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Posts posted by I❤️BC

  1. i also know several of the board menbers

    making this league work. along with nat, these are some football savey men who knows what it

    takes to make a successful program,some are at high school level sports.

    ...ahem, and women, what am I chopped liver?  LOL  Just kidding, thank you for the nice comments about the STJFL board.

  2. Well I for one know first hand that the STJFL does everything in it's power to let as many kids play as their Bylaws allow.

    My youngest son was given a waiver to play ( they waived the minimum #of plays ). You see he has downs syndrome it was the best

    three years of football I have ever experienced. For that I thank the STJFL!!  8)

    It's so nice to hear a good experience like yours.  We are so glad that you and your son enjoyed the time in the STJFL.

    Thank you!

  3. WOS White junior - 54

    png purple junior - 0

    PNG was beat before the game even started. On a side note...OMG it had to have been the hottest day for junior league football in the history of the world. MISERABLE..Poor kids..couldnt imagine playing in conditions like that...I dont know why they dont schedule more evening games...I guess when a kid falls out with heat stroke they'll take a look at it. No way in heck boys this age should be playing football in this kind of heat. It's actually kind of dangerous if ya ask me. When a kid crashes from a heat related illness..they crash fast and your in trouble. Hope everyone stays well hydrated this summer.

    The heat is VERY unfortunate, but the reason for no evening or night games is most youth fields have no lights.  Now, if some kind-hearted person wants to donate some to each association....that would be great.  I'm just saying is all....lol.  Seriously, we wish the lighted fields were available for that very reason, but they are not.

  4. For anyone who is interested in attending, the STJFL meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month and there is always a time set aside for 'audience questions'.  If anyone has a serious complaint and/or suggestion for the board, I'd honestly suggest you take it to your own association's board first, hash it out, decide what needs to be presented to the STJFL, and then have your associate council or representative (who should be in attendance at all STJFL meetings) present the complaints/suggestions to the STJFL as a unified one presented by your association.  BUT, having said that all are welcome to attend the meetings and listen or speak if you have something to add.

    As for the draft policies, the are indeed set by the STJFL and all associations are required to follow the same policies.

    Good luck to everyone this year!

  5. Wholetdadogsout...I know I may be asking a question that you've previously answered, but have you or your child asked the coach about a shot at the position?  It could be that the coach doesn't realize that your child is interested in the position.  I know you said he wasn't allowed to even try out for it, but I am curious to know if the coach told you or your child that, or he just never gave any other kids the opportunity to try out for that position.  If so...shame on him, he should at least give your son the opportunity to try.

  6. Unfortunatley most of the post on this board did not stay on your topic. That was my point 4 or 5 pages ago. Some people want to bash other opinions and change the subject.

    Are you that Stupid Naturally or do you have to work at it.

    ...guess that makes one more that needs to answer that question. And, by the way, you should end a question with the appropriate punctuation...which is a question mark.  AND yes...that is meant to be a bash, there is no reason to insult anyone's intelligence for having an opinion that may be different than one's own.  I like what Queen B said.....and yes it applies to myself as well, if you can't say something nice...shut the h**l up!

  7. I don't think anyone on here uses kids for their own personal gain and for you to imply that is, well, it shows your ignorance. I would also think that an STJFL board member would refrain from saying anything derogatory about the Lonestar league. Your correct, your opinions are your opinions, but to be in the position your in to even imply a derogatory comment is just not right.

    To each his own

  8. My son wants to play football next year.  Who or where can I get info on the rules and the requirements for him to play? Thanks

    I am an STJFL board member and if you need any info, feel free to get back with me.  What association would you be in?  I can refer you to the right person within those associations.  You actually don't join the STJFL, you join your own association.  Everyone within the STFJL follows the same rules as far as teams, drafting, playing, etc.  Let me know what you are looking for if you still need assistance.

  9. Anyone ever looked at another way to do it so that coaches allow more kids to play in blowouts.  This is instructional and points allowed results in bad decisions regarding playing time in blowouts. 

    There are no 'blow outs', period.  There are rules in place that determine what happens when the game is becoming a blow out, check your rules, and by-laws.  Points allowed is a very fair way to determine the ties, if the game is being won by an overwhelming amount, changing players probably wouldn't change that.  BUT, as I said, it's in the rules/by-laws about pulling players at a certain point, read up on it.

