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Boyz N Da Hood

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    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from CardinalBacker in Republicans don't deserve...   
    I was waiting on someone to pull out the "fall in lockstep" line... lol 
    D's going to have senate, house and presidency... I won't complain too much cause I ain't voting for any of these clowns... the ones that line up with my interests gets no attention
  2. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to SmashMouth in It’s kinda weird…   
    Difference is, your shot was weak. LOL!
  3. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in It’s kinda weird…   
    Here’s the thing. I keep dropping facts on you, and you keep on knee-jerk saying “all lies!” I’ve asked you multiple times to point out whatever I’ve said that is factually wrong…but you can’t.  You might not like the facts, and they might make your eyes sweat a little… but it doesn’t change the fact that they are as true. Heck, deep down inside you might even know that Ol’ CB is right, but you believe Trump isn’t to blame. That, sir, does not turn the truth into a lie. What you should have said was is “that may be true, but I’m giving Trump a pass because…” Not “that’s a lie” when the numbers don’t lie. 
    But for you and everyone that  believes Trump was good for the economy, I’ll give another of my beloved and informative analogies that might help you finally understand. 
    A man handles his Family’s finances.  He makes a decision that life could be better, so he’s like “this is our year!” He stops all contributions to retirement accounts (cuts taxes) then proceeds to book a trip to Disney, buys nice things for the family and maxes out all possible lines of credit…. Now they’re facing bankruptcy.  The kids (y’all) are now arguing “things were so much better when  Dad (Trump, also your Daddy) was in charge! We had nice things!”
    The man set us on a course for ruin with deficit spending, then it accelerated with COVID, then he was such a pig that Biden got elected, and now we’re facing another “anybody but Trump” loss in the November, guaranteeing four more years of nonsense from which we’ll probably never recover. The debt is just insurmountable. We shouldn’t be surprised, either.  Trump has always been a “borrow as much as we can and pray (errrr, hope….not pray. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t do a lot of that) that it all works out” as evidenced by his businesses which have repeatedly bankrupted. 
  4. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to bullets13 in It’s kinda weird…   
    it's a tie.  what's hilarious is the superiority complex both sides have about it.  I honestly can't decide what's worse: the left pretending biden is good, or the right pretending that if Trump doesn't win it's somehow the left's fault more than their own for not picking literally any other candidate, which would've resulted into a cakewalk into the oval office.
  5. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in It’s kinda weird…   
    He’s the thing in a nutshell: I can’t even watch Pornhub in Texas anymore because republicans are so opposed to pornography. 
    But they’re trying to elect a guy who’s on trial for trying to cover up the fact that he was banging a porn star on the side while his wife was carrying their child. 
    Oh, and the wife’s nudes are also available online.
    But the Dems are immoral? Gimme a break. 
  6. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in It’s kinda weird…   
    Yall literally just nominated the same guy who got beat four years ago to run against the guy who handed out the whuppin’ four years ago. That’s textbook “running it back,” bro. 
  7. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to bullets13 in It’s kinda weird…   
    I STRONGLY disagree with this assertion, and you're just making my point for me by trying to say that Biden's corruption is somehow way worse than Trump's with a straight face.  Trump's politics (or at least the politics that suit him) just align with mine significantly more than Biden's.  They're two peas in a pod, but on different sides of the aisle.  I'm sure if I was a diehard conservative all of his issues would seem like minor indiscretions or witch hunts, and if I was a rabid liberal old Sleepy Joe would seem like a strong president who didn't really do much wrong.  But yeah, bless my heart for not swallowing the orange koolaid
  8. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to bullets13 in It’s kinda weird…   
    There's a lot of irony in this post.  You're right, if he was a lefty the liberals wouldn't say a word. But because he's a republican, the righteous right is giving Trump a hard pass on stuff that they've absolutely bombed the left for doing for as long as I've been alive, and are actually feigning indignation about the left criticizing his behavior.  Y'all can hate CB all you want, but he's correct on this one.  the conservative outrage over the left's character assassinations of Trump is hilarious.  Trump is about as immoral and dirty as they come, and it's a real mind bender watching conservative Christians stump so hard for him, especially when Christian values and morality has supposedly been the backbone of the republican party all this time.  And as always, I'll put in my disclaimer that I thought he did a decent job as president and will be voting for him in the election, so nobody throws TDS at me.  
  9. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in It’s kinda weird…   
    That there’s not a single thread on the fact that the Republican nominee is on trial for paying off a porn star with whom he had an affair while the future First Lady was carrying said nominee’s child. 
    I remember back when the dirty, no-good Dems sacked Gary Hart over something similar. Same thing with John Edwards and later Anthony Weiner. 
