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coach bear

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Posts posted by coach bear

  1. Morning, I am sitting here in practice star testing reading these posts and find them quite amusing. I come on SETX once every week or two because between coaching track, offseason football, and teaching 140 Biology students I don't have much time. This is my 29th year of coaching in Harris County. All schools I have coached at have made the state playoffs and I have been a part of some bad years. I have, like everyone on this site, has an opinion. I haven't been a head football coach yet, runnerup several times and I have about given up on trying anymore because of the politics involved. At almost every head football opening, there is someone already decided upon by the powers at be. Sometimes this is a school board, sometimes a committe, sometimes a superintendent, and sometimes an influential community member. If the actual OZ behind the scenes has the best interest of the ENTIRE school and community, then the best choice will be made. That is not often the case. I have worked with Bill Kruger, state champion basketball coach, and he is fantastic, but he wouldn't make a fair athletic director. I have worked with Jerry Stewart, and football is his main interest, but i believe he would do what is right for the entire program. Coach Carson, football coach at Eisenhower, now at College Park would also be fair to all sports. Kent Bachtel, now retired, from Waco Midway was very successful at football, but also as athletic director at Midway which competes yearly as the most decorated 4A district in the state. I have worked with basketball coaches such as Mike Carribine (Dulles, now I think) who would be fair athletic directors.  I have worked with Coach Egans at Crosby and believe he has the best interest of athletes at heart and would make a good AD.
    So yes I think it is possible to have a fair AD who is not a football coach.
    At the same time I do believe certain coaches in the school and outside the school (AAU) preach to their kids the theory of specialization. THIS IS SO WRONG AT ANY LEVEL--When you study the workout lives of international greats as Sergio Bubka, you will realize that they often only worked on their sport between 4-6 months out of the year. They played complimentary sports to not go through fatigue and injuries of not only muscles, but the mind as well. Yet we have 9 year olds in year round baseball, basketball, soccer, or high school football players that just play fall football and then get on the AAU 7 on 7 circuit??? What are we doing-- to me the best high school program would have NO ATHLETIC PERIODS.  All athletes (including golf and tennis) would have to take athletic PE taught by a coach who is nationally certified in strength. All sports practices would be after school.

    Sorry just bored during testing and thought I would chime in.
    Coach Bear :D
  2. RIP Coach Byrd, I have never personally met this coach, but feel like I know him, much like a modern day Paul Bunyan. I have worked with  coaches such as Tim Lumpkin and Mike Bass who personally knew him and told of all the great things he did, but others in the community also lauded his daily efforts to help all those he came in contact with. Coaches like Jackie Byrd make our profession still one of honor.
  3. You mentioned Mart, I am from that area and know for a fact they are NOT a high paying district. They have lots of athletes which may make the less pay worth it--I don't know, you need to ask Rusty Nail. I believe we live in a what have you done for me NOW, and you are replicating that with your statement. Until you can chart it and do a thorough analysis, you CANNOT rely on your emotions overcoming good sense.
  4. sorry to create anothet reply, but going backwards this morning--yes he was part of the staff with Weddell in 90's that won several championships and was beaten by Stephenville a couple of others. Heath from Pearland , the Brazoswood coach the Coumbia coach (maybe the same guy) and another were there--also Heath's coordinator that hasn't become a head coach yet but has applied many times. I am going to withhold my comment on class OR lack of on that staff and let you put one and one together. :-\
  5. 99 Crosby team that went 1-9. The defense was the best I ever had in 28 years of coaching, we were still a top 5 in 4A in Chronicle stats at a record of 1-4. This was the year we lost in Dayton with the mysterious clock keeper which allowed them to kick a winning field goal. I had the game stopped to let refs be aware and our stands thought I was the cause of them having a chance to win. Ref crew sent us a letter of apology the next day when they realized the "malfunctions" of the stadium clock as they put it. Jerry got me on that game. Not blaming Jerry -he coached his kids up. That 1-9 team underachieved but it was the fault of us.
  6. sorry, but I am a tech pre-kindergardner--is this a live video feed? Normally I go to many playoff games when we are not in the hunt (and I think 0-10 qualifies us as "out of the hunt"), but sometimes leaving the house with momma keeping the evil eye on me is not worth the consequences
  7. Sorry, just joined the conversation --but again, Lamarque is another reason why having 4th place teams deserve the playoffs and EARN the playoffs is a GREAT system to determine the BEST team in the state of Texas. I know that in the GOOD OLD DAYS (i am old too) there was only one team per district-does not make that the best system, just the way it was like square wheels and spears made of tree branches. I like to think we have evolved. I teach Biology and see this as another example of Evolution. Before all my fellow Christians yell at me, I too am a Christian-just don't deny evolution (look at the flounder ???) Congrats to Lamarque and Manvel but mostly to my fellow district foes PAM and LP. You represent our district well and prove it to be the most POTENT district in the STATE OF TEXAS.
  8. I have say congratulations to all these S-east Texas winning teams. I was at the Port A game vs Springs and was happy to see them advance despite playing one of their worst games. Love to see a Laporte PAM rematch in two weeks. I have been here 28 years coaching and have always thought my home area Central Texas had the best football, but I am starting to change my mind. Congrats to all winners, next week is big. I have always cherished playing and/or coaching the week of Thanksgiving because of all alumni in town. Cherish this week, you'll remember it forever!!!!!! :D
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