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  1. wish there could be a truce but iam sure not all feel this same and on behalf of bc iam sorry for the trash talking that occured before and to an extent i see where revenge trash talk is wanted. but in the end the scoreboard and wins and loss columns are all that matter.
  2. i agree with this last post....i read some of this talk here on the internet and i think about how low some people are. one thing is to degrade adult to adult, but its another to bash adult to student athletes. some of the other post may be student athlets to student athlete bashful statement and i personally believe they are only lost at this stage in their life. ill tell you right now iam the second baseman for bc and iam troy bolton. i hate this website but am addicted to reading what these people say. all iam saying is, is that is seems like people like to see bc lose, i know that many people pick us as the favorite and teams are excited when they beat us, we lose two games and people automatically start to trash talk and talk like we didnt deserve our reputation. all iam concerned about is winning and that is all since the season has started. i guess what iam really trying to say is that some people are on here trash talking or talking about cardinal12/redhead or saying flying to the south, you are low individuals who are clueless. To all the bc players, perseverance is the hard work you do after already doing the hard work. knowing this we have to go back to basics and work hard at that, good things will come. i dont want people to think that iam saying if you post on here you are low, some on here do in fact show sportsmanship and you should be commended for that.
  3. Whatever happened to good sportsmanship when you win or lose? I wonder where some of these kids get their attitudes and smart mouths from. We adults could lead by example, and show more sportsmanship and less trash talk.
  4. i havent had much to say ...not a lot of reason to talk about our "new streak"
  5. I saw Bagwell. Looked to me like he glanced at Timmy P. a couple of times with that "I'd like to slap you crosseyed" look. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think he likes him too much. Jeff looked good to me, but yeah you know he misses it. Professional baseball teams hype opening day so much, through the entire off-season, that it's no wonder fans go ballistic when they fall on their noses in the first series. There were more fans present opening day than there were for the playoffs. Oswalt and Jennings looked grand. I thought Jennings performance was better than anything Pettitte gave us in the first half while he was here. Berkman will be fine. Lee will be fine as well, he just needs to take a deep breath. Looked like he was trying to earn his money all in one swing a couple of times. Not much you can say about the pen. At least not much nice.... With all this pitching depth we've heard talk of all spring, there has got to be a closer in there somewhere. Heck White looked better than anyone. Besides, he is obviously on my diet so I am prejudiced! No way to go but up. Go Astros!
  6. Let them talk.....makes for a good read. Just remember Silsbee is 1 & 1 in games played against BC. Jasper is up 1 with one to go against BC. Silsbee still has a game left with Jasper. They are all good teams, and in baseball playoffs, you play 3 game series if you are more balanced and play 1 game series if you have a "ace". So all the "baiting" by the Silsbee posters in this thread should be taken with a grain of salt. The district race is far from over, and the playoffs are just down the road. BC is finding out where they are weak now......and maybe get it straight for "down the road". The district will be well represented by the teams making the playoffs, and in the playoffs.......anything can happen. Good Luck to All!!
  7. Now Now Now.......this is coming from a BC fan....what have have even made the playoffs in......I think Softball will be the ONLY thing! Silsbee playoff teams: Football Volleyball Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Baseball - soon Softball - soon and I'm sure other's these are just the main sports! That seems like plenty to talk about......and you BC has done what........oh.....talk about the past......what ya'll have done........which is......yea that's right......lost 2 in a row! Not near as many BC smack talkers now........how about those lottery tickets????
  8. Obviously some of you that are talking this trash aren't at the games. When Lumberton has been 10 run ruled - there was only 1 maybe 2 Seniors on the field. Coach is a good coach and talking this trash about the players needs to stop. A team is made up of players and it does not matter their age or if they are a Fresh., Soph., Jr. or Sr., what matters is how they perform as a team. I hope that some of this trash talk isn't coming from any of the players or the parents, if it is you're not much of a team player or parent! It's people such as yourselves who give a town a bad reputation!
