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  1. Sorry about the delay. I got a chance to talk to my son after the game. Final.... Mart 49 EC 21
  2. I have coached against SLC and have seen Euless Trinity in person.......SLC by 20.........SLC has been looking foward to this game for years so they can hush all the talk about the "if Trinity" BS.......There is not a team in Southeast Texas that can compare to SLC .......if you watch North Shore or Westfield play, you see some good teams with great athletes......When you watch SLC, you see some very good athletes that are a well oiled machine......There is no way anyone down there can imagine what it is like to play those people......Trinity is much the same way but not quite as explosive.......Look for SLC to make a statement in this game....... And by the way.....if you have the chance to go to this game, you better get there early......I look for around 50,000 to be there......
  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm thankful we have a site like this to talk sports 24/7 7 days a week.
  4. The Balla reminds me of one of those hard nosed Dallas Cowboy fans. They still talk smack even after they have gotten that tail spanked. Dallas pulled off the BIG UPSET last week, and I hope Kirbyville can do the same this week. Make some noise 21-3A. I have to hand it to Ya Balla, some of your post may not show much class, but you have been the biggest supporter Kirbyville has had on this forum all year!!! He's only been wrong when it counts A couple of times (WOS and SILSBEE)!!!! :cry: TAKE IT TO EM WILDCATS!!!
  5. Here’s a question for all you HS football experts. Especially for you experts with recent experience in HS football. I’m going to describe a trick play and ask, “Could this play be run in the modern game? Would the officials allow it? And would the other team be fooled? Let’s start with a little historical background. One thing must be understood. There once was an occasion when a HS team really did run this play. It really happened. And when the QB crossed the goal line with the ball the officials scored it as a touchdown. It didn’t happen in Texas, and most of you weren’t even born at the time. In fact, maybe your parents hadn’t yet been born. As best I recall the game was between two in schools in Nebraska or Kansas or somewhere in that general area. The year was either 1961 or 1962. The players at one of the schools concocted this play and during the game persuaded their very reluctant coach to let them try it. In the news item that came down on the AP wire service afterward the coach was quoted as saying, “I didn’t think it would work.†My understanding was that this was a completely original play worked up by the players. No one in the history of football had ever done anything like this before, and as far as I know it has never been repeated. And it has undoubtedly been forgotten by everyone except for characters like myself who have weird memories and unusual powers of retaining useless facts. It was a remarkable play, which was why AP picked up the story and sent it down the wire to all their newspaper subscribers. OK, here’s how the play was run. The team broke from the huddle and formed their line of scrimmage. Everyone was set and all that remained was for the ball to be snapped and the play would be in motion. The QB was calling signals just like normal. Suddenly, according to plan, the QB pointed to a player on the other team and yelled, “Hey, you can’t do that. That’s a penalty.†And then to the center, “Give me the ball, there’s a penalty.†The center, as planned, didn’t move and the QB yelled again, “Give me the ball.†And then slowly, as if bewildered and confused, the center lifted the ball off the ground, straightened up and twisting his upper body around handed the ball to the QB. Nobody else on the offense had moved and at that point the play was in motion. Naturally they had previously alerted the officials to what they were going to do. And with the play now in motion the rest of the offense started standing up and staring in well acted amazement at the QB and giving each other confused looks. By this time the QB was acting like a man out of his mind. Yelling things like, “Football is a game of rules and when you break the rules you get penalized.†And more importantly, toeing up to the line of scrimmage, he started stepping off penalty yardage against the other team just the way an official would have stepped it off. And all the while the other players were yelling things to each other like: “What does he think he’s doing.†“You talk to him. You’re his buddy.†“Joe, what do you think you’re doing? You’re going to get us penalized.†All this and turning to their own bench and giving arms spread out shrugs as if to say, “I don’t know what’s going on? And the other team didn’t know what was going on either. They also stood up and just watched in confusion as the QB walked right through their defense, stepping off the penalty yardage and yelling like a maniac. Of course once he was through he suddenly stopped yelling and walking, and broke into a dead run for the goal line. And his teammates, in their milling about confusion, had managed to move along with him, enough so that they could block out any of the defenders who might suddenly wise up and take off in pursuit. The QB raced all the way to the end zone and it was scored as a touchdown. It really happened—45 years or so ago. And maybe the point of telling it is not so much to ask if it could be done again. But rather because it’s just too good a piece of football history to be forgotten.
  6. i hope that central can pull out the win, it's going to be tough. imo what makes lamarque so tough every year is that you not only play against a school that has great athletes. you also have to play against their past. they have a great winning tradition, they talk the talk and walk the walk. you play against the 6 straight title appearances in the 90's, and the "Black Storm" defense. dont forget about their fans saying "WE ARE LaMarque Cougers!!! WOOSH!!! that is the most intimidating high school cheer i've ever heard. central will need to be ready for battle.
  7. Ignore the balla people. Who really gives a crap if Balla supports WO-S or any other squad? I honestly think people like him and some others on the board do this crazy crap for the fun of it. Now if the squad was really good,and had beaten us then maybe it might irk me a little,but until his squad gets on our level he cannot talk. I pull for Kville because i want to,not based on whether balla has said something or not. I wont go into him being country,or his education,or his lack of communicational skills. But I know one thing........46-16!! You cant make that A$$ whipping go away.Bye Balla keep misspelling and talking smack...u honestly amuse the crap out of me dawg!!!
  8. I pick Silsbee to win the district... and the race will be a tough one, but I think they will come out on top. It just seems that their bench goes a lot deeper than anyone else's... all this talk about one or two good players on teams.... Silsbee has at least seven great players, and more good players behind them.
