you can forget about  DeRoderick Fikes, Rondale Taylor and Jerald Young. Fikes was one the best all around athletes I've ever seen come through C.E.King it wasn't much he couldn't do on the football field 

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