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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Nederland and Vidor played in Bi-District in 2000 and Nederland won 21-9. They were in different districts, Nederland in 20-4A and Vidor 19-4A. Nederland and Vidor were Division I reps.
  2. 38-17 is being positive. If they put what they really feel.............
  3. Defense. Should have been made a poll question. I would bet at least 85% defense.
  4. Obviously a lot has to do with the fact that there are more teams in the playoffs. Still, 10 straight years in the playoffs with 9 years in a row winning at least the bi-district is a very good feat. Of all the great programs in the entire state, there are very few that have gone to 10 years in a row/9 bi-district champs, even under the current three team playoff format. The last time Nederland didn't win at least a bi-district game, this year's seniors were in the second grade. What is more impressive is that Neumann took a team that won 38 games in the previous 13 years (2.9 per year average) and turned it into a team that has won 107 games in 13 years (8.2 per year average). Winning an average of more than 8 games a year is a darn good record for any high school coach over that many years. Playoffs or not, Neumann has put a very competetive team on the field year after year.
  5. Probably whoever goes to the playoffs but I really can't see driving very far to follow Dayton... like anything over 3 miles.
  6. I went by there Thursday and there was still large sections missing the aluminum bleachers. I am assuming from the article that they will come in on time but for now it appears like they have not or have yet to be installed.
  7. That makes sense. Two receivers graduated so they won't win. At least the other teams in the district have all 22 starters coming back.....
  8. Team history and tradition plays a lot in high school football. Some teams seem to be competitive every year, even with few returning starters, where others have 80% of the team coming back and still can't break into the playoffs. That is just the way it is. Edit for tpyo.
  9. Practically none. The 5A limit is continually being raised and Nederland and PN-G have run out of room to expand as they are surrounded by larger cities. About the only way they can go 5A is for the 5A cutoff to be dropped quite a bit.
  10. Exactly what is it that you suggest needs to be admitted to?
  11. Yeah, a lot of good that did...........
  12. You just stated in one sentence what I tried to say in a dissertation. It was not against football per se but schools and life in general. Why earn it when it will be given to me? We have moved beyond the generation X and are now at generation Y. Y do I need to be at school on time? Y do I have to start at the bottom when I get a new job? Y do I need a diploma?
  13. [on soapbox]That is true but isn't it pretty much that way with everything in life? For most things or endeavors' date=' you get one shot, maybe two at the most. I think it is just a trend that started about 20 years ago where everyone is entitled to everything, no matter the effort or results. There are no consequences to poor performance, underachieving or just not doing what you had a chance to do. First schools wanted to drop grades altogether and just score on attendance. Then schools went to social promotion. No matter if you cannot write your name by the time you are in high school, we don't want you to be away from the friends you grew up with. No need to embarrass little Johnny because he skipped school half the year and didn't do his homework the other half. No need to make the grades or earn the credits to get out of high school, you get to walk with your class even though you did not actually graduate and will never graduate. The French had riots a few months ago because they were going to make a law that you could actually fire someone from a job if he underperformed or didn't show up for work. How crude of the French for expecting people to show up for work. I have a feeling this country isn't far from the same kind of laws that protect jobs no matter what you do or getting a diploma no matter if you attend school. It will just be further eroding of having any accountability for anything or any actions. Sorry, but I do not think that making more playoff spots just so more kids can claim some type of victory is correct. There has to be some incentive for trying hard and for winning. When you make 4 teams from a 6 team district into playoff teams, what does that do to the feelings of the 2 teams at the bottom? If you think Lumberton is catching hell how, what will it be when only 1 or 2 teams are left out of the mix? Why not just do away with earning playoffs altogether. Make it like baseball or basketball in college. The regular season is just prelude to the post season tournament and just used for the seeding in the playoffs. It would only extend the season for another two weeks at the most. Every team goes, that way we won't offend anyone. That way every football player in Texas can claim he was on a playoff team. After all, we don't want to brusie anyone's self esteem. But wait, if you do it for football.........[b'][/off soapbox]
  14. Thinking this is going to really be about Texas high school football is about like thinking Titanic (1997) was a documentary about the actual disaster or that Survivor (CBS) really is about who could survive in the wilderness. This has teen soap opera written all over it. They will show enough football so they can develop the players/jocks but I suspect that is about it.
  15. Either that or he was falling down in shock while looking at that ugly white stripe down the uniform pants.
  16. True but Yankee Stadium is still Yankee Stadium. It is not Babe Ruth Stadium or The House That Ruth Built Stadium. He needs to try another analogy.
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