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Clear Lake 21 Nederland 13/Final


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Has to be disgruntled parent when they start talking "Nederland ball". Any player who puts on the uniform is a football player, unlike college and pros, most players have ability to play multiple position. Coaches trying to find the right ingredients. If you kid is not playing, there's probably a reason. There is reason why Nuemann and his staff has been successful. Setx fan, good luck to you kid.
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we have kids on this team that have played ball together for many years,  we all know that the history of little league ball runs deep in setx.  so on this team we punish a receiver by placing him on defense, we take a kid that has played QB all his life and now his is a linebacker.  we practice these kids in new spots for 3 days and expect them to preform.  i understand adjustments but some just really are a stretch

Would like to know why you think the receiver was punished? I'll assume you are talking about #5 playing CB, which he did a very good job. I thought it was to try to get #22 more reps on offense??
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Would like to know why you think the receiver was punished? I'll assume you are talking about #5 playing CB, which he did a very good job. I thought it was to try to get #22 more reps on offense??

I agree, also agree with proud dawg the the Qb converted to linebacker did hold his own. Those changes this did not hurt the defense. There are lot option for the offense, they wiki figure it out.
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From what I saw, #77 and #6 was on the sideline but should be back for district. Also, when you get to the red zone 4 times and do not get any points you will probably lose. Defense giving up 21 points is not that bad, just need to limit big plays and obviously if #10 was on that side of the ball there is good chance the dogs can.
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IMO Sage should not be at QB.  There is NO talent at the WR position.  It is what it is.  He would be much more of an asset receiving and playing regularly in the secondary.  Let the back up play QB. He is adequate.  We cannot win as we are.  This is the worst set of wide receivers I have ever seen at Nederland.  I know these kids are giving all they can, but if we wanna win, Sage has to lead at WR.

Wow, really??? Thanks for supporting the players! I mean of course they're getting paid big bucks so that gives you the right to criticize these boys like this? Or surely your NFL days give you that perspective...

Oh! And go forget yourself! And if you need me to explain that to you then just think a little harder.
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you also have a receiver playing def. well as a matter of fact there are several kid that have been successful in spots that fit there abilities much better that what monte believes.  check the past ball records, excluding the jv as they are used as a practice team.


comes a point that if you have to second guess your ability to remember then dont post.


coaches are a great staff,  still room to improve there as well.    The o line has two coaches, fact one is from the center to the right the other has left guard and left tackle, then again monte who like to put input in to the entire line which is contrary to what was practiced.


if you have to question how many tackle drill do you do then you have failed to be on a program that has been state proven for many years in a row.   tackle drills teach the fundemtals of ball, this is D at is best wrap up and or pursue to the ball, read the O. this still is not why Nederland is having issues with putting points on the board. With out a doubt it is why they are not on the winning side of the score.


Anyone that has had a player on this club knows that it is not always the best player on the field.  the local politics controls a lot when it comes to that.


TEAM WORK,  again take a good look at the team in question.  When you have one go to guy for everything it tends to bring down the others that meet on that practice field all week long.  when the go to guy is prancing up the side line stating Fu that team  F those Mother FUc..  it does not bring forward a champion mindset.


Go watch the movie longest yard.  when the line lays down and will not block what happens..    No single hereos on a team.  they would need a car vs a bus to travel.

There might very well be issues, wont argue that. But Larry Neuman doesnt allow politics in his world........He could give a rats arse who your daddy is.......He plays the best, u dont go undefeated in district for 3 years and win three DCs any other way.Im calling BS!!!!!!! I smell a malcontent.

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There might very well be issues, wont argue that. But Larry Neuman doesnt allow politics in his world........He could give a rats arse who your daddy is.......He plays the best, u dont go undefeated in district for 3 years and win three DCs any other way.Im calling BS!!!!!!! I smell a malcontent.

blow your nose your smeller is off....no malcontent here it is what it is.   and to think that politics is not impactful wow....


please dont get me wrong, he will not play one that has no drive over one that does but it matters

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I think the potential is there for our team, but some of the stats that are being boasted are actually not that impressive once under the microscope. We did play a good game against Crosby minus the 3rd quarter and faced some adversity when Seay cramped. I was proud of what I saw that night. Crosby is the only legit team we have played so far. I keep hearing "over 400 yards vs. Dayton." Well, their other 2 opponents have gone for over 600 each against them and scored in the 60's, we had 22 which is only 2 more points than we had penalties. Clear Lake had a couple freakishly talented kids, but as a whole their team looked like an unorganized mess in my opinion. We could only muster 13 points on them and left 20 points on the field in just the first half alone. That was an embarrassing loss, probably the weakest team to beat us in as long as I can remember. We have to shore up our tackling, the penalties, and finish off drives. Period. Otherwise, we will be LUCKY to get 4th in district. It's gut check time. This team can go one of two directions, either rise above the adversity or mail it in. I'm betting on Neumann and his staff to do some tweaking in the next two weeks and some motivating and hopefully see a great improvement to open district against a Vidor team that is always amped when the Bulldogs come to town. Every game from here on out will be a dogfight. Nobody cares what we've done the last 3 years. It's now or never. I really want to see this team improve. I know that we can with the right attitude. Go Dogs!
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These are non district games and don't count. Neumann will have the Dogs ready for district and he has had Faircloth's number the past 4 years and wouldn't surprise me if he didn't again this year.

