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Posts posted by Kville99

  1. i keep hearing all the wos fans saying that they played a horrible game and that is what made it so close.  i want to ask the kville fans, who thought the cats played their best game?  i remember a horribly rocky start, and several poorly pitched balls and handoffs on the cats side of the ball.  i personally dont think kirbyville played on all 8 cylinders tonight (maybe 7).  also curious as to what the wos fans are comparing the play of kville to, it's almost like they have a perfect measuring stick over there as to where every team should be in every classification and up to the day of every week.  is it possible that (and this pertains to every matchup across the nation at every level), when two great teams match up(tradition not a factor), they almost cancel each other out, and maybe the level of play looks lower than expected.  just the opposite would apply to this rule as well( not in this case), two poorly coached teams with very little talent making each other look extremely good.

  2. what good does it do to blame the refs or call names?  both teams had some calls that were perhaps on the shady side.  it is high school football.  my only concern is whether or not the cats are going to get the respect i and many other cat fans feel they deserve?  i understand some people on this site take things a little to personal and the cheater remark was probably extremely biased.  yeah wos had a bunch of penalties but kirbyville had a fair amount of penalties too if you reall think about it and some of theirs was just a dumb.

  3. controlling the ball is not that easily taught.  with the right technique most pitchers that throw in the upper 80's in high school can be taught to throw in the 90's.  IF the pitcher can't control his emotions and body language to his teammates in moments of frustration then he is rendered useless in most cases.  I have seen many pitchers with the ability to be very good if not great fall apart because they let a team get under their skin.  I played for kville in spring 99 and we had 3 guys throwing in the upper 80's and without the right mindset we as a team couldn't beat a dead horse.  the most important thing to me was being able to have the abilities to make a batter guess at what was coming, being more confident than he was, and keeping the ball low.  by doing so i managed to reach 100K's that year, not to terribly far behind the guys named like Josh Girdley and Dan Fletcher who in this forum have been named great.  point being, there isn't much difference between good and great.  it's how you use your talents.

  4. Ive sat back and watched alot of anahuac fans say that they have all this 4.3 and 4.4 speed.  that's hilarios, i guess every player on their team is going DI college. I guess we should get rid of Colt McCoy and the rest of the Horns along with Graham Harrell and the Red Raiders and let anahuac play for them.  One of ya'll even threw in there that only a couple of ya'lls guys are over 200lbs.  Let us introduce ya'll to #32 HB and DB, committed to Rice and yeah he is over 200lbs and runs a 4.4 or so in the 40.  I guarantee you that there is no way in you know where that ya'll are bigger, faster, stronger than Newton, Jasper, Diboll, or CC.  Maybe Center or Crockett who we showed the door to, but I doubt ya'll are their size based on what info. i've gathered from previous statements.  And #32 is just getting you warmed up for the other RB's.  And when you "think" that you have caught on to the running game look to the skies because the bombs will start dropping on ya like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

  5. hey beesting,  if the slot t is working so good ,  where are yall playing this week????

    hmm were are you playing?????

    HAHAHAHA!! Buna Tradition.. Are you serious? Since the drop from 3A to 2A they havent been playing anyone good. They dont stand a chance against teams like Newton or Kirbyville they just dont have the athletes. Face it they should stick to baseball where there considered decent an leave the football alone...  ;D

    Hey lets leave baseball out of this since no one on here is affiliated with a team that can beat Buna. 

    Bucof2010....loud mouth kid...you are dismissed son.

    Whsalum....inferior gene got you posting. Stick to golf its the only thing your good at.  Dismissed son

    WOS92 ... I beat you every year even when you where #1 and we were two 20-14...dismissed son

    Kville 99... Where was Kirbyville without Alvarez...he's a great coach and the reason Kirbyville is doing well...Ya’ll had a few run but nothing like Alvarez has given y’all.  Morgan is just as important as him to Buna.  Quit living in the past your high school days are over. And you probably sucked...dismissed son

    Nike 09... Come on, decent... Decent is Kirbyville, Buna is next level.. Buna has gotten better in football and baseball. You need think before you post you will sound smarter if you don't post...dismissed son.

    BCoogs... Sorry for the misspelling errors. 

    I'd rather be a loud mouth kid with somthing decent to say than a loud mouth idiot. Dismissed son.

    Hey Vballer 2010 were at LCM gonna show anahuac the way home

    And littlesting for your information a coach does make all the difference and yea i might not have been great a football but i bet youd think twice about coming my way.  baseball was my forte and buna couldn't handle this man on the hill in baseball in '99.  

  6. As if Obama hasn't been scripted the whole time?  He wouldn't be able to give a good locker room speech because of all the "umm umm umm well hold on i got to think of the next line" stuff he does and speaking of being thrown a curve,

    i think palin would be a better announcer than coach.  she's like the john madden of presidential candidates.  she and john share many qualities:

    A) completely unattractive

    B) completely annoying

    C) completely incompetent

    D) they both avoid questions that they don't know the answer to by going off on seemingly unrelated tangents

    E) even the experts question keeping them around

    I would say that about Obama

    you'd at least be wrong about D and E.  the others are opinions, so you'd be entitled to them. 

