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Posts posted by smitty

  1. 5 hours ago, westend1 said:

    It seems Abbott believes that the constitution is a living document.   Who would have thought?

    This is obviously an anti-Abbott and anti-Constitution statement.  But when a liberal talks about the Constitution being a living, breathing document, they are talking about is that it should be constantly changing.  Changing away from the ORIGINAL meaning.  Abbot is talking about using the original meaning/intent, Article 5, to correct abusive and out of control government.  BTW -- you might want to read the 10th Amendment to the Constitution and tell this forum what you see.  We'll be waiting...

    Let me clarify: When I said that liberals think that the Constitution should be constantly changing, I'm talking about they think that it should be interpreted differently based on the present time without going through the legal way of changing the Constitution.

  2. 30 minutes ago, westend1 said:

    CNN, which broadcast the event, said it invited the gun group, but the NRA declined.

    Englebert statement was, "in reality he invited the NRA to submit ONE PRE-SCREENED question with no rebuttal."    Westend -- true or false?

  3. 5 hours ago, Englebert said:

    Obama stated on national TV that "we've invited the NRA to have a debate", when in reality he invited the NRA to submit ONE PRE-SCREENED question with no rebuttal. That is not a "debate" according to anyone's standards. I find it very difficult if not impossible to believe anything this guy says.

    This is consumption for the "Low Information Crowd" that will believe it!  Sad part?  There are those that will believe it and thinks he's serious.!

  4. obama, when insulting law abiding gun owners with the recent executive actions, said,  "We know we can't stop every act of violence, every act of evil in the world. But maybe we could try to stop one act of evil, one act of violence."  Well, when obama was younger, violence wasn't a big concern with him.  As a younger man, obama was associated with a terrorist named bill ayers.  ayers published a six-part book entitled Prairie Fire:The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism.  In this book, ayers states, "We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years."  The organization he is talking about is the "Prairie Fire Organizing Committee."  The "Prairie Fire" name was inspired by Mao Zedong a communist mass murderer.  obama budding up with this anti-capitalist communist wasn't the first time.  obama's teen "mentor" was a fellow named fred marshall davis who was publicly identified as a member of the U.S. Communist Party.  So, one has to wonder when obama became a Born-Again violence hater?  Or -- has the community agitator changed?

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