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Posts posted by ChampionEagles

  1. My point has been made. You totally overreacted and called names from the get go about something that was in response to Kev. You jumped in with both feet and was able to be jacked up time after time. There is no way you can evaluate hits from the stands. No one in the playoffs got as far as the Newton-Daingerfield game by fluke and some times people lose complete control and all rational over little things. Have a wonderful New Year!

  2. Daingerfield could not take the big hit. Any thing you want to call me will not change that fact. Newton could not either. Both teams fumbled from numerous big hits and that is a fact. I was at the game and saw it for myself. In the words of Forrest Gump, "stupid is as stupid does", so just keep on using that term and trying to justify anything you want any way you want, that still don't make it true.

  3. Hey Kvillefan1992 I'm sure that not all the Daingerfield fans are as arrogant as the ones here are. We know that Newton took it to them and gave them all they could handle. Next year is next year. Kirbyville and Newton represented the Southeast Texas area well and will again. I've heard all the same talk these guys are talking before and it won't change. Great year for Kirbyville and Newton.

  4. I stand by what I said. You seem to be talking in circles. I never said Newton could take the big hits. I said you cannot condemn an entire region as that is a stupid comment. Bottom line is correct. What ridiculous comment are you attempting to put in my mouth? If you sleep with the dogs your going to smell like them in the morning. Same with defending post.

  5. The real truth is that I had not spouted off about anyone being the greatest ever and talked trash about an entire area. If you wish to lump yourself in with the poster that did say all this, go ahead. The real truth is Daingerfield got tagged by Newton players and laid the ball on the ground. If your going to talk it you better have your facts straight. Newton also fumbled and lost the game. I, however, never condemned the entire North Texas area for Daingerfields inability to hold on to the ball. That would have been ignorant and untrue for me to have done that, just as it would be for someone to say southeast Texas does not have hitters.

  6. all yall guys need to quit whining.  its not anyones fault the 1st team all state offense looks like a muleshoe roster and the defense a daingerfield roster.

    I did notice lots and lots of east texas teams.

    If yall setx boys would learn how to hit,  some of yall might get recognized.

    I happened to have noticed the Daingerfield QB and running backs getting up off the ground after fumbling the ball from big hits when they played Newton. No scores in the second half because they couldn't take the big hit. Daingerfield won the game and went on to win state. But go talk your no hitting to someone that don't know the real truth.

  7. Not to mention he never said "We did not play anyone good" or whatever ECBucFan twisted it into.

    What he said was a response to a question by a reporter about a win by a big margin, in the context of a discussion about gearing up for a playoff run.

    His actual response was "Well we haven't beat anyone good yet."  The obvious reference being the losses to CC, Diboll, and Kirbyville.  His inference was to slow down on the back patting.  Sure, indirectly that says the team he just beat was not very good, but guess what..they were not.

    The main point here is that anyone with their feelings hurt over that comment are going a pretty good bit out of their way to get offended.

    This is probably one of the same guys that put out the rumor Newton was "scared" to play against Tramain and the Bucs over the last couple of years. I have to laugh about all this. All you have to do is ask Ozen, West Orange, Silsbee, Jasper, Carthage, etc. about Newton being "scared" of anyone.

  8. These overachieving boys from Newton make me proud. They played their hearts out and left everything on the field. Daingerfield won a tough game and move on. Congrats to them. I think they survived a game they weren't expecting and that's the sign of a championship team. Now , I've said before that Coach Barbay will not tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what you NEED to hear. One EC fan has to be deaf as well as blind. Your team has made the playoffs , what 14 yrs in a row. That's good. Not winning much in the playoffs is bad. When your beaten twice in the same year by big margins maybe you need to look at the truth instead of looking to blame someone that might know a little bit more about football than you. Great year Eagles and Coach Barbay!

  9. I didn't and wouldn't make the post about the bumper sticker. My point is Kirbyville's big win against Newton was great for kirbyville, but not that big a loss for Newton. Kirbyville finally excercised a demon that has been with them a long time. Great. But the reality of the situation is Newton is still going in the playoffs as is Kirbyville. The District Championship is not that big a deal. Nothing less than a State Championship should be the ultimate goal. Newton has been there done that more than once. Kirbyville has not. The post about Kirbyville going three rounds deep in 3A playoffs was aimed at Newton. We were State Champions in 3A, Kirbyville was not. Do not lump all Newton together with statements like "you people from Newton" and claim to be something your not, I was at the Kirbyville/Anahuac game and sat on the Kirbyville side. I have kin playing for Kirbyville. I hope Kirbyville wins the State Championship. As of now it is not a reality. Live with it.

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