    As you are wrong on D and E. 

    False.  I've personally seen interviews where questions that Palin should be prepared for were stumbled over and fumbled and the subject was eventually changed when she showed she didn't have an answer.  these screwups were well-documented by various news sources, and even parodied on Saturday Night Live.  she was better prepared for those questions in later interviews, with the generic stock answers scripted for her by the campaign.

    On top of that, several REPUBLICANS have questioned McCain's choice of Palin, and as more and more controversy surrounds her, several well-known and influential conservatives have either criticized mccain's choice, asked for her to step down, or decided to move their vote to the left due to concerns about her.  no matter who you vote for, that's not opinion, as it has actually happened. 

    how did he handle the Joe W. "the plumber" thing.  I tell you what superstar, you sit the the bench and keep the waterboys spot warm because Obama is gonna spread your playing time around
  7. Now that proves the whole point of the saying "It's better to keep your mouth shut and let prople think your an idiot than open your mouth and prove it!" Well said village idiot. To think that the school board falsified documents to drop a class just proves how far people will go to have an excuse.  If that was the case i guess we could have complained the last few years about WOS, Silsbee, Jasper, Hardin Jefferson, and Bridge City all coming down to what became one heck of a 3A district.  Didn't hear of it.  I hope you don't have the opportunity to become the village leader, or much less, get the opportunity to populate the world anymore.

    I would expect a little more class from Kville fans....your favorited to win state this year and all you are doing is bashing San Augustine.  Talking about next weeks game already!!  So all of what you just said is BS.... because everyone from Kville is doing the same thing.

    That Arp team must be better than Kirbyville... because in the poll that counts thats Cats are right behind them... that has to suck dont it?  The whole point is... I know SA will lose.  Those boys play hard and wont let you push them over... unless they dont want it.  Doesnt matter the outcome of this match.... just when Newton beats your next week. Getting to see the  Kville Loss to Arp in the Playoffs would be better!

    Sucks for the teams that really should be 2A... when some lame school board ships a few kids off just to win state in a smaller class lol.

  8. Has the SA idiot realized how many points the VILLE has put up and given in the past 5 games?  The score is 239-26 K-Ville.  I'd also like to mention that in the games against their so called rivals mmmhmmm, Kirbyville ran a qb sneak almost the whole 4th quarter against Hemphill with he second string and against Shelbyville, well it was mercy then Kats had on the dragons because there is no doubt in anyones mind that they could have rolled the board in that one.  And, should I mention that Diboll, remember them?  Well, they have been geting some votes in the 3A polls.  By the way, besides Arp, who has SA played?  UMMMM, no one!!!!!  i hope you bring some of your trick-or-treat candy in the little orange pumpkin, you'll need it.  it might go down better than popcorn.

  9. If the rules are amended to add that students must follow dress codes at all events pertaining to school, why don't we make it where everyone attending the game has to go by the same codes.  then we need to send home a handbook to every citizen that might participate or attend an event.  to extend this, why don't we extend the rule to every county in every state, in every country.  Why don't we turn this contry of democracy into a dictatorship, where is Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, or maybe even Jugo Chavez when you need them?  I agree with rules if they are made clear and visible for everyone to see, but to make it up as you go is crazy!  A parent or legal guardian IMO is the only one to have that right and it should only pertain to their child, unless it could directly lead to a child being injured.

  10. Oh my TVC,  Looks like I might not have been as un educated as you believe, looks to me that more people see it as I stated, challenge the authority with checks and balances, and what better time to do it than the here and now.  And I do believe that the only way to keep the students out of the game, if they were poperly dressed as the "administration" believes, would be a restraining order without discriminating or showing prejudice towards these students.

  11. I guess if we follow te rules all the time the world would be perfect.  If we listen to the government without questioning their actions where would we be?  If Einstein listened to his mentors all the time, he wouldn't have thought outside the box.  If we listened to our employers all the time we wouldn't improve on the job we do.  remember what your parents used to ask, "if your friends jumped off the bridge, would you?" ?  If it would have been an adult that would have done this, what would have been the consequences?  Would anything have been said at all?  And by the way, if I pay for a ticket, it better be a law or written rule somewhere before they confront me about it.  I guarantee I would not have gone along with what was demanded of me without it?  And without a restraining order, how can she keep them out of the game, legally?  Wouldn't that be discrimination?  If they show up to the game fully clothed as the principal believes it to be, I would believe there would be no further reason for the exclusion of these students.  I have never seen a sign at any sporting event that says "NO Shirt, NO Shoes, NO Service!"  Way to go kids!!!!!  Just because they are in charge doesn't mean they are right!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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