  10. I do not allow my kids to quit anything they have started unless it is for a very good reason. However, I am just about fed up with the youth football program.  I know it is the same with all other youth sports but I have about had enough with "Daddy Ball".  Youth sports is all about teaching the kids how to play the game and the various positions.  All I have seen is the daddy's kids playing quarterback, runningback, and receiver.  Hey, I realize there are 11 positions out there and it takes all of them to make a team and win ballgames.  I am just getting sick and tired of seeing the same kid or kids getting a chance to make the scores.  Also, I am tired of my kid doing the blocking and grunt work so the coaches kids get all the praise and glory.  It's also sickening to see the look on my kid's face after getting reamed for missing a block and causing his kid not to score. I know I should confront the coach on this and I surely will. I just wanted to vent my frustration here and see if anyone else is feeling the way I do.  I realize my kid may not make a good quarterback or runningback but how is he ever going to know unless he gets the chance? I guess I will have to quit or find another job which will allow me to coach so I get to choose where he plays. Also, do not think for one moment these coaches are playing the best kids at these positions.

    I understand your frustration, I'd like to say that these things don't happen, but we all know that they can and do.  BUT, for every coach that favors their child unfairly, there are some truly amazing coaches who are there for the kids.  Also, it truly isn't an STJFL issue, it happens in all leagues, so please don't bash the STJFL for an unfortunate situation that happened involving a coach that the STJFL didn't choose.  Although the STJFL has requirements in place for the coaches of the STJFL, we don't play any part in the choosing of the coaches, you need to discuss this with your association that does choose the coaches.

  11. if you took offense with my post I'm sorry, but it wasn't typed with you attitude of your response. I clearly stated that there where channels of people this was going through,

    (associations), I realize vidor posted theirs because they only have to get the scores from their association and they are posting them on their web site. The snag I was referring to was the one you pointed out about scores being reported wrong or late, you did explain the snag(everyone following the rules). I don't understand your comment about some misinformed soul feeling the need to complain and since I now know that you are the one who list the final scores I will apologize to you for my post, it was not intended to offend you and no I don't want your job. I have coached youth football for over ten years, the last two with stjfl and I have no kids playing, I do this as a volunteer and spend about 10-12 hours a week just to teach other peoples kids how to play football because I enjoy it. I am aware of the hurricane and that BC was devastated, you have my sympathy and praise for getting your association and kids back on the field so quickly, truly amazing considering the damage. I didn't mean to sound petty and I apologize again to you personally.

    Thank you for this post.  I really appreciate the effort you made to apologize and clear up what you said in your previous post.  If I misunderstood your post than I too, apologize. 

  12. I really like the vidor web site, but I can't understand why scores take till tuesday or wednesday to get posted. I do realize that scores have to be called in and there is a channel of people this is going through, but I notice vidor's score's are posted, so I'm pretty sure this is a stjfl snag and not due to vidor not posting them, so this is not a complaint against vidor. I just wish we could speed up the process or elimanate some of the middle men. I also appreciate vidor posting this information on their web site and welcome to stjfl this year, I hope everything works out well for you all this season. 

    YOU would be incorrect.  Have you ever considered that the scores are being reported by MULTIPLE associations and that there are delays in reporting (scores are supposed to be reported by Monday..for those in doubt) and that there are discrepancies in the reported scores that have to be cleared up?  I AM the person who lists the final posted scores and I can assure you that this is the case.  SO, anyone interested in getting them faster needs to find a way to make everyone adhere to the rules about when they need to report the scores and that they'd better all figure out a way to be perfect and never make a mistake.  I take offense to this post considering that many of us are still trying to get our lives back after IKE and some misinformed soul feels the need to complain because on Tuesday, the scores aren't posted.  Do you want the job???  If not, sit down and be quiet or find something to do since you are obviously bored.  This is a place to talk about football, not petty complaints.  Please everyone, let's focus.  There is room for everyone here and on the field from every city and every football league, none of us are perfect, but we are here for the kids!

    P.S. football 04, Vidor's are posted because they only had to put THEIR OWN on the site, not all associations.

  13. Vidor Black JR's   6

    Lumberton White 0

    I see that our PRESIDENT won again. I have a question for any STJFL members.  How or why do you let a league that has stacked teams and stolen uniforms play in your league.  It wasnt until recently that I found out that the league (VJFA) my son played for last year was still in existence.  I would never in a million years have let him play for (VPIFA) if I wasnt lied to by many of the board members here in VPIFA told that they were VJFA that they had just changed the name and that VJFA had been desolved.  I came on here and found posting from VJFA members who are not desolved but very much still in existence.  This organization has lied to me and many other parents and I find that very disturbing.  These are kids and I feel that they are being used as pawns in a delutional mans game.  I can tell you this my son will not be back here next year.  Sorry about the rant but Im just saying a lot of peoples thoughts

    Legitimate questions can't and won't be answered here.  If you had or have legitimate concerns, the time to voice them would've been when Vidor applied to the STJFL for membership.  They have been accepted and all who chose to approach the STJFL were listened to.  Now is not the time to ask these questions, simply because they have a winning weekend.  If there are concerns, please feel free to mail a letter to the STJFL, or better yet, ask for permission to come to the meeting and be scheduled on the agenda during the open floor.  That is the correct way to handle problems.  All associations are in place for this year, but that doesn't mean that any association can't be removed during the next season...and that goes for ALL members of the STJFL, I AM NOT singling out Vidor at all, I am simply stating the facts.