    But y’all keep pretending God is on your side, lol. 
  10. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Trump Running in 2024   
    Ok. Couldn’t let this one pass.  All the countries listed are countries that Russian interests prefer we and our allies leave alone (to them). Any thoughts, pea brain?
  11. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to TxHoops in LSU Walks Off the Floor Before National Anthem -- Iowa Stands and Wins!   
    Reading comprehension is key.  If you are still lost, I can’t help you.  As a friend of mine once told me, stop arguing basketball (or in this instance, its customs) with people who were picked last in PE…
  12. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from Goldie in March 31 is ‘Transgender Visibility Day’   
    I think with a good Christian American president this country would be much better off! We don't have that and I don't see it coming anytime soon.. we elect 🤡's then defend their every move cause their "my guy" SMH
  13. Thanks
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from bullets13 in RFK Jr. says Biden 'much worse' threat to democracy than Trump   
    The fact that both are a threat should be alarming! 
  14. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from CardinalBacker in March 31 is ‘Transgender Visibility Day’   
    I think with a good Christian American president this country would be much better off! We don't have that and I don't see it coming anytime soon.. we elect 🤡's then defend their every move cause their "my guy" SMH
  15. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from baddog in March 31 is ‘Transgender Visibility Day’   
    I think with a good Christian American president this country would be much better off! We don't have that and I don't see it coming anytime soon.. we elect 🤡's then defend their every move cause their "my guy" SMH
  16. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in March 31 is ‘Transgender Visibility Day’   
    And that’s where I’m strange I guess. In my mind, the grown men who would start a thread blaming the current President for creating an event that originated 12 years before he came into office (and 15 years before today) because it “interferes with OUR holiday” is probably the wussiest thing a “man” would ever do. 
    Let’s be honest… most “conservatives” today are just old-school racists and homophobes. It’s why they get so uptight about crossdressers, black presidents, etc…what’s Joe Biden done wrong? “You mean Joebama? He’s just like that no-good…”
  17. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in March 31 is ‘Transgender Visibility Day’   
    A jury found that he did it. Then Trump lost two subsequent lawsuits for defaming the person that he raped. 
    I guess she just wasn’t very found of being grabbed by her fematalia, huh. 
    Words have comsequences… even when the so-called “Christians” chalk it up as locker room talk. 
    The best part is that if Trump declared Easter Sunday to be transgender appreciation day, every single one of y’all would all be rummaging around in your wives’ closet trying to find something to wear. 
    Kinda like being proud of Trump getting us a vaccine at “Warp Speed,” then refusing to take the thing after Biden/Harris hung it to him in a free and fair election.  
  18. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    We have a minimum age requirement to run, we should have a maximum age as well! We wouldn't even be dealing with these 2  nursing home 🤡's JMO... 
  19. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from CardinalBacker in House Passes Laken Riley Act – 170 America-Hating Democrats Vote Against Bill!!   
    Good question, says alot about both parties.... the obvious better choices get belittled by their own party, it's all a joke
  20. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in House Passes Laken Riley Act – 170 America-Hating Democrats Vote Against Bill!!   
    It was when the Rs decided to get behind a reality tv star/rapist for President.  
  21. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in SCOTUS Rules 9-0 That President Trump Can Appear On Ballot!   
    Actually, what I said was something along the lines of “I still like coming on here and checking scores, so I’m not trying to get banned. But rest assured, I’ll be back to take victory lap in November when trump is not elected.” Or something to that effect. 
    Lucky for y’all, I got bored. 
  22. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in SCOTUS Rules 9-0 That President Trump Can Appear On Ballot!   
    Yeah…. It was republicans. 

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    It makes sense because the suit was to keep Trump out of the primary. 
  23. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in Conservatives vs Liberals!   
    Actually, it's more like choosing which poison you prefer.  
    The problem that MAGA has is this.... the wheels didn't fall off when Biden took office.  In fact, we're in better shape now than at any point in Trump's term.  With the exception of the migrant crisis, of course,... but by an other measure things haven't been bad.  Me?  I'd rather watch some old dude fall around all over the place and get confused about everything than listen to four more years of Trump's nonsense.  
    And most Americans agree with me.  Them Trump flags gonna be at half mast come November. 
  24. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in Conservatives vs Liberals!   
    There aren’t very many conservatives left. You have the liberals, the independents, a very, very small group of conservatives, and then MAGA… the people who worship Trump. 
    Conservatives believe that they know best how to spend their own money and want to keep it. Liberals believe that the solutions to all of our problems can be done with other peoples’ money. MAGA believes in whatever their daddy tells them. 
  25. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Reagan in Trump Running in 2024   
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