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Boyz N Da Hood

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    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Republicans Fair Tax Act   
    I’m amazed (not really) how working class and poor people continue fighting the ultra poors meanwhile the ultra wealthy and politically connected continue increasing the wealth disparity to record levels. 
    Kicking a single mom of 4 kids (yes, she probably made stupid life decisions) off food stamps is in no way going to improve your own life. 
    You guys have a small town mentality and are completely missing the bigger picture. Almost as if yall need a boogeyman to blame for why you’re still not where you want to financially be in life. 
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    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from thetragichippy in Republicans Fair Tax Act   
    It won't pass obviously but I struggle to see how this helps the working ppl, help me out if yall can
    Try not to do the "whatabouts" cop out
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    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Bobcat1 in Trump Refused to Lose Again   
    Back to the subject at hand - I'm protesting Buna's one point loss against Orangefiled because Buna had a really good practice the ngiht before and I think they should be declared the winner. 
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    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Trump Running in 2024   
    Are you not choking on the “demeaning” accusation?
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    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Jim Crow on Steroids: Fox News Contributor Kicked out of Miami Restaurant for the Crime of Being Black and Conservative!   
    Well, you were wrong. I have a damn thing to say, and I said it.
  8. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to TxFan in Kari Lake   
  9. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Trump Refused to Lose Again   
    Someone big mad they got called out 
  10. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to TxFan in Trump Refused to Lose Again   
    Went back and read the response, did I say no business was affected by covid?
    I'd be a fool to say there weren't any affected 
    Keep working those 2 jobs Twitter dude, I'll keep building mine... if you'd stay off here and Twitter you may be more successful! 
  11. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    I'm as conservative as they come and after the first debate in 2020, I had to really fight with myself as to whether or not I'd just stay home.  
    He doesn't deserve to be the President. 
    Watch the first couple of minutes of this clip from 2007.  See if you can tell what's missing from US Politics today. 
  12. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from SmashMouth in JoeBama Tax Returns Disappear From Campaign Website for Years Hunter Claimed He Lived at Joe’s Delaware Home!   
    If we've learned anything it's presidents do alot of stuff the everyday American would be hung for
  13. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from Reagan in Since JoeBama Inauguration, Anonymous Chinese Donors Poured Millions Into University That Houses His Think Tank!   
    Do you for some reason think if I don't agree with you on things I'm going to defend biden? I'm not understanding this thought process 
    Do I like biden more than the last president? Of course
    Am I going to defend or carry the weight for biden? No
    R controlled house has all the tools they need to investigate biden, he won't be impeached (not enough votes) yeah i know he actually committed crimes unlike the last president 🙄, my opinion he needs to resign over the documents. JMO though 
  14. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    If he wins the nomination, ANY Democrat beats him worse than they did last time.  
    The fact that he's leading in polls this early is not a reason to celebrate... It's a terrible omen.  We already know that the he will drive Dems to vote against him like no other candidate in our history, and if by some chance a different Republican wins the nomination, a huge number of Trump's crybaby election deniers will refuse to vote for the Republican nominee... Either way, Trump's presence in the race assures a Dem President will be elected in 2024. 
    Nobody that voted against Trump has "learned their lesson."  They still hate him and WILL vote against him again.  The only question is who will get their vote-because Trump certainly won't.  
  15. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Big girl in Kari Lake   
    No, baddog is.
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    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from TxFan in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    That place is on point! 
  17. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to TxFan in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    Obviously an articles words
    AG open investigation probably cause the docs were there at his place and not secure.. plus he had no choice due to the raid months before... DUH
    From what I read Obama gave Biden authority to declassify in his executive order! 
    Previous administration appointed special counsel hur going to clear Biden and the meltdown will begin, starting with SETX's #1 Twitter geek, yours truly @unwokeclown
  18. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in Born-Alive Act: Pelosi, Schumer melt down after new bill requires care for babies born during failed abortion   
    All joking aside, that's when I finally changed my stance on the abortion issue from "who cares?" to being pro-life... when the Dem Party Platform in 2012 declared support for a woman's right to abort, "regardless of her ability to pay." I'm strongly opposed to abortion personally, but that's just my belief.  I felt like people should have the right to choose.. unless their "right" to choose means that I have to pay to support that immoral (in my opinion) act... in that case I guess it shouldn't be legal.  
    But, there's enough stupidity to go around.  Righties are talking about prosecuting people for taking abortion pills and outlawing contraception in any form.  It's just too much.  

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up "The platform supports a woman’s right to seek a “safe and legal” abortion, regardless of her ability to pay."
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    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    Not exactly... for most of them it's loyalty to Trump, not even the Party or America.
  20. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from TxFan in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    You of all folks calling someone a liar and crawfishing!
    Proved 3 times yesterday you were a liar... what's trending on Twitter, we have to know
  21. Thanks
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from TxFan in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    Don't waste your time.... it's a lost cause with this bunch
    Blind loyalty to a party is all they know
  22. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to TxFan in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    3 lies? 

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    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from TxFan in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    Ok liar, still no source... your opinion has zero credibility with me! 
    You post one Twitter post (biggest Twitter nerd 🤓 on here) and claim you were being generous about 80% lol... liar!
    You claim one can have classified documents and one can't, yet you can't source it..... liar
    Keep crawfishing 🤡 
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