  14. The Mid County Kindness program is a joint effort by the cities of Port

    Neches, Groves, and Nederland to assemble teams of volunteers to assist the

    citizens of Bridge City in their cleanup efforts after Hurricane Ike. On October

    5, 2008, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, the PNGYFA is asking for volunteers to go to

    Bridge City as part of this effort and to show our support for the city of

    Bridge City.

    All volunteers will meet at a designated gathering point and receive masks and

    information packets. We feel that this is a wonderful opportunity to provide

    much needed assistance AND to teach a fantastic life lesson to our own children

    at the same time. All children are welcome and can work at their parents

    discretion. THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE TO DO from tearing out damaged sheet

    rock to helping with lunch and handing out water.

    It is recommended that each person wear long pants and gloves. Recommended tools

    include chainsaws, buckets, wheelbarrows, shovels, and hammers. INSECT REPELLANT

    IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Each family is asked to bring their own drinks and


    Coaches, please urge participation from your team families and let us know how

    many volunteers that you have. The PNGYFA also asks that you proudly wear purple

    as we provide our support for the people of Bridge City. If you have any

    questions, please contact Chris or Chera Latiolais at (409) 962-2009, (409)

    289-2015, or (409) 363-1764. Thank you in advance to all who volunteer in this


    As a Bridge City citizen, I cannot begin to tell you how much your support and help means to all of us and how much we appreciate it.  I'd like to also thank all of the member associations of the STJFL for coming together to help out the kids of both Bridge City and West Orange, some of whom lost lost absolutely everything, including their football gear.  We've had so many offers of help for our kids that it's beyond belief the generosity everyone has shown from the surrounding areas and other associations.

    Thank you and God bless you all!

  15. The new schedule is out. Do not know when it will be posted. Some changes are that BC will not host any games. Some game times have been moved earlier because of darkness and no lights at some fields.

    ;D ;D ;D ;D

    The new schedules are posted, go to www.vpifa.net to see them for the time being.  There is a scrolling banner on the left side of the screen and it reads "notice to the public" and "post hurricane IKE schedule changes".  Hopefully the STJFL site will be up and running in the near future, but for the time being, this is the amended STJFL schedule.  Thanks to the VPIFA for doing this for us!

  16. OK...once and for all, here is the total picture.

    1)the season will be played out as it was going to be originally - the full season you signed up for

    2)playoffs and superbowl WILL remain the same - two rounds of playoffs and 1 superbowl

    3)there will be a round robin tournament for the flag players with seeding determined by season play

    4)there will be NO games on Thanksgiving weekend

    5)there will be no off weekends unless you have a bye - someone mentioned this and there have NEVER

      been weekends off during the season unless your team had a bye and I'm not sure why there should

      be now

    6)the season has NOT been extended - there are no additional games - just the same exact number you

      would've played prior to Ike

    7)You and your child are NOT obligated to play out the season, it is just an option we wanted to give

      the kids of SE Texas to try to get their lives back - most parents were ecstatic about it!

    8)these were decisions we made to try to help the majority - we cannot please everyone, but we do our

      best to keep our eye on the ball and please the KIDS - that is who this is about - if you feel hunting is

      important, by all means go hunting and miss a game or two - that way your child can have the best of

      both worlds.  BUT, if you don't hunt, your games are still available for you to play.

    9)If you have any questions - please feel free to contact me, I AM an STJFL board member and will be

      glad to answer any productive questions, publically or privately. 

    Thanks to all who are trying to get our season back on the road and our lives back together.

  17. Opinions wanted on revised schedules:

    1) play all games, just back season up

    2) play fewer games and finish season on schedule

    I would rather change the dates only on the original schedule. I know we finish much later, but it is much more fair to everyone. I would like the games to start 10/4. 

    What do ya'll think. Meeting is Thursday to discuss.

    Play all games as planned....if Bridge City can get it together to play even missing some children like we are, the other teams can just do without those who feel that hunting takes precedence over football, that way all parties will be happy, the families who do not hunt, and the families who do.

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