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Everything posted by Dirty_but_Dazzling

  1. just curious. that night I was upset buy since then only trying to get the pals and Homer's to understand they caught some breaks(to say the least). if a person here in Jasper wanted to join a chapter Beaumont would be the one? Does Lufkin have one?
  2. bout breaking the huddle with 12 players there at the end? the announcer even says it.
  3. the more I thought about it thar could be true. I can see him coming to and "damn check this out. can you believe after the way we did them he text saying good job?" other than that it seems that text from a coach isn't worth going around to show your "pals". if should be the norm, to where you aren't so excited to share.
  4. it was locked because if the bickering(that I let myself get caught up in and the thread topic wasn't being talked about) I have seen they locked for less. next time I will just delete. But the satisfaction of knowing what I was talking about AND them DAWGS coming back from 17 down. Ain't nobody happier than me. 😂 he'll I will LMAO right along with yall but least am 100
  5. yep and the game ended or should have. just like this conversation.
  6. ok let me try thus to help. cause sorry to break it to yall but regardless of what society is doing these days you can't have it both ways. the play SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. just discussed the 10 second runoff. or the correct procedure happens and the clock runs out because Turner was tackled in bounds on third down that started with 9 seconds left. either way another play should NOT HAPPEN.
  7. really the good thing for the Qb they have he was saved from the embarrassing spiking of the ball on 4th down when the decided to add a second to clock. because that what he did
  8. well according to what happened it should have. because the penalty is what kept time from running out. a penalty that causes clock stoppage falls within the guideline of 10 second run off. because the penalty was accepted and yards marked off
  9. I am beating a dead horse but I had to do it. Since yall know the rules so well, you should know that in 2019 this one was added to UIL football. This season, Texas high school football will include the NCAA 10-second runoff provision. Inside the last minute of either half, if there is a foul that stops the clock, such as a false start, defensive offside with contact, illegal forward pass, injury or helmet coming off, the opposing team will have the option of taking the penalty yardage and taking a 10-second runoff. The fouling team can “buy” the time back by taking a timeout. If the offended team declines the penalty yardage, they lose the option of taking the 10-second runoff. If the foul occurs with less than 10-seconds remaining in the half or game, the foul could end the half or game. according to yall the holding penalty stopped the clock so if that actually was true then still no more plays should happen.
  10. the announcers on the stream were wondering how it took place. he even says when the tackle on 3rd down was made " the Mustangs can't stop the clock" the one guy says ," I have never seen this before" even still when 4th the qb spiked the ball but somehow the refs blew whistle to add a second to the clock. AND they broke huddle with to many players. announcer even calls it. know what though them DAWGS STILL WON !! LMAO!
  11. what it is so hard to understand that the play before the no time down was 3rd down it the kid was tackled in bounds so the clock keeps running when that happens. penalty flags don't stop the clock, I get the discussion amongst officials to determine what penalty is but and had it been on defense yes run another play but it wasn't. therefore you dont get another play . no time = game over instead they awarded them a no time down. as it was called by the ref.
  12. clock is stopped and has 9 seconds left. the play begins (the clock starts at that moment) a sweep(run) to the left the players avoids a couple tackles but then is tackled in bounds so the clock continues to run. keep in mind 9 seconds . also offensive holding was called............... yep time runs out so the game ends. really simple concept. nothing else applies. lol GO DAWGS.
  13. I can't speak for games other than ours with the Blue&Silver but at the most critical point of the game one can't help but think that way. " No time down" WHAT?!? 🙄
  14. this is as far as I am gonna entertain your need/want to debate. first I suggest you learn the rules. lastly, why would Blue&Silver fan that was at the game agree with me? anyone that knows the rules can see it. take care.
  15. you and I sit and talked about the end of the game and you know it wasn't handled correctly.
  16. no not exactly the third down play when the player was tackled in bounds(there was also a offensive holding penalty,)the clock never should have stopped hence the no time down that came afterwards. try to validate it all you want it is what is. NO TIME = END OF GAME(unless it's a defensive penalty on the play) NOT give the offense another play. There is no valid argument being a Homer or pals with an official doesn't make it any better
  17. do me favor and get a valid reasonable explanation for the end of the game? Especially the "no time down" no time = end of game
  18. @AggiesAreWein all honesty, my post didn't have anything to do with what CC did or didn't text or his opinion. you talking about what "you saw" well the facts I posted is what I saw in person at the game. anyone that was there, unless they straight up lie will tell exactly the same thing
  19. oh you have access to his personal texts uh?
  20. no he wasn't, go watch the end of the game you will see
  21. not with a coach who is literally given "a no tme down" as the ref called it and rather than try a field goal and play for OT you instead line up 4th down at the sixteen yard line when the defense has been eating you up in the red zone and try whatever it was they tried and qb is sacked. just saying...
  22. even better if the same officials are present (the ones who literally did all they could to give Blue&Silver a win). the play before the "no time down" as ref called they had about 9 seconds on the clock tried running a sweep wide left and the player was tackled in bounds and there was a offensive holding this is the kicker (cause time should have run out) they literally has stopped the clock with 3 seconds. WHY? who knows!!!?! But check this out, the ref then says there is going to be one " no time down" played. What??!!? so they lined up for another play and qb was sacked! if they weren't going to give a win maybe that there was of telling the coach "it's 4th down at the 16 yard line, try a field goal and play for OT"! you can see it for yourself om kjas stream they had.
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