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Posts posted by tupac7

  1. MB will not stay. You can say all you want about the new postion, and the money that he will make. Bottom line he has one year left on his contract, so they had to do something or buy him out. PNG is to cheap to buy out the contract, so you reassign the man to a postion and hope he leaves on his own so you don't have to pay him. I am not a png supporter or a mb supporter. I am solely looking at the facts from an outside view. If you take in account everthing that he has done, you basically threw one of your own under the bus, which usually leads to turmoil inside the program.

  2. Coach of the year last year. Helps get a great facility approved. Has a tremendous record. Has coached there 22 years. You fire him during a hurricane season. You guys are pathetic. This man devoted his life to PNG football, and you threw him out with the trash. I can't remember the last time nederland went to the state finals, but i can sure remember the last time PNG did. With all that said, I hope you find what you are looking for........but beware.......this almost always comes back to bite you in the rear.

  3. Livingston has not clinched anything. If they lose to Central( which could happen) they would be 4-2. If Vidor lose to Nedereland that would make them 3-3 going in to the last week with Livingston. If Vidor beat Livingston then Vidor would be 4-3 and Livingston would be 4-3....Vidor would go based on head to head. There are whole lot of other playoff possibilities also. The only one that looks like a lock is Lumberton.

  4. Drove by Vidor today, and saw them in some strange formations. It looked like they were doing the old red river spread from Oklahoma. The line was all the way on one side, and then they had three to four people where the ball was. I was curious, so I stopped and watched for awhile. They kept running this. They have about 15 plays out of this crazy formation. My question is "Have they run this at all this year, or in the past?"  Does anybody know what the heck this is? ??? ???

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