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Posts posted by DCT

  1. On 5/30/2024 at 5:37 PM, Chester86 said:

    The reporter for NBC was smiling (unable to hide) as she read the verdicts.  A certain poster which sports a red bird probably has already popped the champagne.  We’ll never hear the end of this.  It is not funny, it is not humorous, and this is really a travesty.  A porn star and an admitted perjurer as the two main witnesses can help achieve a conviction for a former president who is the current nominee for his party.  I could go on and on - but sadly this is our country’s direction.


  2. On 1/10/2024 at 9:34 AM, Bobcat1 said:

    Trump is only single digits ahead of Haley in NH. 

    I said it previously.  Michelle Obama will put herself in the race if Trump wins GOP.  Once again giving the Democrats the White House.  
    Never Trumpers and Independents will vote Michelle Obama and it would energize the Democrats.  
    I am pulling for Nikki and believe she is our best chance at getting the White House back.  

  3. 13 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Curious:  You feel Trump has too much luggage.  Explain!

    Indictments!  His conduct in and out of office.  I also feel Biden has too much luggage.  This is the Republicans to win hands down if we get behind a DeSantis or Nikki.  Trump refused to even attend 1 debate.  I’ll eat crow if I’m wrong but many have said it including me. If the choices are between Biden and Trump.  Four more years of Harris.   Let that sit in.

  4. On 11/19/2023 at 5:38 PM, DCT said:

     Biden will loose in a land slide if Nikki or Desantis is on the Ballot.  Trump on the ballot will pretty much give Democrats the win.  

    Would not surprise me if Michelle Obama becomes the Democrat nominee.  Trump and Biden have too much luggage. Not looking good.

    Let’s go Nikki!!!

  5.  Biden will loose in a land slide if Nikki or Desantis is on the Ballot.  Trump on the ballot will pretty much give Democrats the win.  

    Would not surprise me if Michelle Obama becomes the Democrat nominee.  Trump and Biden have too much luggage. Not looking good.

  6. I hope this young man stays healthy.  I understand his passion but he goes all in doing the game.  At  (all) times he is very hard on the coaches.  Memorial has turned into a well deserved respected team.  Memorial and PNG has put Southeast Texas on the map.  I know you are a die hard fan but don’t kill the spirit and pride of of these coaches and players.   They all can’t be State Champions like you when you played and or coached.

  7. 5 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    If you look at the big picture, why wouldn’t you vote Trump?  The border crisis, energy independence, the economy, and the state of foreign relations, are far worse under biden.  If you care about America, you sure wouldn’t vote Democrat.  But, I guess there are a lot of snowflakes out there!

    Will you consider other Republican candidates?  If so who?

  8. 2 minutes ago, DCT said:

    I follow up with sex offenders in the County I work in.  I make  sure they are registered, pay their fines and \or restitution.  I do random pop ups at there home to make sure that they reside at the address that they provided to the Sheriff’s Office.  In SC the Sheriff Department is responsible for all sex offenders in the county.  

  9. 10 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    I don’t know how you guys in law enforcement keep it together when you deal with folks like this, looking over evidence that is heartbreaking.  Thank God we have folks that do it but as stated in the movie, it has to tear you apart inside.

    The hardest part is reading the PSI (Pre Sentence Investigation)  very graphic.  Tears your heart out.

  10. 2 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

    These are the same polls that said Hillary would easily win. It's just propaganda from the other side. Like this...

    They're not looking for dirt on DJT anymore. It's all the other candidates that will be accused and drug thru the mud.

    When you throw dirt, your bound to lose ground.

    True statement.

  11. 4 hours ago, Ty Cobb said:

    Thanks for the information and for giving your opinion. I’m trying to decide if I want my 12 year old to see this. Part of me says yes but another part says not yet. 

    I believe you are a great parent.
    I have seen the movie.  I wouldn’t take my 12 yr. old to see this movie to educate her.  The part of you that says not yet in my opinion is a good choice.

  12. 8 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    It doesn’t matter who else is running… Trump is going to win the nomination and get his tail whipped again in 2024 in the general. 

    All that’s left to do is start working on your theories about how them dirty democrats cheated, even though y’all nominate a guy that 70% of female votes hate. 

    I read an article the other day that stated if you had counted only the votes of men in 2020 (no votes cast by women were included), Trump would have collected something like 340 electoral votes to Biden’s <100. 

    What’s happened since? Oh, Trump lost a rape case and then sued his accuser for defamation. Im sure that’s helped his standing with the ladies… couldn’t have hurt, anyways. 

    Here we go. 


    It’s a set up.  Dems are hoping and will make sure Trump is the nominee.  In the end a Democratic White House.
     We can come together and put up a nominee who can beat Biden or we can prepare and start the blame game like we did in the Senate.  If Trump would step aside and indorse a Republican we win hands down by a land slide.  
    Biden would not beat any other other Republican candidate running other than Chris.  

  13. 8 hours ago, Reagan said:

    DeSantis 'no longer that clear alternative' to Trump: Mike Huckabee!  I still think DeSantis, although I like him, is making a mistake running this time around.  

    Tim Scott or Nikki.  Either or both as running mates.   

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