  9. You would not believe the amount of trash talk the Jags get on texashsfootball.com from those Westerners. Go into this game, and see those other players for what they really are, just high school kids, and think of yourselves as beasts.
  10. DP#1FAN Joined: 10 Feb 2006 Posts: 573 Location: Deweyville Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:59 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chad S. you will have to talk to the Superintendent and Principal about that. You should be more interested in the school district in which you live. i happen to know that two school board members were trying to get rid of him (jackson), one didn't get re-elected, this is from a VERY reliable source. After watching Chireno play, something is telling me coach jackson isn't missing Deweyville too much, or atleast some of the attitudes around there. (Thats not directed toward the kids either) And besides...when did this turn into a coach jackson thread? i thought it was titled Bickham
  11. Enough talk... lets get ready and go play these guy and see what happens.
  12. Chad S. you will have to talk to the Superintendent and Principal about that. You should be more interested in the school district in which you live.
  13. hattie do you think Deweyville supporters would come on here and talk about losing or say that Corrigan Camden was better? Get real, I might not know much about alot of things, but I'm still going to go with my team no matter who they play. You should not take the talk on these forums so seriously, most people mean well, although it might not come across that way sometimes. Good luck to CC in the playoffs, they are a talented team.
  14. :? I personally dont feel that way at all. GP came out very fired up and ready to play and they played hard for 4 quarters. At the end of the game they held their heads high and seemed to have a good attitude despite a disappointing loss. The game was clean, no dirty play other than a late hit late in the game that I think was more just agression that frustration. Another notable thing about GP, despite being a Houston team they had a very small but ENTHUSIATIC fan base. ALthough I wanted to see the Dogs win you hate to see a good team lose that badly. And Barbers Hill although they talk a lot of trash here deserves a lot of respect. They have played consistantly well all year and are getting better and better and have a great coach. I just hope that by the time they peak and Ozen gets back on track, they are playing in 5A!!
  15. LOL, I made a point to walk the talk and stand up for every single defensive snap and make noise. I noticed about 200 people that were doing the same thing. There was a noticeable difference in crowd involvement last night. It was great.
  16. To Whom it may Concern Please move this topic out of the HS Football Talk forum. i would not want visitor to this site to get the wrong idea. I mean what's next? Are we going to start breaking down the match ups between the Fightin Wildcat band of Kirbyville vs the Rambin Wreck Woodwinds of Sweeny? Please
  17. Please Bama don't walk in here and take up for Balla. He's a big boy and likes to talk trash in several forums. If it hurt your feelings then I do humbly apologize, but Balla dishes it out and can take it also.
  18. Did you see that major hit on Justin Krautz? I'm in Biology with him when we come back from Thanksgiving, gonna talk that over with him, haha. He has a concussion but he is ok. I just saw it slow motion on the news.
  19. Couldn't agree more. That was the most complete game I have seen in a while. Talk about total domination. Our kids needed a win like that in a bad way. Everyone had a good game. Let's keep it up. Especially on defense. It was nice to see our defense in their backfield all night. Hats off to that Grogan kid. He's going to be a good one...already is.
  20. Thats what i like about u Balla. You would pick kirbyville against The Dallas Cowboys!!!!!! Even when you get beat you talk noise. Keep supporting ya squad. I think yall take the next one by 7-10 points. Good luck?
  21. Its pointless to discuss but WO-S woul beat the crap out of BH. Hands down. No ifs ands or buts. WO-S was the smaller school on a regular basis when we were in 4a. And we gave most teams whippings or really good games. The half your size arguments dont hold any weight on here!! There was a whole lot of smack talked before the game.Its only right that Central gets to serve as much crow as they feel,and as loud as they want too. Why people gotta be classless after they beat somebody,and let them know about it? Message to the board "Dont talk the talk If you cant walk the walk!" Central talk to them like myself and everyone on this board knows they would be talkin to you if they had won.
  22. You don't get it BHFAN win move on loose move out of the way and let the winner enjoy the victory! The bottom line is when the clock struck 0 which team had the most points. 3,4, or 40 you lost! BC doesn't look down on anyone, every team BC lost to this year was a playoff team BMT Westbrook winning 50-27 Dayton 35-0 Croby moving on even Houston Sterling playoff team BH big 10-0 showed up and played a great game but at the end came up on the short end of it. that what count it doesn't matter how close it was when talk about the game years from today
  23. Ok Ok I'm just doing what they would if they'd won I appologize. But isn't this the way rivaries begin. Something to look foward to in the future. I'm not trying to be hostile. Just Football competitive conv. Didn't mean no harm. If BH would have won I'd still be the same and wouldn't take offense if you smack talked to me about your team. Just competitve sports talk. Again sorry
  24. After all of the "we'd beat the Golden Triangle" talk, it's hard not to enjoy it. This one wasn't a scrimmage. Where is old Eagletown anyway?
  25. Wow this thread is awesome!! BC almost got there butts handed to them and can come on here and act as if you won by 20. I would love nothing more than to cheer for you guys next week, but I'm starting to become a Lamarque fan 8) It was a good game that could just as easly been won by BH. The supet team didn't do any thing to my Eagles that the Eagles didn't do to them. Only difference is a field goal that made it by 2 feet> You can talk all the crap you want but BH gave Central all they wanted and more!!!! You act like BH was on her before game time predicting a 50 point victory when all that we were doing is trying to convince you that BC would not run all over BH. So if anyone is serving crow today it is BH where are all of you football minds that predicted a blow out??????????? NO CLASS BC!!!
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