  9. Thanx MIF04. I was really was wondering how the rankings worked. Now I know. A little trash talk can't hurt either. :
  10. I was there as well, and I agree with you. Lidge still has it, it's all mental now, and yes, last night didn't help that. The strange thing is, when he came out of the pen, there was a tremendous reseption......after "the pitch" he was being boooed just about every pitch.....Stros fans need to support him, he's who we have. We can either get on the ban wagon, and show we are behind him, and help him through it.........or we can help contribute to the problem! Remember, the Pirates hit 3 HR's......off 3 different pitchers! DIVA- Scott hit the ball VERY well last night.......and think, there was talk about trading him! I hope last night was an indication of Burke's play thin year in CF......he made some nice catches, he really covered some ground!
  11. You guys remeber the first state champion team? I bet Spearman does. The score in the state championship game was like 56 to 7. The '98 team was due accolades also because at the time Newton was the fifth smallest 3A school in the state. People talk about size of schools and towns, but you can't play but 11 at a time on the field! A lot of these Newton kids grow up having a dad, brother, uncle, cousin, or neighbor that played and are expected to win. This is what gives you that little extra when things get tough. One of my Golden Triangle friends use to refer to us as those pine knots that would skin you all over. I agree.
  12. Uniden Thanks for the post. I thought I remembered that correctly. If you were a freshman under Moore then you know what I am talking about when I talk about discipline. I bet Moore would put REDHEAD in his place real quick.
  13. First, that is a really good article about BH. Not only have they met expectations, they have exceeded them. Doing so after losing Barrera only makes their story better. Second, BC drops from 1 to 5 simply because Silsbee is now a very slight favorite to win that district. They have beaten both BC and Jasper and have only 1 game left with that group. BC and Jasper still have 2 games to beat each other up. Granted, Jasper can shake all of this or BC can 'sweep' the 'Dogs and stand side by side with Silsbee. It is still a great race in that district. Third, I agree with the earlier post -- the rankings are for everyone to talk about, agree or disagree with. They don't necessarily rank the ten best teams...they rank the teams that (on any given week) are doing the best within their district, classification, etc. By the way, anyone who wants a vote...just send me a PM by Saturday noon and we'll include it. We consider 'em all !!!!
  14. if you have ever been in the stands at a HF game you would see that the players run the show,go up in the stands and talk to parents-friends,curse coaches on the sideline to where fans can hear-then be back in the game 2 plays later,certin players allowed to sit out practice. if you do not have the talent of the teams you are playing-you must be a disciplined- mistake free team.this is where HF has to be in order to compete.there have been other teams in the area. that have been able to win with less talent-LET'S HOPE THE BOARD WILL MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.
  15. Talk about a disorganized joke. I have never seen it this bad. They scheduled the long jump at the same time as the high jump and they were right next to each other using the same area. The girls were actually running into each other trying to compete. Then the Orangefield Coach (if you want to call her that I will be polite and call her Mrs. Hilter) was in charge of the high jump. Mrs. Hilter was sreaming at one of the dads who was help his daughter from Silsbee get her mark. (No Silsbee coaches in sight. I think they only brought two to the meet and they were at the triple jump pit on the other side of the football field.) Anyway, I found out that Mrs. Hitler told the girl from Silsbee that she could jump the long jump first and when she got through she could jump the high jump. So the Silsbee girl is preparing for the long jump and all of the sudden Mrs. Hitler calls her name out for the high jump. The girl from Silsbee ask for a few warm up jumps but Mrs. Hitler told her no. The girl from Silsbee started to tear up because she was told one thing by Mrs. Hilter and then was told another. Her dad was trying to explain the situation but it was clear that Mrs. Hilter didn't want the girl from Silsbee to get a chance to warm up. The girl from Silsbee looked like a good athelete and may have won the event if given a chance. It is ashame that people get caught up in winning so much that they have to cheat a little 14 year old jr. high girl from doing her best. It would have been no problem for the Silsbee girl to get a couple of warm up jumps. Then I saw something that really amazed me. The coaches working the long jump pit didn't have a clue on how to measure a long jump. There was this guy with the measuring tape attached to the end of a stick. If that wasn't stupid, the measuring tape was twisted up so bad that they had to pull it to get the kinks out. They never did try to unravel the mess they just continued measuring jump after jump with it. (what a joke.) Next lets go to the running events. The 100 meter hurdles, one of the premier events. They got the 7th graders and 8th graders mixed up and they were running against each other. Then they said that the girls that ran in the wrong heat had to run again. I have to hand it to the guy in charge on this one though. He made a good decision and said that the girls could keep there times if they wanted to and did not have to run it again. I thought that was the right thing to do. I'm not through yet. Let's go to the 200 meter hurdles. There were two heats in the 8th grade 200 meter hurdles. The first heat was won with a time of 31.27 seconds, a real good time for jr. high. The second heat was won by that same girls from Silsbee that got screwed around at the high jump by Mrs. Hitler. Her time was 30.44 seconds. Well guess what, by the time the scores got to the press box, that girl from Silsbee was in 4th place and the girls that won the first heat with a time of 31.27 got first. Strangest thing I have ever seen and you should have seen her father. He was really pissed but he kept his cool. I saw him talking to one of the Silsbee Coaches but then went back to the stands and sat down. I don't know what the coach said but he handled the upset dad pretty well. Anyway, from what little I saw that day the girls jr. high district track meet was a joke. Way too much politics and miss management going on. If they want to see who truely is the fastest thay need to run prelimiaries and finals in the shorter races. It don't take that much time to run a race and you will get true winners for eveyone to witness. Biggest and Best Fan of the Jasper Bulldogs. Go Dawgs!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Go ahead and talk to spinks and neon bodeau and ask tehm who my teams are and for how long!!!! It has been one heck of a last year for me!!!! Going to continually get better tomorrow night!!!!