wouldn't surprise me if its their only district win of the year unless changes are made ;)
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I'm scratching my head, don't know how you could have lost to that cupcake team. I went out of town, come back and the dogs are 0-3 , sounds by the way the dog faithful are arguing, sounds like problems across the tracks. All I'm gonna say is yall lost a lot due to graduation, sage and Mayfield can't do it all. Now sounds like you have no kicker either. Gonna be interesting here in two weeks when district starts. You have a week to get well and figure it out.
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I'm scratching my head, don't know how you could have lost to that cupcake team. I went out of town, come back and the dogs are 0-3 , sounds by the way the dog faithful are arguing, sounds like problems across the tracks. All I'm gonna say is yall lost a lot due to graduation, sage and Mayfield can't do it all. Now sounds like you have no kicker either. Gonna be interesting here in two weeks when district starts. You have a week to get well and figure it out.


It happens biaplayer! all teams go through it. kinda like what you guys have been suffering through for the past 4 years of losing to us! keep your head up across the tracks!pre-season is what it is, pre-season. the real deal starts in two! Nederland always has a change or two when district starts. This year will be no different.

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Well....I definitely have been scratching my head too over the pre-season performance.  I see good things and of course I see the bad things.  One thing I have 100 % confidence in is our coaching staff.  This year's group are giving the staff some big challenges and I know they will get it figured out.  We still have time and the bye-week will only help us right now to straighten some things out and do some healing up from injuries.  As mentioned above, we do get better as the season goes.....I know our pack of DOGS are going to come out fighting against Vidor because they are sniffing for a win.  I definitely have not written these boys off because they will be proving themselves in the games to come and I know we will be surprised by the turn around.  I can't wait and am looking forward to district starting.  I back our DOGS win or lose .... they deserve the support!

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Honestly,  the biggest problem I saw Friday and have been seeing is just catching the ball on key plays. We only completed 20 of 46. Even with that we managed to move the ball all night long. Catching the ball is something that can and will be worked on over the next two weeks I'm  sure. The Dogs will be just fine, just need a little tweeking.

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Adversity does not build character, it reveals it...when I say this, I ain't talking about the team, I'm referring to some fans who appear to be jumping off the bandwagon right now...has pre-district been pretty...no it hasn't, but this is the same coaching staff that hasn't lost a district game in over 3 years...suddenly they are playing politics and don't know what to do???  I ain't buying that for a second...adjustments will be made, I can promise you...and this group now has 2 weeks to correct things and I believe that they will.


Despite the record, I really do believe that this team is not that far off from being pretty good...time will tell if I am right or not, but I do expect the Dogs to be playing for something more than pride come the last week of the season

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James my head is up lol even when we only won two games two years ago. You are right though every team goes thru it at one time or another. You had your 4 year stint, hope you enjoyed it cause it comes to an end this year. I know Neauman will figure it out, he always does. Dont know why you underlining everything, I can read between the lines though. Lol it seems from what I have read its lil small things that need to be corrected. You take care of the lil things and the big things will take care of itself. You right it is preseason take it with a grain of salt and think about your bet, make it light on yourself.
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I don't have a Dog in this fight(no pun) but these comments I read must be from "Fans" & not supporters. Fans turn on the kids, say what you want about Coaches, but leave the kids out of it on a public Forum( my opinion) Neumann's track record should give him benefit of doubt. So many what have you done for me lately people, give the man a break. This is coming from an Ozen supporter to Big Ned Nation. Many must realize success & expectations are a double edged Sword; one day it may kill you. This is what got Mack Brown fired @ Texas, his own success got him replaced. So sad
Good Luck Big Ned
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Not sure reading the all of the other comments by one poster if they are even a Nederland parent/fan, some of their other posts deal with other schools and to make a comment about JV???  Don't fall for theses traps.


It is easy to knock Nederland when they are down.  Nederland has been on the top for the past few years.  Never let the highs inflate you and never let the lows overtake you.  Neumann will figure this out and make adjustments.  The players will turn it around and I bet by the end of the season, Nederland will be competitive.  

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I'm just stirring the pot. I know once district starts its anyones race. NED is still the team to beat. Anything can happen on Friday nights, MCM is always a battle. It isn't over till the final whistle blows. Yall got 2 weeks to get it together which I think your coaches will do. I have learned to never count the cross town rivals out.
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