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Everything posted by Dirty_but_Dazzling

  1. being completely honest my friend. I contacted my "dude" (booky) this morning and bet my house that Shepherd would NOT score half of what Carthage did this past Friday(28).My wife will NOT be a happy camper if I am wrong. BTW,(by the way) ya reckon I should tell her about my wager before Friday or just surprise her with the fat stack of 💸 on Saturday if I win?.? thanks for taking the time to make a positive post about the DAWGS. take care.
  2. LOL! I just noticed the ever so slight change to your username.
  3. Shepherd comes to the DAWG HOUSE as Jasper's homecoming opponent this week. 2 home games 2 wins for the DAWGS thus far. should be one of if not THE closest game Jasper has ever had with the Pirates. A field goal or even a safety could be enough for the DAWGS to get their 3rd "W". Has bad as Jasper has been on the offensive side of the ball I don't see them being held to an astounding 56 yards of offense like Carthage did us.
  4. in search of a site(s) that has true and accurate Box Scores and Team Statistics lines for all levels of UIL football. While the likes of Max Preps & sites like it have vastly improved over the years, full accurate info still seems to be a long way off. Even if it means going by way of "Premium" tell me what ya got. TIA(thanks in advance)
  5. my wife before the season started, asked me " Since Coach's (Barbay) daughter is graduating this year do you think he will retire?" I gotta give my pumpkin rine some credit. She may very well been on point, cause he is coaching like someone just trying to get thru the season and over with. **Disclaimer **: this post is a matter of personal opinion. I have not been told he is retiring or heard that. nor attempting to start that rumor. anywho... To my knowledge we have numerous position coaches on offensive side but no offensive coordinator. Malcolm Bronson is our Defensive Coordinator and doing a great job! Coach has to be the one calling plays for offense and he is terrible at it. this vanilla junior high offensive strategy each week is the worst/weakest in Jasper football modern times. SMH...
  6. yes sir you are correct. Birdwell is the correct name. He replaced Hodges at Hull Daisetta. I stand corrected.
  7. funny you say that fans from teams we have played this season I know on 2 occasions said the exact same thing.
  8. my friend for me personally its not just this game. As matter of fact a couple seasons ago I expressed my thoughts right on this website that Jaspee needed a change in leadership.
  9. Stan Hodges was taking the reigns after Brian Barbay (last year was our OC) retired. He was implementing a new offense (not this disaster you are seeing now). Not long before season started he was hired as HC at Hull Daisetta.
  10. I for fun always like to see what cal preps "project a matchup" has for games. sometimes it's not even close to being close. other times like this game I think it's pretty much spot on. Carthage 31 Jasper 0
  11. some of you are already familiar with what I am about to say. but anywho.... alright then....today is the day. so much I really want to say but I will try to get to the point(s) asap. starting with Jaspers ATROCIOUS offense. Pre season I was looking forward to us having/running a new "multiple set spread" offense as coached called it. Of course it would be a learning experience and would take time getting some kinks worked out as expected. Thus far its the worst/weakest offense to date(including some other down years) Jasper has ever fielded. there are some quality skilled guys but as an unit it just ain't working. Play calling has NOT helped those young men either by any means. ya,gotta at least give the kids a chance and it don't happen. Granted its a different OC this year, but even last year it was the same damn thing with Brian Barbay as OC. Prime example was against yall(by no means am I saying we could or would beat yall no matter what was called) but about mid way of 3rd qtr with the game score not so bad we lined up in what I call a goal line offense and STAYED in it the rest of the game. ###!?! may as well told our young men to go curl up in the fetal position and give up. We have been able to have some time consuming drives in every game(lol against Rusk they only had the ball 15 seconds in 1st qtr) 6,7,or even 8 minute drives have not been un common. very few points but minimizing opponents time to score. Tonight if any possible way to just have drives half the time of those long ones we had is the only way Jasper can keep it respectful. As a whole we are Friday Night young this year. which I hope bodes well in the future as the young men grow and get experience. Defensively we have 3 (most likely will be 4 tonight) sophomores starting. it has been lots of fun watching them come into their own and I look forward to the future with them. As a whole against some good teams I am super proud of the showings they have had. Constantly, being with their backs to the wall due in part to the offensive lack of production those young men have give it hell I tell ya. very much so "bend but not break". LCM came out with a combo punch to start the game and went up 13-0. then that was it. they were held to zero 1st downs the rest of the game. that's impressive no matter who you play. tonight though, I am afraid the advanced offense (which boo hoo yall say has not been ran very well only averaging 38.4 a game) that yall run and more importantly the fact that the Lord of the RINGS is on yalls side line just maybe to overwhelming for our young men.. Not gonna be the 4th and 45s like there was against Rusk. I do understand yalls point about the execution. lol when you win 8 titles in a little over a decade and currently on a 36/37 game win streak defending Champs its natural to expect the standard that has been put in place. in game coaching is non existent with Jasper also. all there is left to do is hope for the best while expecting the worse. wow what a really long short story uh? yall take care and let's hope all the young men involved in the game leave the same way as they started.(no injuries)
  12. I know in the cities they do! but as I said everyone knows our Varsity game is tonight.
  13. the J DAWGS JV team come out on top tonight in a helluva game at the DAWG HOUSE.
  14. against PNG the defense only gave up 7pts. unfortunately the other 7 was literally on the last play of 1st half when Jasper fumbled and PNG scooped and scored. the game was called at beginning of 3rd quarter because of lighting. just saying......
  15. uh? no clue what you mean. hell, I predict a Carthage win. being completely honest the worse loss we have had was the Vidor game. holding them to 0 pts the whole game until the last minute. what reasons do you speak of.
  16. I did not really care for the all black uniforms the DAWGS played in last night. after thinking about it since though if they(uniforms) helped in any kind of way last night I hope Coach has got extra black ones stored away. our next opponent is not exactly what you call a cupcake(Carthage). *I am not implying that any team the DAWGS have or will play are cupcakes.
  17. hold on there fella. leave your emotions over the game somewhere else. never imagined the game would have you so uptight.
  18. the BIG UNS Rusk has on o line were wore out on that last drive they had
  19. Great start to District! way to go DAWGS. it wasn't pretty but hey we will take it. Hard fought game by the Eagles.
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