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Everything posted by piratevillain

  1. I was surprised the he was ejected, there's no definition on what targeting or what a catch is these days. Smh
  2. Lindale fumbles, LBJ ball. Announcers think his elbow was down.
  3. Jenkins is starting to find some daylight with runs
  4. Peterson is getting time to throw but looks scared throwing off his back foot.
  5. Lindale comes up huge with a 4th down stop. Take over at their own 23
  6. LBJ is killing themselves with penalties tonight their own worst enemy.
  7. LBJ with a TD run, but it's coming back.
  8. Lindale only has a handful of first downs tonight.👀
  9. Wow!! I missed it, my live feed was a lagging a little bit
  10. Swing pass to Jenkins and he gets stuffed again for a 2 yard loss
  11. #9 for LBJ is stuffing Jenkins tonight.
  12. 370 yards of offense for LBJ in the first half
  13. The LBJ LB supposedly has alot of D1 interest that's keeping Jenkins in check.
  14. Prayers for a quick and speedy recovery.🙏🏼
  15. That's why I don't make predictions. 😂 If I tell you a score prediction, do the total opposite cause I'm horribly inaccurate. I thought FBM was gonna put 50 on PNG and I was dead wrong as well. 🥴
  16. Their band is really good, and HUGE. Very similar to Vidor's band.
  17. Besides a few big plays, their body language isn't there especially for a state semifinals game.
  18. it's the only thing that can save them at this point! 😂 Gotta confuse that LBJ speed on defense somehow.
  19. Halftime. I'm curious what adjustments Lindale makes, cause Jenkins is being held in check. Peterson doesn't have the time to pass, and the QB keepers are NOT working.
  20. Announcers saying it too, Lindale being completely dominated in all phases.
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