  17. Red1, who said anything about District champs......I'm refering to BC saying we should be nice to other teams......my poiint was to bring out things that BC fans were saying before the game.......but now that they've lost......they don't want anyone talking smack to them......so my point is LEAD BY EXAMPLE, don't talk it before the game and you won't have to hear it after, if it doesn't work out the way you want it to!
  18. I think the HF guys are just aggrivated that they aint quick enough to come back with humorous statements like us at HJ...its ok though we read all yalls comments and laugh at your frustration...chill guys its just a website for a little smack talk and information sharing...haha dont get so angry... try just learning to live with us beating you in everything...."thats life"
  19. Well yah know ive been thinking about that...and Ive decided that us HJ guys will just talk about how bad its goin to be NEXT YEAR when we lace up the our shoes and beat yall again in EVERYTHING from UIL Academics to Soccer...haha
  20. yeah im on the team! i get on just to see what people think! it gets me pumped up when i see we are not on anybody's good list! WE love it! i dont talk trash just simply trying to put my school and the team on the map; and earn some respect! thas it no harm in that!
  21. Whoa now...Let's not get carried away, with all that play-off talk. I'll be happy if they just keep playing good, like they should have all along. Congradulations to Hardin and good luck with Anahuac on Tuesday.
  22. Yep. Maybe playing them twice before anyone else gives them tigers a leg up in the district race. Those Dogs' from up north have got to be hungry now. GOOD LUCK 21-3A. I would not want to meet up with anyone in this district. You talk about playoff experience from just playing the regular season. GO Tigers!!! 8)
  23. NEW: Gillispie balks at A&M deal COLLEGE STATION — At the end of another bizarre day in Texas A&M's quest to lock down basketball coach Billy Gillispie, school officials delayed an announcement of a new contract agreement after receiving indications from Gillispie that he wants to keep open his options for the most tantalizing of current job openings — Kentucky. According to sources close to the situation, Gillispie late in the day balked at verbally agreeing to a new contract placed before the A&M board of regents for approval on Thursday. Under the new contract, Gillispie's base salary would jump from $1.25 million to around $1.6 million per year. The school had hoped to announce the new deal Thursday afternoon and put to rest nearly a week of speculation about Gillispie's intentions to stay at A&M. The day's maneuverings kept the uncertainty alive for A&M fans, but brought a week of drama at Arkansas to an end. According to reports, the Razorbacks elected to drop pursuit of Gillispie after being informed by athletic director Bill Byrne around noon on Thursday that Gillispie, who is in Atlanta for the Final Four, was accepting the new contract offer at A&M and was staying put. Curiously, according to reports, Byrne contacted Arkansas athletic director Frank Broyles around 10 a.m. on Thursday to grant his permission for the Razorbacks to talk to Gillispie. Following the A&M regents meeting, A&M officials prepared a statement to acknowledge the new contract and announce Gillispie's acceptance of the deal. Around 7 p.m., the announcement plans were scrapped. [Hidden Content]
  24. I wonder if they would talk about their mother or sister that way?
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