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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. A couple of co-championships and one where Nederland would have been the loan champion by head-to-head.
  2. I have been looking at those and waiting for someone to give a review. Thanks.
  3. A lot of times when you see them throw back across the field, that is not a designed play. Their primary receiver was covered and the QB is just looking for someone to dump the ball off to. Since much of the flow of the play is with the QB and his blockers to the left, often a receiver or running back will come open on the far side of the field. It is just the way the play turns out as opposed to a play that is designed to for the QB to make a difficult throw.
  4. Then why are you sitting here trying to "legibly" reply to a post?
  5. That is true but Nederland and PN-G are not far away from 5A. I don't think we can compete in that level of play. Then look at WO-S. They can play competitive ball even in 4A but they don't have the numbers to dominate like they can in 3A.
  6. I can understand not being ranked #1 in the state just because a team is undefeated due to strength of schedule, district reputation, etc. That being said, any team that goes into the playoffs undefeated should be in the top 20 no matter of any of the above reasons. It is just too hard to win week after week and claim it is all a fluke.
  7. That is a very good use for a Scaup. If I can think of another one, I will let you know. Then there is always the Smilin' Mallard, also known as the Spoonbill or Shoveler. A heavily seasoned gumbo is about all you can do for that bird.
  8. Dayton left no doubt that they were the best team this year. Great job and good luck in the playoffs.
  9. Reading this and other threads in many forums, there is a lot of that going on. A lot just depends on which side of the field you are viewing it from.
  10. In recent years it seems like LC-M was fighting to stay out of the cellar. This year they were fighting for a playoff spot and were in the race until about 10:30pm on the last day of the season. That is a pretty big change and a step in the right direction. Winning and being competitive is addictive and it brings out more enthusiasm and more students into a program. With their success this year, LC-M will start next season with the real belief that they can play with the best teams in the district and will have a great shot at the playoffs. It was a good season for LC-M as they were literally one play away from a winning record and the playoffs. Good job by Coach Moody and the players and good luck next year.
  11. Maybe Texas wants to give back the championship since it was obvious that Vince Young carried the team. Bring in a backup quarterback and Texas is not even in the game. I think USC needs to be declared the real champs! :shock:
  12. I wonder how many games the Cowboys would have won if they didn't have Emmit Smith. I have personally seem him take control of a game. I guess the Cowboys in the 90's were not really that good because Emmit carried them. It is obvious that Micah Mosley is the star of the team. It is equally obvious that Nederland would have lost a couple of more games without him and not made the playoffs. So what is the point? I wonder how good Central would be if they had to bring a second string quarterback off of the bench. I wonder how good.......
  13. What do you think '88, is Mosley as good as they say?
  14. It's a nice stadium but they spent all their money on the score board and turf and have a stadium that is smaller than Nederland and PN-G stadiums that were built back in the 50's. You would think that for the millions they spent on the stadium, they could have tossed in a couple more thousand seats.
  15. Prettier or can you say $$$$$$$........ female thing I guess.......
  16. To a point, that is correct. A $29 scope from Wal-Mart is not likely to hold up as well as a $300 Leupold or Burris. The high end Leupold's and Burris's (as well as other to brands) for example, carry a lifetime warranty with no questions asked. You do not need to send in the warranty and you do not need the receipt to show you purchased it. Finding a used Leupold Gold Ring on the side of the road is worth just much as a brand new one in the box. Is a $2,000 Swarovski with the exact same warranty better than a $300 Leupold? Not in my opinion. The value of a scope can be important but there comes a point where the price outstrips the warranty and quality. A Swarovski is an awesome scope. Is it worth 3-10 times the price of a Leupold, Burris, Nikon, etc.? You also need to know how and where the warranty work is completed. I think for a cheaper scope, a Simmons seems to hold up pretty good (I use one on one of my deer rifles). Try to get one repaired however. The last time I saw their warranty work was from a guy I work with. He bought a brand new Simmons and it was defective from the factory. It could happen to any brand so he tried to exchange it. It was a no-go. The store said that they would take back anything they sold and any scopes other than the Simmons. The Simmons has a company rule that the store cannot send it back and it has to come from the original purchaser. When my co-worker called the company, they told him that he had to send it to a certain location and they would then ship it to another country to be fixed. The turn around on it was given at about 4 months. I guess you could always have it for the next season. I have seen Leupold's and Burris's sent back to the factory and both were repair free of charge in the USA and had less than a two turn around. Like price, there is a point where the warranty is only as good as the service you get with it. Also, what is the scope being used for? Is it a short range scope (like my Simmons) for up in the woods where your longest shot will only be 50 yards or will you have the potential to make a 200 yarder on occasion? Why waste money on a $600 variable scope when a quality $150 fixed power will work? I like Leupold and Burris when I buy a more expensive scope due to my experience with their warranty. They can be fairly pricey but are worthy it in my opinion but not nearly so expensive as others on the market that will not perform any better. I will use a Simmons or maybe another brand or two with a cheaper scope with the knowlede that if it breaks, i will just toss it and buy another one. I got my current Simmons 1.5x fixed power shotgun scope (although it is on a rifle) online for about $30 driveout. I have used it flawlessly for two years and many shots. If it breaks tomorrow, I will toss it and get another. I have a Vari-X II Leupold 3x9 on one of my longer range rifles. If it breaks, it is going back to Leupold and will likely be returned in less than two weeks. Buy what your budget will allow and with the use of the scope in mind.
  17. It was a few years ago but Nederland had a 99 yard drive in one play with Troy Sumerall taking it to the house.
  18. Up until the early 80's (when we could still kill 10 birds per hunter) I would normally hunt with two other guys and we would limit on opening day in about half an hour. That is 30 birds in 30 minutes. A big difference was, back then we actually had a lot of ducks to choose from, hence the big limits. Even late in the season, we would usually get our limit of 30 birds in about 3 hours. Oh how times have changed.
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